Dear St. Teresa Parishioners,
The Rams won and Lent is looming. I was unaware that Lent 2020 had ever ended; I was surprised when Father told me it’s starting again. So now you know too. Here’s an idea: if you send to me your Lenten traditions, subscriptions, or suggestions, I’ll compile them to share with all parishioners (I won’t use names). Ash Wednesday Masses are at 6:30am, 8:15am, and 5:30pm. Remember: it’s not a holy day of obligation, just a special day on which we begin the solemn observation of 40 days’ prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
In the meantime, there are fun things in which we can participate. Check out the announcements for details.
You can expect parish e-mails on Thursdays now. I had a fancy thing all set up to deliver it on Friday, but y’all received it on Monday, so obviously that didn’t go as planned. Nevertheless, I persevere.
May God bless you and keep you healthy and warm!
Handy Links:
- Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up
- Parish Website
- Parish Facebook Page
- Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House
Fat Friday Fun Night | Men’s Club: Feb 25th from 6:30-10:30 in the school gym
All men of the parish are invited to our Fat Friday Fun Night. In appreciation for volunteers, Men’s Club provides free food, soft drinks, adult beverages, door prizes, and games for a casual, stress-free evening of socializing. Drop in anytime or visit a little or a lot. You just might make a new friend!
Young Marrieds Dinner
The dinner celebrating couples who have been married 0-5 years is fast approaching. Pick up a sign up sheet from one of the church exits to register for the March 5th event! Questions? contact Joan Tasler: or 402-310-9682.
THRIVE is a two-part program intended to keep tuition affordable at St. Teresa School.
The THRIVE Endowment will provide long term tuition relief through annual interest payments made to our school.
The THRIVE Now fund, dollar-for-dollar, helps St. Teresa Families who need tuition help in the current school year.
To make donating easier, envelopes are now included in the church’s quarterly giving envelope packets. There is one blue THRIVE envelope per quarter. They are scheduled for Feb, May, July, and Oct (but donations can be submitted anytime).
Pink Sisters First Friday Holy Hour
March 4, 2022 at 7:15pm
1040 South Cotner Boulevard
Singing will be led by St. Teresa School’s Junior High Choir (Terri Schilmoeller)
40 Days for Life: 2022: March 2 (Ash Wednesday) to April 10 (Palm Sunday). Watch for details!
Attention, Couples!
Father Hottovy’s recommendation:
One of the best (belated!) St. Valentine’s Day gifts you could give to each other: read together the highly acclaimed book Be Devoted: Restoring Friendship, Passion, and Communion in Your Marriage by Bob Schuchts.
The Thrift Store made $1970 last weekend.
Hours for business:
Fridays 4-8 and Saturdays 9-3
Please donate during business hours.
Seminarian of the Week
Rev. Mr. Christian Schwenka is the son of Dean & Mary Schwenka of Holy Family in Heartwell. He is studying Theology 4 at Mt. St. Mary Seminary. Remember to pray for Deacon Schwenka and for his formation.
Would you like to learn more about the Catholic Faith?
Classes are from 7:30-9pm on Thursdays in Kaczmarek Hall (downstairs in church).
Anyone is welcome to join—for one class or for all classes. If the topic piques your interest, come to that class!
This Week’s Topic: A Love That Lasts: God’s Plan for Sexuality
Understanding God’s truth about human sexuality can transform our lives. But are we ready to rebel against our culture’s view to take sexual intimacy to its true level?
St. Teresa School Announcements
- Did You Know? The school library benefits from your aluminum cans! There are recycling bins inside the fence next to the school bus in the church parking lot. The cans you bring to recycle help to provide books for the kids at school. So far this year, the library has gotten nearly $400 from can recycling. Questions? Contact Susan Pepino:
- Recycled Paper is (always) Needed: The school uses recycled paper to print worksheets and other items. Please donate paper which is clear on one side and without staples or folds. Thank you!
- Fabric Donations Are Needed
- The schoolchildren are preparing for a Mexico-themed music concert this spring. Several moms are helping Mrs. Schilmoeller sew 65 long circle skirts for the K-4th grade girls to wear. We are seeking donations of fabric, especially colors like pink and purple. It's okay if it has prints. Old sheets work great for this. If you have fabric to donate, please email Carrie:
- Good Shepherd Scholarship: Education has always been at the heart of the mission of the Catholic Church. The Good Shepherd Scholarship exists to support families in making Catholic education possible for their children. The Good Shepherd Scholarship Portal is open until March 31st. Please apply today!
- Notable Dates
o February 18-22: No School
o February 22 at 7pm: School Family Association meeting in the gym
Parish Office Update: St. Teresa Parish Office has changed its hours. We are moving toward serving you Monday-Thursday and closing the office on Fridays. We plan to close on Fridays and have this change fully implemented by March 4th. Regardless of whether the office is open or closed, voicemail is always available for the priests and staff. There is an emergency option which can be accessed by calling the main office line.
St. Teresa Centennial
In 2026 we will be celebrating 100 years since the time St. Teresa was established!
Please submit to the rectory office any historic pictures or memorabilia that could be included in a hundredth anniversary book.
Soon, we will have important presentations about our plan and vision for the next three years leading up to our centennial. We want this to be a collaborative effort; we invite your suggestions, ideas, and input to the plans that are being proposed—plans that will enable us to be prepared for the next hundred years. Watch for updates!
Head Usher Needed
Our parish needs a head usher to coordinate each Sunday’s Noon Mass. This person would ensure that there are enough ushers to take up the collection, bring up the gifts, and help with seating. Call Will at 402-416-1070.
