“Silence does good to the soul.”
~ St. Therese of the child Jesus and the Holy Face
Handy Links:
- Parish Website
- Online Giving
- Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up
- Acolyte Schedule
- Altar Server Schedule
- Lector Schedule
- Catholic Youth Sports
- Cub Scout Pack 128
- Retreat Schedule
- Weed Pulling
Bulletin Advertisers Quarter 3
Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Monte Moser and for the peace and consolation for his family.
Pink Sisters Vocations Holy Hour
Please join the Pink Sisters for their Holy Hour for Vocations on Fri, Sept 1st at 7;15pm at the Pink Sisters’ Chapel, 1040 S Cotner Blvd. The singing will be led by the Knights of the Holy Eucharist Brothers.
RCIA will begin on Mon, Sept 25th in Kaczmarek Hall from 7-8:30pm. It will continue most Mondays throughout the year, leading up to the Easter Vigil on March 30th. RCIA involves the study of the Catholic faith and is the normal means for non-Catholics to discern entrance into the Catholic Church. RCIA is open to any adult, non-Catholic or Catholic, who wants to learns more about the Catholic faith. Please consider asking someone who might want to learn about the Catholic faith to attend RCIA along with you. To sign up, contact the rectory at 402-477-3979. If you have any questions, contact Fr. Kipper at the rectory or email him at fr.nicholas-kipper@lincolndiocese.org.
Thank You!
Thank you to Joseph and Justin Kottwitz for all their work this summer in helping to get the school ready for another school year. It is greatly appreciated!
Altar Society
All women are welcome to join Altar Society for their potluck dinner on Wed, Sept 6th at 6:30pm in Kaczmarek Hall followed by a short meeting. Come and get to know other women of the parish and see how you may be able to use your talents to help our Altar Society serve the needs of our parish and community.
Men’s Club Golf Tournament
St. Teresa’s Men’s Club is sponsoring a golf tournament. The four-man scramble will be held at Highlands Gold Course on Sun, Sept 17th. Please contact Dale Theisen at 402-430-0973 for more information or for a registration form.
Family Tailgate
All are invited to a Family Tailgate on Sat, Sept 16th, 11am-1pm at St. Teresa’s. This evented is hosted by Marriage on Mission. Enjoy a hotdog lunch, yard games, and activities for kids to kickoff the Husker football season. Follow the link to register for the event and for more information: https://forms.gle/Zkb5K1mx8YPFkrGCA
Woodworkers of the Parish
Would you please consider building a simple stable for our nativity set? At Christmas time, a group of St. Teresa parishioners give age-appropriate nativity sets to children living at St. Gianna’s (domestic violence shelter) Homes. These sets often don’t include a stable; by adding that, we hope to make the sets a more complete image of Our Lord’s humble birth. If you would like to find out more about the project, please contact Lori at Lcbeals@gmail.com.
Eucharistic Adoration
The following hours are still open for adoration. Please consider taking an hour. The link to the online sign-up HERE and is on our website: Home>Authentic Worship>Adoration
Open Holy Hours:
Tues 4-5pm; Wed 9-10am, 10-11am, & 5-6pm;
Fri 10-11am and 11-Noon; Sat 3-4pm
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Back to School Night
St. Teresa School is hosting a Back to School Night & School Family Meeting on Tues, Aug 29th, 7pm in the school gym. Come for a brief School Family Meeting, visit your students’ classrooms and hear about the school year from your student’s teachers. There will be a Junior High session at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria.
Dairy Queen Dine Out Night
Dine out at Dairy Queen on South Street from 5-9pm on August 30th to support St. Teresa School! Purchase Scrip in advance to pay and compound the school earnings!
School Lunches
Monday August 28 |
Tuesday August 29 |
Wednesday August 30 |
Thursday August 31 |
Friday September 1 |
Hamburger Sun Chips |
Chicken Patty Corn/Roll/Fruit |
Tacos Fruit |
Breaded Beef Potatoes |
Scrambled Eggs Hash Browns |
~ ~ ~
St. Teresa Thrift Shop
The Thrift Shop made $664 last weekend.
End of Summer Sale:
Aug 25-26: Everything left is FREE!
