April 7, 2022: Weekend Update

Dear St. Teresa Parishioners,

As with every Lent and Easter season, there are extra liturgies, Masses, and traditions. Please take time to look through these announcements thoroughly. There are so many details—it darn-near made me dizzy just compiling them! Parents of Altar Servers, be sure to look over the schedule-chart which is in the printed bulletin (or the attached pdf). Their service is important at each Mass and Liturgy. A flyer is attached detailing the traditions of Holy Week and especially Triduum. You are encouraged to participate in as many Masses and Liturgies as possible.

Before I close, here is a pro-tip on a technicality in posture during the reception of holy Eucharist at Mass: my older sons are Altar Servers. After Mass one Sunday, one of them said to me, “Hey, Mom. When you receive communion, try not to keep your hands folded under your chin because I can’t put the paten under the Eucharist as I should. And when people receive in the hand but rest their hands on the Communion Rail, I can’t get the paten in a good place there, either. The Eucharist could fall and I couldn’t catch it.” Good point, son! Thought you guys would appreciate the insight too. #altarboywisdom

May God bless you!



Handy Links:

  1. Church Cleaning Sign-up
  2. Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up
  3. Parish Website
  4. Parish Facebook Page
  5. Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House



April 10 Bulletin

Holy Week Flyer

Bulletin Advertisers




In anticipation of Easter, we are doing a deep  cleaning of the church.

There will be a variety of jobs to complete such as dusting, vacuuming, shining, and mopping. Adults, teens, and children able to work alongside their parents would be appreciated. Sign up HERE. Morning and evening shifts are available on two different days:

  • Mon, April 11: 9-11:30am & 6:30-8:30pm
  • Tue April 12: 9-11:30am & 6:30-8:30pm

Grand Group You won’t want to miss our annual Bingo party! Play Bingo with us at 1:00 on Fri Apr 22 at KC Hall. Each participant needs to bring one lightly used item, unwrapped, to serve as a prize for a lucky player.    Refreshments will be served. Come and join us for a good time!

Please Pray for the repose of the soul of Pattie Polk, longtime parishioner and mother of Rachel Meyer and Hannah Malan. +Pattie’s Rosary is Friday April 8th at 10am. Her funeral Mass will be said after the rosary, at 10:30am.

Easter Lilies

You may purchase an Easter lily to adorn the altar during the Easter Season in memory of or in honor of a loved one. Easter Vigil Mass will be offered for the intentions of the Easter Lily Donors. You may use the form which was distributed last week or you may simply write a note with your intentions and the number of lilies, and include $25 for each lily. This can be put into the collection or the drop slot at the rectory.

Welcome by Baptism: Jack Joseph Vasa, son of Alexander and Megan (Kopetzky) Vasa

St. Teresa School Announcements

  • Recycled Paper

The school is (always) in need of recycled paper. The paper should be clear on one side and free of wrinkles or staples. Thanks for helping us stock up for worksheets and prints!

  • Enrollment for St. Teresa School is now open!


Choose Returning Student Enrollment if you have children here at our school    already. Choose Pre-Enrollment Form if you have students who are new to our school.

Job Opening at St. Teresa: Facilities Manager

St. Teresa Catholic Church and School is seeking a Facilities and Maintenance Manger. This includes overall maintenance and grounds for the church, school, rectory, convent, and rental house. Responsibilities include keeping the buildings and grounds safe, clean, and in good repair. General knowledge of electrical, HVAC, and plumbing systems is  helpful. The job includes custodial duties in the school as well as general maintenance and repair of the entire campus. Must be able to work independently and manage a team. Pay is commensurate with experience. Health and dental insurance and a retirement plan are available. 3-5 years’ previous experience preferred.




