Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners, Thanks for taking the time to look over the announcements. Please pay particular attention to information and requests for help with the Bazaar (it’s in red). There’s a gorgeous insert in this week’s printed bulletin made to be shared with family and friends. Donations are still being accepted for the school’s Walk the Little Way fundraiser, …
October 22, 2021: Weekend Report
Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners, TGIF—Thank goodness it’s Friday! Autumn is fully here; who can believe it’s almost November? After an extended absence due to intolerably warm weather, chili & cinnamon rolls are back on the menu. And it’s almost time to begin using our indoor fireplaces again! First Up & Last Call: Walk the Little Way is October 28th, so …
October 8, 2021: Weekend Report
Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners, Thanks for taking the time to look through the announcements and attachments. God bless you. :: Handy Links: Acolyte Sign-up Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up Parish Website Attachments: October 10 Bulletin Bulletin Advertisers SCRIP Flyer SCRIP Order Form :: CURRENT, NEW, & UPDATED PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS :: If you’re making a visit at church and someone asks you …
October 2, 2021: Weekend Report
Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners, We are all encouraged to attend Sunday’s Parish Picnic. Location is a little different this year: we’ll be on the school playground/parking lot (though we plan to return to our “block party” style in coming years). Men’s Club will provide hot dogs and hamburgers. Bring table settings for your family and a dessert or salad to …