Sept 1-2: CLOSED
Hours for business:
Fridays 4-8 and Saturdays 9-3
Please donate during business hours.
CCD will begin on Wed, Aug 6th with classes for students in grades 1-8!
To register click HERE or scan the QR code.
Godteens Kick-Off
Godteens Kick-Off event will be Wed, Sept 13th, 6:30-8pm. We will have pizza, games, & time to meet your Godteens group! Please scan the QR code or click HERE for more info & to register for the upcoming school year. All St. Teresa Parish high school students are welcome!
St. Teresa Pitch League
Calling all card players! Parishioners are encouraged to grab a sign-up sheet at the church exits & join us for this year’s St. Teresa Pitch League. This fun, once-per-month event is a great way to meet other parish family members & to have some card playing fun as well! All the info is on the sign up sheets, so grab one today & join us! (Subs are needed too!) Registration is due: Sept 1, so sign up today! Questions? Contact Joan Tasler: 402-310-9682 or jftasler@gmail.com.
St. Veronica Ministry
If you are experiencing or have experienced a miscarriage, we want to offer you our support, prayers, & love as a parish family. Please fill out the Google Form on stlfchurch.org > Compassionate Service > Family & Social Ministries > Veronica Ministry. Please complete as much or as little information as you would like and we will be in touch. You may also call the parish offices at 402-477-3979. Please note that we are unable to offer medical advice. All medical questions should be referred to your physician.
Weed Pulling Volunteers
Do you love being outdoors? If so, we have a wonderful opportunity for you to enjoy our Nebraska weather and help our parish! We are looking for volunteers to help pull weeds on our parish grounds. Please see the SignUp Genius link to sign up for a weed-pulling by clicking HERE.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Registration for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) for the 2023-2024 year will open on the parish website on August 6th. This 90 minute, once-a-week program is for children ages 3-9. Children attending St. Teresa School, grades PreK-2nd, will attend during school hours. For more information, please see the parish website at https://stlfchurch.org. Volunteers are needed for the sessions for the school children. Please contact Beth Ruhl at mruhl87@gmail.com.
Altar Society Prayer Line
An Altar Society Prayer Line has been established to lift up our prayers to God as a parish community. Leva Orationes Deo is Latin for lift up prayers to God. Requests can be made by e-mailing levaorationesdeo@yahoo.com or by calling (the first caller on the list) Mary Pat McBride at 402-314-1296. All intentions will be sent by e-mail to the Altar Society e-mail list. If you want to participate in the phone prayer line, please contact Mary Pat.
Planned Parenthood Rosary & Mass
Every Monday 9:30—10:30am at 5632 S. 48th Street, Lincoln. Pray for an end to abortion with fellow Catholics every Monday. Rosary: 9:30am outside Planned Parenthood. Mass: 10am at the Right to Life Center
Parish Office | 402-477-3979
General Hours: 9am-4pm Mon-Thu
The parish office is closed on Fridays.
- Jeanne Kee: Financial Secretary
Mon-Thurs: 9-4 | jeanne-kee@cdolinc.net
- Theresa Kottwitz: Parish Secretary
Mon-Thurs: 9-2 | Theresa.Kottwitz@cdolinc.net
Pius X High School is accepting applications for the following positions: Maintenance Technician, Counseling Center Administrative Assistant, & Student Support Specialist. If interested, apply online at piusx.net/employment.
Diocesan Chancery Office has an opening for a full-time Benefits Coordinator. This position is responsible for diocesan benefits administration oversight. Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, excellent written and verbal communication, organization and time management skills required. To apply for this position, please contact Marsha Bartek for an application, marsha-bartek@ lincolndiocese.org, 3400 Sheridan Blvd, Lincoln, NE 68506, or call 402-904-8052.
North American Martyrs is seeking a full or part-time Pre-K-8th grade Vocal Music and/or Art teacher for 2023-2024 school year. Contact Katie-guenther@cdolinc.net & include cover letter, resume & references.
Blessed Sacrament School has an opening in their Extended Care Program. This position involves supervising & interacting with students after school on select weekdays from 3:15-5:45pm at the latest depending on when parents pick up. If interested, please email megan-brown@cdolinc.net.