Good Friday Chaplet: Children

Children ages 4-21 are invited to join in leading the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in the choir loft on Good Friday. Come to the choir loft at 11:35am; the chaplet will begin at 11:40. Contact Jean with questions: jeantimmerman@outlook.com

Good Friday Collection

Pope Francis has asked our parish to  support the Pontifical Good Friday      Collection which helps Christians in the Holy Land and also helps to preserve  sacred shrines. The pandemic hit hard in the Holy Land, as these Christians often earn their income from pilgrimages which did not take place. Please be generous!


Good Friday: Fasting

On Good Friday, Catholics ages 14 and up must abstain from all-things-meat.

Catholics ages 18-59 are required to fast.

Fasting is reducing one’s food intake to one regular meal and two small meals which together do not equal the full meal.

Altar Server Notes (The altar server schedule for Holy Week is printed in the bulletin. Pick up a printed bulletin or take a look at the attached pdf to see if your son has been scheduled for Holy Week services.)

ALL SERVERS are welcome to serve at any of the Masses for Triduum and Easter (and Good Friday’s Liturgy).

Those scheduled to serve—and those who would like to serve—at Holy Thursday Mass, Good Friday Liturgy, and Easter Vigil Mass should plan to attend practices. All practices are at 2:00pm for Thu, Fri, Sat.

  • Thursday Mass: practice at 2pm, arrive at 6:30pm, Mass at 7pm
  • Friday Liturgy: practice at 2pm, arrive at 6:30pm, Liturgy at 7pm
  • Saturday Mass: practice at 2pm, arrive at 8:00pm, Mass at 8:30pm

Pink Sisters’ Chapel is Closed During Paschal Triduum

The Pink Sisters’ Chapel will be closed to the public on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. The Chapel will re-open on Easter Sunday at 8:30am.

Holy Week Lectors

Holy Thu Apr 14, 7pm: Creal

Good Fri Apr 15, 7pm: Kruml, Henrichsen

Easter Vigil, 8:30pm: Blake

Easter Sun 8am: Goodwater

Easter Sun 10am: Andreasen

Easter Sun Noon: McBride


St. Teresa Parish only. For more Lenten opportunities, scroll down to Diocese-Wide-stuff.

Almsgiving: Catholic Social Services

Money collected during Lent, which used to go to the Rice Bowl, will go to Catholic Social Services again this year. Envelopes are at the exits of the church (for CSS). At the end of Lent, you may turn your collections into the rectory or you may mail them directly to Catholic Social Services.

Holy Face Devotion on Wednesdays

In keeping with the spirit of our beloved St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, for Lent we are offering a holy half hour from 6:30-7 on Wednesday  evenings in the church in devotion to our Lord's Holy Face. We will pray the chaplet of the Holy Face, as well as some other prayers focused on this devotion, with the special intention of the defeat of the evil that is spreading across the world. All are encouraged to attend! To learn more about this devotion, visit: https://hisholyface.com

NOTE: There will NOT be a Lenten Series with Fr. Beardslee on April 11th, as that is the date of the Chrism Mass (which Fr. B will attend).


40 Days for Life: There has been a great response this season for prayer at Planned Parenthood. Many hours still only have one participant and our goal is 2 per hour.  Please sign up online: www.40daysforlife.com/Lincoln.

Knights of Columbus Council 833: Fish Frys (April 8th is the last Fish Fry)

  • KC Hall: 6044 South Street | Dine In & Carry Out
  • 4:30-7pm every FRYday of Lent (except Good Friday)
  • Menu: Pollock, Fries or Baked Potato, Coleslaw, and Bread

End of Lent + Triduum

  • Confessions through April 13

Mon-Fri  6:00-6:20 and 7:45-8:05 (before daily Masses)

Saturdays 3-4pm and 5-5:30pm

April 11, 12, 13: 9-9:30am

  • Confessions during Triduum

April 14: after the 7pm Mass

April 15: after Noon-Stations and after the 7pm Liturgy

April 16: 11am-Noon

  • Masses for Triduum & Easter

Thursday: 7pm (only)

Friday: 7pm Liturgy

Saturday: 8:30pm Easter Vigil

Sunday: 8am, 10am, and Noon

  • Stations of the Cross

Fridays at 2:40pm and 7pm ß (These times are for April 8th, not for Good Friday)

Good Friday at Noon (only)

  • Eucharistic Adoration continues as normal through Wednesday evening. There will be no exposition during Triduum nor on Easter Sunday.
  • Tenebrae: 8:15am on Good Friday and Holy Saturday.