Eucharistic Adoration | This Session Runs Jan 2—Mar 1
Parishioners: we had a fantastic response to signing up for Holy Hours; thank you! We had 13 open a couple of weeks ago. We now have only TWO to cover. If you don’t already have an hour, please consider taking one of the “empty” hours so that we can continue with exposition. It is important that when Our Lord is exposed in the Monstrance, he is not left alone. Therefore, we sign up for Holy Hours so that we are sure someone is always with him. Sign up HERE.
Hours of Eucharistic Exposition
- Sundays: 1pm-9pm
- Monday-Friday: 9am-9pm
- Saturdays: 9am-4pm
Currently Open Holy Hour: Tuesdays 4-5 and Saturdays 3-4
Parish Office | 402-477-3979
General Hours: 9am-4pm Mon-Fri
- Jeanne Kee: Financial Secretary
Mon-Thu, 9-4 |
- Aubrey Potter: Parish Secretary
Mon-Thu, 9-2 |
Deadline for Bulletin Announcements (send to Aubrey) is Wednesday at Noon.
Altar Society Prayer Line
An Altar Society Prayer Line has been established to lift up our prayers to God as a parish community. Leva Orationes Deo is Latin for lift up prayers to God. Requests can be made by e-mailing or by calling (the first caller on the list) Mary Pat McBride at 402-314-1296. All intentions will be sent by e-mail to the Altar Society e-mail list. If you want to participate in the phone prayer line, please contact Mary Pat.
Unbound is a deliverance prayer ministry that moves a person through a conversion experience using 5 keys. A new Unbound Video Series with discussion and reflection will be held Sundays at 7pm for 8-weeks beginning Feb. 27 at St. John parish hall in Lincoln. All are invited, no pre-registration, cost is a $10 workbook. Questions contact John at or 402-486-1590.
Announcing the 2nd Rosary Rally at St Mary's 14th and K Street, Lincoln, Nebraska When: Saturday, February 19th at 11:15am Where: on the corner of 14th & K (outside) Why: in honor of the feast day of Saints Jacinta and Francisco of Fatima, and for our country What: recitation of the Holy Rosary, litany, and hymns Who: EVERYONE! Please join us! !Bienvenidos! Hoang nghênh! St Mary’s Pro-life Committee
Principal Opening at St. Peter Catholic School
St. Peter is currently seeking a principal with leadership expertise who can take a thriving, discipleship-minded community to the next level. The ideal candidate will possess a high level of professionalism, superior communication and relationship-building skills, a strong instructional presence, an intuitive understanding of utilizing data to inform instruction, and well-developed competencies in problem-solving and critical thinking. The cultural norms that we will be looking for in this individual is one who exhibits holiness, incorporates beauty, practices evangelization, pursues truth, celebrates life, cultivates unity and is a generous steward of time, talents and treasures.
Please send your resume to Fr. Eric Clark at by March 11.
Healing Hearts Grief Support Sessions for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one are being offered to assist Catholics in the grief process. The sessions will be held on six weekly Tuesday evenings beginning March 1, 2022, 7:00-9:00 p.m., at John XXIII Diocesan Center, 37th & Sheridan Blvd. Suggested Donation: $25 (for materials) To register, please call 402-473-0620.
Catholic Social Services needs volunteers to help prepare houses for Afghan refugees. You would meet at CSS on a weekday at 1pm, load up small household items into your vehicle, drive them to their homes to set up the house and do some light cleaning. It normally takes a couple hours and means so much to their clients. Contact CSS Volunteer Coordinator Desirae Hagenbucher at
MOTHER/DAUGHTER PROGRAM “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” for girls age 9-13 and their mothers will be held Saturday, March 5th, 2022 from 9 am to Noon at John XXIII Diocesan Center and virtually. This program is designed to educate girls on growing up and becoming a woman. Pre-registration is required. Cost is $25 per mother/daughter or $35 per family in person and $10 virtually. To register, visit Questions, please call Jen Davis at 402-261-6375 or email
FATHER/SON PROGRAM “In His Image” for boys age 10-14 and their fathers will be held Saturday, March 5th, 2022 from 1-4 p.m. at John XXIII Diocesan Center and virtually. This program is designed to educate boys on growing up and becoming a man. Pre-registration is required. Cost is $25 per father/son or $35 per family in person and $10 virtually. To register, visit Questions, please call the NFP Offices 402-473-0630 or email
Looking for a way to boost your spiritual life this Lent and Easter? Take an online or in-person class from the Emmaus Institute for Biblical Studies. To learn more or to register, visit
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat
God forgave you but you can't forgive yourself? Attend a confidential Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat for post-abortion healing Mar 4-6.
Scholarships are available. Contact or call Heather 402-671-3749.
Holy Land Pilgrimage: It looks like the pilgrimage to the Holy Land on May 9-19, 2022, will be able to travel, as long as we have enough interest in the trip! Because tourism is down, and crowds will be less, this will be a great time to visit the Holy Land! Currently, vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals are welcome to Israel and Palestine but both persons will be subject to a COVID test before flying and after arrival in Israel. Protocols differ slightly depending on vaccination status. The requirements have been changing every 1-2 months so there's hope they will continue to loosen. Cost is about $4000 per person. See itinerary and details at or Contact Fr. Jay Buhman (402-367-3579) with ANY questions.
Creighton Model FertilityCare System Creighton Model is a women's health science that allows users to learn more about their fertility and in conjunction with NaProTECHNOLOGY treat many reproductive disorders. Introductory sessions are available in person or online. For more information or to register, visit,