Sacred Heart Church is looking for a part-time Faith Formation/Evangelization Coordinator. The Coordinator will promote the mission to evangelize & catechize active parishioners & inactive Catholics. They will direct parish RCIA, CCD, adult formation programs and evangelization efforts by overseeing these programs and equipping parish leaders & volunteers to disciple parishioners of all ages to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ as faithful members of his Catholic Church. This role includes program creation, maintenance, improvement, & management as well as on-going discipleship formation. The incumbent will be responsible for building programs that not only share information but also form disciples of Christ and His Church. This position plays an active role in volunteer coordination & parish leadership. If interested, please contact Monsignor Thorburn at sacredheartlincoln@outlook.com.
Director of Stewardship, Cathedral of the Risen Christ
Cathedral of the Risen Christ in Lincoln, NE is looking for a Director of Stewardship. This full-time position will ensure Cathedral’s long-term vitality and support all stewardship initiatives. The Director of Stewardship will oversee advancement for the parish and school, cultivate relationships with constituents, coordinate giving campaigns, and implement future capital campaigns and special projects. The selected candidate must be a self-starter who possesses strong communication and leadership skills. Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and resume to Dianne Hall, Office Administrator, DHall@crchrist-parish.org.
Spirit 102.7 - Called to Communion: Dr. David Anders
Dr. David Anders, a Catholic catechist, speaker, and writer, is coming Tues, Sept 19th, to Christ the King Catholic Church in Omaha at 7pm. He is the host of the EWTN call-in radio program, Called to Communion, heard on Spirit Catholic Radio weekdays from 1-2pm. His topic is “Relationship with Christ in the Catholic Church.” Tickets are on sale now for this event for $5 for one ticket or $20 for 5 tickets. Become and Evangelist and invite your friends and neighbors. Go to www.spiritcaholicradio.com for more information and to purchase tickets!
Father-Daughter Day Retreat
The Serra Club is sponsoring a Father-Daughter Day Retreat on Sat, Sept 9th, 8:30am-2pm at the Marian Sisters, 6865 N 112th St, Waverly. This retreat is for dads & girls (grades 2-5). Come for games, faith formation, & time with the Sisters. Wear appropriate shoes & clothing for outdoor games. Bring a sack lunch & water bottle. No cost. RSVP: Justin Johnson at justinericjohnson@gmail.com or text 402-580-7888 by Wed, Sept 6th.
Men’s Rosary March
Men of all ages, join us for the Men’s Rosary March on Sat, Oct 14th, 11am at UNL Newman Center. Bring Rosaries, flags, banners, holy items, & statues as we pray and march to the State Capitol for speakers & fellowship to follow. We will be praying for the conversion of our nation.
Healing Hearts Grief Support Sessions
Healing Hearts Grief Support for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one are being offered to assist Catholics in the grief process. Sessions: 6 Tues evenings beginning Sept 19th, 7-9pm at John XXIII Diocesan Center. Suggested donation: $25 for materials. To register: 402-473-0620.
White Mass
Calling all health care professionals! Join us for the White Mass on Sat, Oct 14th 9am at UNL Newman Center, Lincoln. Brunch following. Free will donation. Sponsored by the Catholic Medical Association. If you have any questions, please contact lnkcma@gmail.com.
Eucharistic Revival Holy Hours
All are invited to join the Christ the King Sisters at Villa Regina Motherhouse, 4100 SW 56th St, for Eucharistic Revival Holy Hours. Join the sisters in adoring Jesus, truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament on the following dates: Oct 15, Nov 12, Jan 7, Feb 4, Apr 7, and May 12. All holy hours begin at Noon except Divine Mercy Sunday, April 7th which will begin at 3pm.
Bishops’ Pro-Life Banquet and Conference
The Truth can be hard to find & especially hard to live out. Join the Bishops of Nebraska at the Pro-Life Banquet & Conference on Oct 6th & 7th, as we discover how the Truth is found & lived in a new Dobbs era with Catholic Answers Apologist & keynote speaker, Joe Heschmeyer. You’ll network with leaders from across the state, find opportunities for involvement in the culture of life, & learn how Truth can shape the pro-life movement. Let us lift you up with prayer, arm you with information on breaking pro-life issues, & joyfully celebrate LIFE with you! Free banquet childcare is provided. Visit NECatholic.org or scan the QR code to register & learn more.