Rev. Mr. (Deacon) Liam O’Shea-Creal will be ordained to the priesthood on May 28, 2022. He will celebrate his first Mass at St. Teresa Parish at Noon on May 29th. Further details will be announced in the coming months.


Parish Office | 402-477-3979

General Hours: 9am-4pm Mon-Fri

  • Jeanne Kee: Financial Secretary

Mon-Thu, 9-4 | jeanne-kee@cdolinc.net

  • Aubrey Potter: Parish Secretary

Mon-Thu, 9-2 | aubrey-potter@cdolinc.net

Deadline for Bulletin Announcements (send to Aubrey) is Wednesday at Noon.

Altar Society Prayer Line

An Altar Society Prayer Line has been established to lift up our prayers to God as a parish community. Leva Orationes Deo is Latin for lift up prayers to God.  Requests can be made by e-mailing  levaorationesdeo@yahoo.com or by calling (the first caller on the list) Mary Pat McBride at 402-314-1296. All intentions will be sent by e-mail to the Altar Society e-mail list. If you want to participate in the phone prayer line, please contact Mary Pat.


S.T.A.G.E. presents a One Day Camp, Looking the Part!  Join Lee Hotovy for this fun day of exploring stage make-up, costume design,

and simple character skits.  Tuesday April 19 from 10:00-2:00pm.  St. Teresa's K-Hall, 36th and Randolph Streets. For ages 9 and up. visit stage4kids.com to download

a registration.  Last day to register, Saturday April 16.

Auditions for A Geek Tragedy will be held April 22-24.  This fun musical comedy will be presented at the Pius LPAC June 23-26.  Set in ancient Greece, three "geeks" seek the Golden Lease to resolve their housing dilemma.  They must take a journey where they encounter mythological creatures and the false gods, Zeus, Hera, Athena etc.  Following the advice of their mentor, Socrasees, the three students eventually discover the truth and the existence of One True God.  Based on Thomas Aquinas' writings, this show is a STAGE favorite with numerous parts for youth and teens.  For ages 9 and up.  Visit stage4kids.com and look for signupgenius on our Participant Page.

Second bus now available, registration open: Join an Easter Monday Pilgrimage April 18 led by Fr. Coulter to visit several churches in SE Nebraska and NE Kansas, including St. Mary's in St. Mary, NE and St. Mary's in St. Benedict, KS.  Depart from St. Patrick, Lincoln at 7:30am, Mass & prayers during the day, return by 5:30pm.  $50 includes lunch, snacks and charter bus. Limited seats. Make your reservations early at: www.frcoulter.com/EasterMonday or contact: frcoulter@gmail.com or 402-786-2705.

Join the Network-Wide Bible Study! Through a partnership with Jeff Cavins and Ascension Press, Spirit Catholic Radio brings you The Great Adventure Bible Study – 16 programs; 3 studies a week; 2 times to listen to each! Beginning Easter week, April 19th, gather your bible study group together and follow along on the adventure! Learn how the people, places, and events of the Bible all come together to reveal the remarkable story of our faith. Find program details and discounted study materials at spiritcatholicradio.com/adventure.


Event tickets and lottery tickets are on sale now for Pius X High School’s BOLT Benefit Gala, “Sapphires & Stars.” The event will be held on Saturday, April 30 at Pius X High School to raise funds for capital improvements to the school. Event tickets are $175 per person and include admittance to the event, dinner and drinks. Lottery tickets are $100 for the chance to win $10,000, $2,500, $1,500 or $1,000. You do not need to be present to win. To purchase tickets, visit piusx.net/bolt or call 402-488-1046.



