Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners, There are messages of good news, messages of change, and messages for information and updates. Be sure to review them so you’re up to speed. There are a few new links to bring to your attention: One for CSA Volunteers, one for Summertime Post-Mass Hosting, and another for the Altar Society’s Mary Garden activity. God bless …
April 23, 2021: Weekend Update
Thanks for taking time to read through these announcements. Please take a minute to look at the e-mail that was sent a few minutes earlier than this, if you haven’t yet had the chance. Remember to pray for all of the adorable second graders who are making their First Holy Communion on Saturday! Here’s hoping you have a beautiful restful …
April 23, 2021: Are You Plugged In?
Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners, We ask you to join our efforts to build and strengthen community at St. Teresa parish. “Are You Plugged In?” Let’s help one another! MAY 2nd Food Truck Kick-Off: Bean Box Coffee Trailer The food truck will be at St. T’s from 8:45-11:45 with coffee and pastries will be available for purchase. Let’s reconnect as a parish family! What is this? As …
April 21, 2021: Traveling Fatima Statue | Legion of Mary
Hello, Saint Teresa Parishioners, The Legion of Mary has a Traveling Fatima statue. THIS LINK takes you to a Sign Up Genius page where you can request the Legion to deliver the statue to your home in one week increments. Contact Andre Aman at 402-770-2434 or at with questions. Thank you!
April 16, 2021: Weekend Report
Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners, Please take the time to look through the announcements and attachments, and make sure you have an AWESOME weekend. God bless you! :: Handy Links: Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up : New series began on April 5th (through May 23rd) Parish Website Parish Facebook Page Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House Schedule Attachments: April 18th Bulletin Bulletin …
April 9, 2021: Bulletin & Announcements
Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners, He is Risen! Alleluia! Please take the time to look through the announcements and take note of the “Handy Links” section which is first up, for your convenience. God bless you! :: Handy Links: Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up : New series began on April 5th (through May 23rd) Parish Website Parish Facebook Page Our Lady of Good …
April 9, 2021: Eucharistic Adoration
Happy Easter! He is risen, alleluia! Perhaps a joyful way to celebrate the Easter season is to spend an hour with our risen Lord. We have the following spots open for Eucharistic adoration. The next session runs through May 23. Sundays 2-3 Mondays 9-10 and 11-12 Tuesdays 9-10 Wednesdays 9-10 Fridays 10-11 Thank you to all those who make …
April 1, 2021: HW, Easter Announcements & Bulletin
Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners, Peace be with you! This is a week filled with sorrow, solemnity … and then joy! “I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said.” Oh, do we long to hear those words uttered by the angel at His tomb. Make the best …