Dear St. Teresa Parishioners, This weekend, remember to attend the Walk for Life on Saturday. Then Sunday is the kickoff for Catholic Schools Week. Next weekend is packed with activity too: Scouts Pancake Feed, parishioner meetings, Christmas Clean-up, and other things. Take the time to look through the announcements—there is a lot to share this weekend. God bless, AP :: …
January 21, 2022: Weekend Update
Dear St. Teresa Parishioners, Thanks for taking the time to look over the announcements. It’s been a quiet week, but there are a handful of things that are new. 🙂 God bless, AP :: Handy Links: Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up St. Monica Prayer Sign-up Parish Website Parish Facebook Page Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House Attachments: January 23 Bulletin …
January 14, 2022: Weekend Update
Dear St. Teresa Parishioners, Hope you enjoy Mother Nature’s weekend shenanigans. It seems she’s decided that false-spring is over (or was this final-autumn?) and we’re back to a proper and respectable winter. Nebraska always keeps us on our toes, doesn’t it? It’ll be nice to have snow overnight and enjoy its bright beauty on a Saturday. The days are getting …