Benedictine Oblate Information
For those interested in learning about becoming an Oblate of St. Benedict, there will be an informational meeting held in person at the Lau Room of Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital (5401 South St) or via Zoom on Sun, Aug 27th, 7pm. For information or to receive the Zoom invitation, contact Dean Carol Barry at 402-488-8221 or majorcarolb@yahoo.com
Healing Hearts Grief Support Sessions
Healing Hearts Grief Support for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one are being offered to assist Catholics in the grief process. Sessions: 6 Tues evenings beginning Sept 19th, 7-9pm at John XXIII Diocesan Center. Suggested donation: $25 for materials. To register: 402-473-0620.
Benedict XVI Diocesan School of Catechesis
For those Catholics who wish to strengthen their intellectual & spiritual formation, consider registering for the 2-Year Hybrid Program of catechesis. The program runs one Sat per month from 8:30am-3:30pm, Sept-April for a total of 96 hours of formation. Classes offered in person or via Zoom. Year 1: Creed, Sacraments, Commandments, & Prayer. Year 2: Salvation History, Church History, Spirituality, Faith & Reason. For more info or to register visit: www.lincolndiocese.org/bxvi or contact Jeff-Schinstock@cdolinc.net. Discount of 25% for all Catholic School or CCD Teachers.
Yard Sale Fundraiser
St. Francis of Assisi Church is hosting a Yard Sale Fundraiser to help raise funds for the St. Francis Church building fund. The event will be on Sat, Aug 26th, 9am-4pm in the church parking lot, 1145 South St. Items for Sale: clothes, toys furniture, dishes, electronics, books, etc. Come and take a look!
Post-Abortion Healing Ministry
Calling all mental health professionals, clergy, and post-abortion healing volunteers! Join us for a free orientation to equip you with the tools to support those on their journey of healing after abortion. Sign up to attend one of two workshops at NECatholic.org/Events, on Aug 27th in Gretna, or Aug 23rd in North Platte.
Spiritual Warfare in the Family Conference
The Spiritual Warfare in the Family Conference has been rescheduled! Come join us for this one-day event on Sat, Oct 14th, Newman Center, to hear evangelist & best-selling author Kathleen Beckman share strategies on how we can address spiritual warfare & safeguard our families. Seats limited to 250 so register soon at https://lincolndiocese.regfox.com/warfareconference. Questions: contact Mary at 402-314-0479 or mharper55@yahoo.com. Sponsored by the Office of Family Life & Discipleship and St. Benedict Prayer Team.
Christus Foundation Golf Tournament
Register or be a sponsor for the Christus Foundation Golf Tournament on Fri, Sept 15th at Crooked Creek Golf Course. Check-in at 9am, 10am shotgun start. Range balls provided, with lunch and awards following. Learn more about being a sponsor or registering as an individual or team at thechristusfoundaton.org/events. Call Gary Roberts for more info at 402-430-3732. $125 per person/$500 per team.
Emmaus Institute
The Emmaus Institute for Biblical Studies is now accepting registrations for in-person & online classes this fall. New courses offerings include: Creation to New Creation: Psalms & Wisdom Books (Mon 9/11 to 11/13); Praying with scripture: Meeting Jesus the Word in the Written Word (Wed 9/6 to 10/4 and 10/18 to 11/15); Heaven, Help the Home: God’s Blueprint for Marriage & the Family (Thurs 9/7 to 11/16). All class sessions begin at 6:30pm and run 90 minutes to 2 hours in length. Videos of classes can be watched online at any time. Learn more & register at www.EmmausInstitute.net.
Catholic Artist Guild
The Catholic Artist Guild welcomes all artists in the Lincoln Diocese to join us every 3rd Monday of the month in the Bride Room at St. Joseph Church, Lincoln. Meetings begin at 8pm. Dates for the remainder of 2023 are Aug 21st, Sept 18th, Oct 16th, Nov 20th, and possibly Dec 18th. For more information, email cagoflincoln@gmail.com or call Megan Scdoris at 402-657-8199.
Attention Art/Craft Vendors!
