Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners,
Peace be with you! This is a week filled with sorrow, solemnity … and then joy! “I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said.” Oh, do we long to hear those words uttered by the angel at His tomb.
Make the best of your Holy Week by participating in traditions and Liturgies:
- 7pm: Mass of the Lord’s Supper
- Confessions will be heard after Mass
- Night Watch: Following the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Our Lord will be in the Tabernacle until Midnight. Come to pray an hour in the garden!
- 8:15am: Tenebrae
- 11:30am: Chaplet of Divine Mercy (sung)
- Noon: Stations of the Cross
- 7pm: (Liturgy) The Passion of Our Lord and Veneration of the Cross
- Confessions will be heard after Stations and after the Passion Liturgy
- 8:15am: Tenebrae
- 11am-Noon: Confessions
- 8:30pm: Easter Vigil Mass
- Masses are at 8am, 10am, and Noon
- There will be NO Eucharistic Exposition until Monday at 9am.
- These things will be live-streamed: The 7pm Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper, the 7pm Friday Passion of Our Lord and Veneration of the Cross, 8:30pm Saturday Easter Vigil Mass, and Sunday’s 8am Mass.
- The Parish Office will be closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday
- Please do NOT take Missalettes from the church—they are to remain in the pews.
Handy Links:
- Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up : New series begins on April 5th—Easter Monday!
- Parish Website
- Parish Facebook Page
- Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House Schedule
Congratulations to the young men and women of our school who were confirmed by Bishop James D. Conley on March 27, 2021: Elanor Francis Andres, Natalie Rita Bentz, Easton Nicholas Bernt, Anastasia Teresa Benedicta Brox, Keegan Michael Carter, Anne Rose of Lima Cisneros, Louis Padre Pio Clark, Jason Gerard Majella Coffey, Noah Francis de Sales Cordry, Elijah Carlo Acutis Dank, Jimmy Philip Neri Dinh, Catherine Bernadette Friesen, Analiese Cecilia Jefferson, Alana Teresa Benedicta of the Cross Johnson, Cheyenne Maximilian Kolbe Klabenes, Nora Lucy Knievel, Peregrine Joseph Cafasso Kruse, Gael Maximilian Kolbe Lucero, Ivan Juan Diego Marcial Bravo, Kevin Michael Marcial Bravo, Joy Julie Billart Morin, Tessa Perpetua Nelson, Kaylyn Therese Ngo, Ngoc Mother Mary Nguyen, Sofie Joan of Arc Owens, Elanor Agnes of Rome Pfeiffer, Maria Agnes Potter, Hannah Dymphna Rajewski, Madeline Agnes Schinstock, Braxton Padre Pio Schmid, Anthony, John Paul II Seger, Aidan Francis Xavier Shasserre, Winnie Mother Mary Shousha Wappi, Landon Gabriel Passenti Stewart, Luke Miguel Pro Stratman, Lennon Miguel Pro Stroup, Estrella Maria Goretti Torres Robles, Huyen Catherine of Siena Tran, Clare Joan of Arc Vacek, Samuel Pius V Voboril, Lillie Bernadette Whyman
Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit!
Thank you to all who worked so hard to make our parish and grounds beautiful in anticipation of Easter. Men’s Club, Cub Scouts, and other volunteers cleaned up the grounds. Several crews of volunteers deep-cleaned the interior of the church. The care and attention to detail is evident all over our campus.
Many thanks to the servers, acolytes, lectors, ushers, choirs, musicians, those who arranged flowers, palms, and candles, cleaned, and all who contributed to the beauty of the parish and liturgy in order to make our Holy Week and Easter beautiful.
Grand Group
Please join us for a very special event: our annual tea party! This year it will be a brunch served at 11:00 on Fri, April 16, at the KC Hall. RSVP to Phyllis at 402-488-9177 by Monday, April 12th. Come and enjoy good food and time spent with good friends.
The school has need for recycled paper—one side clear, paper is flat and clean—to make one-sided worksheets. 402-477-3358
Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesday March 31st was the last day of Eucharistic Adoration with exposition. The next session will run April 5th through May 23rd. If you wish to keep your holy hour, you don’t need to do anything. If you need to cancel or switch to an different open-slot, please do that by March 30th. If you need help to do that, you are welcome to contact the parish office.
The annual Easter Egg Hunt will NOT take place this year due to health concerns. We look forward to seeing you there next year!
Special Collections
- Holy Thursday’s collection is for Catholic Social Services (not the Rice Bowl, as in past years).
- Good Friday’s collection is for the Holy Land—to preserve the Holy places where the mysteries of Christ’s life on earth are constantly commemorated.
Divine Mercy Novena and Chaplet
- The Novena of Divine Mercy begins on Good Friday. Pamphlets and prayer cards with instructions have been placed at the exits of the church and can easily be found online.
