Dear St. Teresa parishioners, It is with great joy that I begin my appointment as pastor of St. Teresa. I have already been graciously welcomed into the parish two years ago when I was assigned as a priest in residence. St. Teresa is a wonderful parish family with deep faith, devotion, and charity. I look forward to working with all …
June 17, 2022: Weekend Update
Dear St. Teresa Parishioners, The Corpus Christi Procession is this Sunday following the 8am Mass. Please see the red announcement below for details. There were two inserts for last week’s printed bulletin; I’ve attached them to this week’s e-mail. If you haven’t yet had a beer with Bishop Conley—or if you have and are hoping to repeat the experience—I heard …
June 9, 2022: Weekend Update
Dear St. Teresa Parishioners, Summertime is upon us—just 12 days til it’s official! The parish is abuzz with activity: Totus Tuus, weddings, funerals, baptisms, construction, and activities. What stands out to me this week is the need for Eucharistic Adorers. We have eight slots (holy hours) open. Consider committing to an hour this summer; the commitment could end August 15th. …