“Do you realize that Jesus is there in the tabernacle expressly for you – for you alone? He burns with the desire to come into your heart.”
~ St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face
Handy Links:
- Parish Website
- Online Giving
- Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up
- Acolyte Schedule – New Schedule now Online (January – June 2023)
- Altar Server Schedule
- Lector Schedule
- Catholic Youth Sports
- Cub Scout Pack 128
- Bedmaking
- Retreat Schedule
Bulletin Advertisers Quarter 1
Knights of Columbus Free Throw Poster
RCIA: The Sacraments: Eucharist
All are welcome to join the upcoming RCIA class on Mon, Jan 16th from 7:00-8:30pm in Kaczmarek Hall. Our topic this week will be “The Sacraments: Eucharist”, taught by Peter and Jean Timmerman.
Christmas Tree Removal
Men’s Club is looking for help in removing and packing away the Christmas trees on Sun, Jan, 22nd following the Noon Mass. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Baptismal Bibs
The Altar Society is looking for a coordinator and helpers to sew the small baptismal bibs that are given to the babies at their baptism. This takes minimal sewing skills and a heart willing to serve. For questions or more information, please contact Lynn at 402-730-7912 or email at [email protected].
Eucharistic Adoration
The following hours are still open for adoration. Please consider taking an hour. The link to the online sign-up HERE and is on our website: Home>Authentic Worship>Adoration
Open Holy Hours:
Thurs 9-10am; Fri 11-Noon; Sat 3-4pm
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Substitute Teachers
Substitute teachers are needed for our Catholic School. If you are ready to sub, please call the school at 402-477-3358 or email [email protected]. For those not holding an educator certificate, two options are open: 1. Acquiring a local sub permit (may require 60 college hours & human relations course). 2. If you previously held an educator certificate you may qualify for a state substitute permit. Go to the Nebraska Department of Education website to fill out the applications. If you need more information, email [email protected] or call 402-473-0613.
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St. Teresa Thrift Shop
The Thrift Shop made $2,734 last weekend
Hours for business:
Fridays 4-and Saturdays 9-3
Please donate during business hours.
St. Teresa Trivia Night
Registrations are being accepted for St. Teresa’s 2023 Trivia Night! See bulletin insert for registration form. Trivia Night will be held at Pius X High School on Sat, Feb 4th. Social hour at 6pm, trivia rounds begin at 7pm. Come early to socialize and decorate your table (optional). Cost: $10/person or $80 for a table (seats 8). New to Trivia Night, registration fee waived. This event is not open to the public; it is for St. Teresa parishioners. Family and friends are welcome to join parishioners’ teams.
Please consider helping with the January bedmaking at the Retreat House on Mon, Jan 16th. Sign up by clicking HERE.
Epiphany Home Blessing
Blessed chalk and Epiphany Family Prayer Service and Home Blessing pamphlets are available in the vestibule of the church. Feel free to pick up a piece of chalk and pamphlets. Holy Water is available in the Holy Water font located in the south transept of the church.
Grand Group
Grand Group will meet on Fri, Jan 20th at 1:00 at the Knights of Columbus Hall to hear a presentation about the Holy Eucharist by the Knights of the Holy Eucharist. What could be more appropriate! The Brothers have been our guests twice before & their talks are always interesting & informative. Following the talk, refreshments will be served. Plan to join us for this special event!
Scrip Notes for the New Year!
¨ Runza: $10 cards (16.67% rebate) well stocked for Temperature Tuesdays
¨ The Mill Coffee & Tea: $10 gift cards
¨ Scooters: $25 and $5 cards available
¨ Walgreens: $25 cards back in stock
¨ Granite City: No longer participating
¨ Fee for online orders (attached bank account) increasing from 15¢ to 29¢ per order beginning January 9th.
Eucharistic Adoration
As you begin this new year, a wonderful resolution is to spend more time with Jesus! He would love to spend an hour with you in adoration! Our next session runs Jan 2-Feb 21. We are in need of adorers in a variety of time slots, so please consider signing up for an hour.
Knights of Columbus Free Throw Champions
Knights of Columbus Fitzgerald Council 833 are sponsoring their annual Free Throw Contest on Sun, Jan 15th at Blessed Sacrament School Gym. Check-in: 1:30pm; Competition: 2pm. St. Teresa and Blessed Sacrament are combining in order to have greater number of participants. Questions: contact Brad Behne at [email protected] or by phone at 402-570-8585.
S.T.A.G.E. Student Theater
S.T.A.G.E. Student Theater presents Saintspeare, Jan 20, 21, 27, 28 at 7pm and Jan 22, 2pm matinee. The productions will be held on Kaczmarek Hall. A humorous rendition of three Shakespeare’s famous plays set in a Midwinter’s Night Dream. The Bard’s plays are intermixed in a whacky dream causing havoc for the main character, Beth. Using the wisdom of the saints, she sets out to resolve the dilemma, while her counterpart, MacBeth seeks to foil the night. Performed by students, 9-13 years, with a dabbling of music and dance, this production will delight audiences both young and old. Tickets are available online beginning January 1st at stage4kids.com under Tickets. Reserved seating only. Approximate 2-hour show with intermission. Appropriate for ages 5 and up.
Altar Society Prayer Line
An Altar Society Prayer Line has been established to lift up our prayers to God as a parish community. Leva Orationes Deo is Latin for lift up prayers to God. Requests can be made by e-mailing [email protected] or by calling (the first caller on the list) Mary Pat McBride at 402-314-1296. All intentions will be sent by e-mail to the Altar Society e-mail list. If you want to participate in the phone prayer line, please contact Mary Pat.