- Join us for a Divine Mercy Eucharistic Holy Hour on Sunday April 11th from 2:30-3:30pm. We will have Eucharistic Adoration, chanting of the Chaplet, prayers, confession, and veneration of the Divine Mercy Image. Note: it won’t be possible for everyone’s confession to be heard during the Holy Hour. Your Easter confession suffices for obtaining the Divine Mercy Indulgence.
Year of St. Joseph
- Make an Easter Pilgrimage with Saint Joseph! It is tradition to make a pilgrimage on Easter Monday, but we’re not limited to that day! Guide-pamphlets are available at the exits.
- Nine Days With Saint Joseph booklets, from Magnificat, will be available at the exits of the church beginning Saturday.
Seminarian of the Week: Scott Nemec is the son of Mark and Beth Nemec of St. Vincent de Paul in Seward and St. Wenceslaus in Bee. He is studying Theology 2 at Mt. St. Mary Seminary. Remember to pray for Scott and for his formation.
The Pink Sisters Need Our Help!
Saturday, April 17th at 9am
Outdoor Workday & Grounds Cleaning
The Sisters will do the heavy lifting (by praying in the chapel) so that we are free to do the light work of leaf raking, minor bush and branch trimming, mulching, and general cleanup of the convent and chapel grounds.
Please bring shovels, wheelbarrows, rakes, chain saws, clippers, and other tools.
With questions, contact Dan or Cheryl Wesolowski at 402-488-8249
Home for Sale: 3440 Laura Ave. Text Norah for details: 402-416-5850
:: REPEAT PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS (for your convenience) ::
Changes in seating at Mass: Over the past few months, we have seen a gradual but steady increase in our weekend Mass attendance. In order to accommodate greater numbers of people, we will open up all pews in the front half of the church (not including the side chapels). In the back half of the church, people will continue to be seated in every-other-pew. Thank you for your cooperation and patience as we work to reduce restrictions.
Join us for a new 4-week parish study led by Fr. Hottovy on Lectio: The Case for Jesus. ßThat’s a hyperlink
Do you follow Jesus ‘on the way’?Can we trust the Gospels? Do we really know who wrote them? Do the Gospels communicate truth – or fabricated fables? Who is Jesus? Who did Jesus claim to be? Join Dr. Brant Pitre as he draws evidence from both early Christian and non-Christian writings attesting to the authenticity, authorship, and dating of the Gospels, and as he gives an in-depth look at the Gospel accounts of Jesus’s Crucifixion, Resurrection, and the proclamation of Christ’s divinity.Dr. Pitre’s powerful presentation will strengthen your faith so that you can not only stand firm and profess that Jesus truly is “the Christ, the Son of the living God,” but also confidently respond to any skeptics you encounter.
The first class will be on Tuesday, April 13th at 7 pm in the church. It will also be live-streamed. Please watch the first two sessions before our first class and write down and questions or insights you have from these. If you need help getting into for these sessions, please contact the office for help.
Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesday March 31st is the last day of Eucharistic Adoration with exposition. The next session will run April 5th through May 23rd. If you wish to keep your holy hour, you don’t need to do anything. If you need to cancel or switch to an different open-slot, please do that by march 30th. If you need help to do that, you are welcome to contact the parish office. You may use THIS LINKto go to the sign-up.
The Parish Office will be closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday.
Regular Office Hours are 9-4, M-F
Men’s Club Golf League
St. Teresa Men's Club is sponsoring a Golf League for all men of the parish. We play at Holmes Golf Course on Monday evenings. Please contact Dale Theisen (402-430-0973) for more information or a Registration Form. Deadline is April 8th.
Summer-themed Catholic Math Booklets:
Visit for information on Catholic Summer Math Booklets that include 10 summer-themed activities designed to do just once a week. In addition to the 10 themes, the Thumb-ertime Flashcard page motivates daily flashcard use. Check out the website to view the themes, activities, and concepts. Fight summer brain-drain, but let summer be summer.
Ushers are greatly needed! Ushers have an important role in our parish. They stand watch during Mass to provide security. They are the concierges of our parish, welcoming all of us, making visitors comfortable, and helping to find what is needed. The more visible things they do are helping to seat people—especially important now in a time of social distancing—and helping with collection, offertory, and streamlining our exit at the end of Mass. We need more Ushers! Many of our dedicated men have retired. To volunteer, please contact Will Varicak at 402-416-1070.
Let your voice he heard on this important issue! As you’ve likely seen in the news, the Nebraska Department of Education released a draft of Health Standards that includes material that promotes a false understanding of God’s design for marriage and human sexuality. The standards also raise concerns about respect for the role of parents as the primary educator. Stay informed by joining the Nebraska Catholic Conference Network at
Please see the attachment for details and visit THIS WEBSITE (Nebraska Catholic Conference)
Envelopes for donations to Catholic Social Services are at the exits. These replace the past-tradition of Rice Bowls for Lenten Almsgiving.