If you are interested in selling your crafts or personal items at the St. Michael Annual Fall Festival, contact Cindy-Schilmoeller@cdolinc.net. The Festival will be Sun, Sept 24th, Noon-3pm, and will include food, games, Bingo, Mums, music, and raffle. $20 per table/space. You keep the proceeds! Contact the St. Michael parish office with questions: 402-488-1313.
Eucharistic Pilgrimage to Mexico City
All are invited to join the diocesan pilgrimage to Mexico City on Oct 12-17, 2023, Oct 25-30, 2023. Registration is open for the October 12-17th pilgrimage. Cost: $1,700 includes the flight from Omaha, food, lodging, & mission experience with hope of the Poor. To register, click HERE. For more info call 402-473-0631.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
Fr. Chris Eckrich is leading a trip to the Holy Lands from Feb 22-March 4, 2024. To see the full itinerary go to executive travel.com/Lincoln-diocese/; to request a brochure call 402-435-8888, or for more information, call Barb Wallingford at 402-430-5811.
Planned Parenthood Rosary & Mass
Every Monday 9:30—10:30am at 5632 S. 48th Street, Lincoln. Pray for an end to abortion with fellow Catholics every Monday. Rosary: 9:30am outside Planned Parenthood. Mass: 10am at the Right to Life Center.
Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreats
The schedule of retreats for Fall 2022 has been released and is available on the Retreat center’s website HERE. Remember that for St. Teresa parishioners, Men’s Club or Altar Society will pay for half of a standard retreat per year!
St. T | Weekly Calendar: Aug 27-Sept 3 |
Sun 8.27 |
1-9pm: Eucharistic Adoration |
Mon 8.28 |
9am-9pm: Eucharistic Adoration |
Tue 8.29 |
6:30pm: Junior High Session (Sch) 7pm: Back to School Night (SCH) 9am-9pm: Eucharistic Adoration |
Wed 8.30 |
5-9pm: Dairy Queen Fundraiser 9am-9pm: Eucharistic Adoration |
Thu 8.31 |
6:30-7:30pm: CGS Parent Mtg (MR) 9am-9pm: Eucharistic Adoration |
Fri 9.1 |
6:30am: PPP Mass 7:15pm: Pink Sisters Holy Hour (PS) 9am-9pm: Eucharistic Adoration |
Sat 9.2 |
8:45am: First Saturday Devotions (CH) 9am: Legion of Mary (MR) No Eucharistic Adoration |
Sun 9.3 |
No Eucharistic Adoration |
Mass Schedule: August 26-Sept 3 |
+ = repose of the soul of Pro Populo = for the people |
The Pink Sisters’ Chapel, 1040 S. Cotner Blvd: open 7am-8pm. The 7am Masses listed here (7am PS), said at the Chapel, are open to the public. (The Sunday Masses are private). |
Day |
Time |
Intention |
8.26 |
4pm |
+ Dennis Coulter |
Sun 8.27 |
8am |
Pro Populo/Shower of Roses |
10am |
+ Kenneth Wieser |
Noon |
Orphan Souls in Purgatory |
Mon 8.28
6:30am |
+ David Jacobs |
7am PS |
+ Angela Wahl |
8:15am |
+ Richard Cantrell |
Tue 8.29 |
6:30am |
+ Larry Heaslip |
7am PS |
+Anissa Fayad |
8:15am |
+ Kenneth Grell |
Wed 8.30 |
6:30am |
Gemma Volkmer |
7am PS |
+ Modesta Pangilinan |
8:15am |
Aurelia Dailey |
Thu 8.31 |
6:30am |
+ Ed Wortman |
7am PS |
Nick & Jansa Pavlovic Wedding Anniversary |
8:15am |
+Eugene Wauters |
Fri 9.1 |
6:30am |
Fallen Away Catholics |
7am PS |
Special Intention of Donor |
8:15am |
+ Richard Aksamit |
Sat 9.2 |
7am PS |
Magnificat Group |
8:15am |
+ Robert Kruml |
4pm |
Pro Populo |
Sun 9.3 |
8am |
Jeanne Kee |
10am |
Schroedl Family |
Noon |
+ Deceased members of the Schafers & Wahl Families |