Planned Parenthood Rosary & Mass
Every Monday (Change of Day) 9:30—10:30am at 5632 S. 48th Street, Lincoln. Pray for an end to abortion with fellow Catholics every Monday. Rosary: 9:30am outside Planned Parenthood. Mass: 10am at the Right to Life Center
Parish Office | 402-477-3979
General Hours: 9am-4pm Mon-Thu
The parish office is closed on Fridays.
- Jeanne Kee: Financial Secretary
Mon-Thurs: 9-4 | [email protected]
- Theresa Kottwitz: Parish Secretary
Mon-Thurs: 9-2 | [email protected]
Marriage Encounter
Start the new year right! Give the gift of time to each other this year! On the worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend, learn to prioritize the important things. Feb 10-23 in Lincoln. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at www.wwme.org.
Mother/Daughter Program
“Fearfully & Wonderfully Made” for girls, 9-13, and their mothers will be held Sat, Jan 28th, 9-Noon at John XXIII Diocesan Center. This program is designed to educate girls on growing up and becoming a woman. Pre-registration required. Cost: $25 per mother/daughter or $35/family in person. Questions contact Bekah at [email protected]. Go to https://lincolndiocese.regfox.com/motherdaughter to register.
Pro-Life Retreat
Join a half-day Pro-Life retreat by Sr. Deirde Byrnes, religious sister, medical doctor, patriot. “Witnessing to Life no Matter the Cost” at John XXIII Center, Lincoln, on Thurs Jan 19th, 8:30am-2pm. Sponsored by OneHeartOneMind. Space is limited. Venmo $25 to @goodcounselretreat or email [email protected] or by Jan 16. Includes lunch.
Nebraska Walk for Life & Gala
In celebration of Roe v Wade, the inaugural Walk for Life Gala, a fundraiser for Nebraska Right to Life, will be held Fri, Jan 27th, the night before the Walk. Join us again on January 28th, 10am at the State Capitol, for the Nebraska Walk for Life. At 11:30am at the UNL Student Union will be the keynote speech. Guest speaker Dr. john Bruchaliski, speaking at both the Gala and the Walk, will describe how a return to his religious faith brought him from abortionist to a leading light in pro-life medicine. Come and show your support for Life and hear this man’s inspiring story! Tickets for the Gala, at Embassy Suites, $50. Purchase online nebraskarighttolife.ticketspice.com/2023 or by sending a check to NE Right to Life, (Gala in memo line) to PO Box 80410, Lincoln (68410-0410). Questions NE Right to Life at 402-438-4802.
Baked Goods for Walk for Life
Baked goods, sold to offset the cost of the Walk, will be available to purchase following the Walk for Life at the UNL Student Union. Donations needed and can be dropped off on the north side of the Student Union the morning of the Walk. Volunteers will be curbside from 8-9am to accept donated goods. Call 402-438-4802 for more information.
Called to Silence
God speaks to you in the silence. Are you ready for some quiet time away after the holidays? Steep yourself in the scared space of the Creighton University Retreat Center to be still and open yourself up to the graces of God has for you. You will meet with an Ignatian-trained spiritual director daily to reflect on what’s stirring in your heart. Opportunity for daily Mass and confession. Retreat cost including room and meals is $350. Choose one of the 4 opportunities to attend: Jan 19-22; Feb 23-26; April 13-16; and May 4-7. Register at Creighton.edu/curc.
National March for Life
All are welcome to attend a pilgrimage to Washington D.C. to celebrate the overturning of Roe v. Wade on Jan 17-21, 2023. The cost is $480 per person. Register at www.lincolndiocese.org/m41.
Date Night
Make time for your vocation! The Family Life Office invites you to a date night out on Jan 10th, 6-9pm at UNL Newman Center Rosary hall with Josh Burkes and Chad Steiner of the Emmaus Institute speaking. The topic is “Praying with Scripture with Your Spouse and Family”. $45 for dinner/drinks/apps for two or come for free to the talk and go out to eat on your own. (Will be streamed.) For more information or to register, go to https://lincolndiocese.regfox.com/datenightjan. Limited free babysitting available!
Pius X Thunderettes
Sugar Rush Dance Camp 2023: The Pius X Thunderettes will be sponsoring a Sugar Rush Dance Camp on Jan 14th from 9am-Noon at Pius X High School for ages.
Dance Clinic: The Pius X Thunderettes will host a Dance Clinic on Jan 14th from 1-4pm at Pius X High School, ages 12-14.
Please email [email protected] with any questions regarding either event. To register for either event, click HERE.
Shine Like the Stars 2023
Villa Maria School’s annual fundraising dance & auction, “Shine Like the Stars 2023” is Jan 27th at Lancaster Event Center, Lincoln. Purchase general admission tickets, reserve a table, bid on auction items, or make a donation, text vmdance23to 243725 or click HERE.
World Youth Day 2023
The dates for the next World Youth Day in Portugal have been announced, and our diocesan trip is ready to start taking registrations! Our trip will be from July 24 through August 9, 2023, and includes a side trip to Fatima. For more information or to register, please click HERE.
Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreats The schedule of retreats for Fall 2022 has been released and is available on the Retreat center’s website HERE. Remember that for St. Teresa parishioners, Men’s Club or Altar Society will pay for half of a standard retreat per year!