It is time to (informally) reintroduce Altar Servers to our Masses. We have not yet drawn up a schedule nor have we trained last year’s boys and we don’t yet have plans for training this year’s boys. But if you have boys or young men who are altar servers, please encourage them to volunteer at whichever Mass you attend. We will keep you posted on this. HOLY WEEK NOTES FOR ALTAR SERVERS: Those boys who wish to serve at Holy Week Liturgies should try to attend one of the practices. Thursday’s practice is at 2pm. Friday’s practice is at 2pm. Saturday’s practice is at 1pm. Altar Servers who wish to serve at Easter Sunday Masses will not need to practice. They may report to the Sacristy before Mass if they would like to serve Easter Sunday Mass(es).
Altar Society Prayer Line
An Altar Society Prayer Line has been established to lift up our prayers to God as a parish community. Leva Orationes Deo is Latin for lift up prayers to God. Requests can be made by e-mailing or by calling (the first caller on the list) Mary Pat McBride at 402-314-1296. All intentions will be sent by e-mail to the Altar Society e-mail list. If you want to participate in the phone prayer line, please contact Mary Pat.
STAGE Auditions for It’s Elementary My Dear: Use THIS LINK to go to the sign-up genius for instructions.
CK Sisters Outdoor Spring Workday – Sat., May 1, 1:30-4:30 p.m. We will be mulching, planting our vegetable garden and cutting trees. Helpful items to bring include wheelbarrows, shovels, gloves, pruning/lopping shears, hoes, pickups and chainsaws. Please bring masks for work in proximity to others. Children are also welcome! Mark your calendars now and contact Sister Mary Angela at if you would like to come and help. Villa Regina Motherhouse, 4100 SW 56th St., about 2 miles west and south of Pioneers Park. (Walk-ins also welcome.)
Catholic Women’s Golf League
Looking to join a fun, social women’s golf league on Wednesday’s evenings. Shot Gun staring at 5:00 p.m at NuMark Golf Course. Beginning May 5th– August 11th. With two fun social events! Teams of 2-4 players are encouraged. Subs are welcome. Please contact Linda Storz at 402-432-7381 or via email at by April 13th if you are interested in joining a team!
‘Come Alive’ Seminar Coming to Cathedral of the Risen Christ
This seven week seminar will provide profound encounters with the Holy Spirit. The seminar will take place on Monday evenings from April 12 through May 24, from 6:30-8:30PM. Each night will consist of praise and worship, talks from guest speakers, small group discussions, and intercessory prayer. Registration for Come Alive, and more information regarding the seminar, can be found online at or by visiting the Cathedral parish office. The seven week seminar will cost $50.
Join us on APRIL 11TH from 2:30-4:00pm at St. Peter Church, 4500 Duxhall Drive for a Eucharistic Holy Hour with homilist Fr. Clark. Come pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, venerate the Divine Mercy Image, Confession will be available and Benediction. “Do not be absorbed in your misery – you are still too weak to speak of it – but, rather, gaze on My heart filled with Goodness, and be imbued with My Sentiments.” (Diary of St Faustina, 1486)
Stations of the Cross on Good Friday: Bishop Conley will be leading the Stations of the Cross at NOON on Good Friday in front of Planned Parenthood. All are invited to join this special Pro Life Stations of the Cross.
From The Cloisters on the Platte:
Located at The Cloisters on the Platte, the Stations of the Cross is a 2,500 foot long walking tour with audio meditations, comprised of 14 sculpture stations that represent Christ’s trial through his burial.
The Stations of the Cross reopened for the season on Mon, Mar 15th, 2021.
- Monday-Wednesday: 9am to 4pm
Thursday: 9am to 12pm
Sunday: 2:30 to 4pm
Special hours for Holy Week:
- Thu & Fri, April 1 & 2: 9am to 4pm
Saturday, April 3: 9am to 3pm
Sunday, April 4 (Easter Day): CLOSED
Visit their website for further details.
Join an Easter Monday Pilgrimage April 5 to visit seven Lincoln churches. Meet at St. Joseph, Lincoln for 8:15 a.m. Mass; schedule and driving directions will be provided. $35 includes catered lunch, snacks and drinks, prayers to St Joseph led by Fr. Coulter, concludes at 4:30pm. Make reservations at: or contact the Retreat House at or 402-786-2705.
Camp Kateri: Summer Camp Registration
Registration is now open for SKY Camp (rising grades 5th-9th), Catholic Adventure Camp (rising grades 4th-6th) and the Tekakwitha Games (rising grades 5th-9th). For more information, or to register for camp, go to
High School Volunteer Counselors Needed For Camp Kateri
Camp Kateri is now accepting applications for volunteer high school counselors for SKY, Catholic Adventure Camp and the Tekakwitha Games. For more information, or to download an application, please go to
Looking for a way to boost your spiritual life during Lent and Easter? The Emmaus Institute for Biblical Studies is accepting registrations for its 10-week Online & In-Person Courses starting March 8th. Learn more at