Bring the Family to our Baked Potato Bar!!

Friday, April 8th at Sacred Heart School gym, 31st & T Street, 4:30-7:00 pm.

Numerous toppings to choose from.  Choice of desserts and coffee or lemonade.

Free will offering.  Proceeds to Sacred Heart Parish Hall Building Fund.

If you are newly post college, a young professional, or a young parent looking for an opportunity to dive deeper into your understanding of the Lord's plan and forming a relationship with him, the Frassati group is inviting you to join them for their Lenten Retreat: "Blessed are those who Suffer". It will be hosted at St Patrick's Church in Lincoln from 9:30am - 3pm on April 9th, 2022. Breakfast and lunch are provided. The retreat offers reflective talks by the Fr. Conor Sullivan, interlaced with time for personal prayer, adoration, and confessions. For more information about the retreat or our group, please visit frassatilincoln.com


UNL Newman Center: High School Night

Ever wondered what Catholic community would look like in college? Join us on April 20th from 6-8pm for a night of tours from UNL students, involvement information, yard games, and free food. 320 N 16thStreet, Lincoln.


Join us at RISEN!

Cathedral of the Risen Christ would like you to join us at RISEN on Friday, April 22 beginning at 6:30pm at the Pla Mor Ballroom. The evening will include: ballroom dancing lessons, LIVE MUSIC by The Bobby Layne Orchestra and The Reflections Big Band, and a heavy hor d'oeuvres buffet and cocktails. To purchase tickets go to www.risencathedral.eventbrite.com or stop by the Cathedral parish office.

Catholic Women’s golf league

  • Calling all experienced & Beginner golfers! Join us for golf & fun every Wednesday this summer.
  • Teams of 2-6 forming now (2 players from each team play each week)
  • Variation of play each week between regular golf (play your own ball) and scramble golf.
  • Shot gun start at 5:15 pm. Season starts May 4th and ends August 10th . There will be a mid-season & end of season fun golf/social event.
  • You can form your own team, or we can place you on a new team.
  • This league is formed behind fellowship, core values and surrounding yourself with amazing (and fun!) women.
  • We are hosting a Meet & Greet social at Stacy Gutschenritter’s house on April 12th. Please reach out to us if you would like to attend!
  • Please sign up before April 18th
  • If interested, or if you have any questions, contact:
  • Rochelle Essay 402-429-9956 bosnjack2@gmail.com -or[1]Stacy Gutschenritter 402-617-7745 stacy.gutschenritter@ubt.com

Save the Dates:

April 12 - 4th Annual Eucharistic Procession at Planned Parenthood from 2 pm to 3 pm.

April 15 - Stations of the Cross in front of Planned Parenthood from noon to 1 pm.

Join a 12-day Pilgrimage to Ireland and Our Lady of Knock June 15-26, 2022 with Fr. Gary Coulter, Fr. Ronald Homes, Fr. Bernard Lorenz and Fr. Matthew Zimmer, daily Mass, and a Catholic guide. Round trip from Omaha: $4,225. More info: www.frcoulter.com/ireland or contact Fr. Gary Coulter, frcoulter@gmail.com / 402-786-2705.

Camp Kateri: Summer Camp Registration: Registration is now open for SKY Camp (current grades 4-8th), Catholic Adventure Camp (grades 3rd-5th) and the Tekakwitha Games (grades 4-8th).  For more information, or to register for camp, go to www.campkateri.org.

 Camp Kateri: Summer Camp Counselor Volunteers Needed

Camp Kateri is now accepting applications for volunteer high school counselors (grades 9-12th) for SKY, Catholic Adventure Camp and the Tekakwitha Games.  For more information, or to download an application, please go to www.campkateri.org.