Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners, Independence Day is just around the corner! Our parish will offer another Eucharistic Holy Hour for Our Country this year on Thursday, July 1st at 7pm. Please save the date on your calendar to come and fill the Church with prayers for our nation. Please remember Father Hottovy in your prayers this week as he spends …
June 18, 2021: Weekend Report
Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners, Welcome to Summer where the days are wonderfully long, the weather is more temperamental than the McDonald’s shake machine, and the air conditioning in the church is turned down such that a holy hour with the Lord becomes a cool oasis in the middle of a hot day (hint, hint!). Thanks for taking the time to …
June 17, 2021: Eucharistic Adoration Update & Sign-Up
Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners, Thank you to those who help make Eucharistic adoration possible at St. Teresa’s! We have some slots to fill, and we could definitely use more subs to help out with summer hours! One of our adorers said, “I started this year. I didn’t think I would have time. Now it’s my favorite time of the …
June 11, 2021: Bulletin & Weekend Report
Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners, Thanks for reading through all the things. There’s always more information in the e-mail than there is in the printed bulletin. Have a great weekend! :: Handy Links: Totus Tuus Volunteer Sign-up Summertime Hosting Sign-up (Are You Plugged In) Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up : New series runs May 24-July 3 Parish Website THRIVE Website Parish Facebook Page …
June 4, 2021: Bulletin & Corpus Christi & Other
Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners, Please take time to go through the announcements—especially instructions for the Corpus Christi Procession which is THIS WEEKEND after the 8am Mass. Have a great weekend! :: Handy Links: Totus Tuus Volunteer Sign-up Summertime Hosting Sign-up (Are You Plugged In) Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up : New series runs May 24-July 3 Parish Website THRIVE Website Parish Facebook …
June 2, 2021: Eucharistic Adoration Sign-Up
Hello, Saint Teresa Parishioners, We are in need of Adorers to be with Our Lord during hours of exposition, which are Sundays 1-9, Monday-Friday 9-9, and Saturdays 9-4. There are currently 9 Holy Hours which need to be filled. Because it is summer and people often travel during summer, we need extra holy hour subs, too! Please consider taking an …
June 2, 2021: Totus Tuus
Dear St. Teresa Parishioners, The Totus Tuus (TT) Team arrives on Saturday, June 12th. High School TT begins the evening of Sunday the 13th, then the elementary schoolers (Grades 1-8) begin Monday the 14th. High School TT is Sunday the 13th through Thursday the 17th from 8-10pm Elementary TT is Monday June 14th through Friday June 18th from 9am-3pm In …