January 14, 2022: Weekend Update

Dear St. Teresa Parishioners,

Hope you enjoy Mother Nature’s weekend shenanigans. It seems she’s decided that false-spring is over (or was this final-autumn?) and we’re back to a proper and respectable winter. Nebraska always keeps us on our toes, doesn’t it? It’ll be nice to have snow overnight and enjoy its bright beauty on a Saturday. The days are getting longer—yay!—and the sunsets are always beautiful. Winter isn’t so bad!

Here are the headlines: Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship is THIS SUNDAY at Blessed Sacrament. There are eleven men who will train to be acolytes for our parish—wow; thanks, guys! Also, we had a tremendous response to our plea for Adorers. There are only two spaces left to be filled. Thank you for making time for the Lord in adoration! Those are the highlights, but please be sure to go over the other announcements so you can plan to help with Christmas Trees, celebrate and support marriage, and pray for our recently deceased and support and pray for their loved ones.

May our Heavenly Father richly bless you and keep you healthy and warm!



Handy Links:

  1. Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up
  2. St. Monica Prayer Sign-up
  3. Parish Website
  4. Parish Facebook Page
  5. Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House



January 16 Bulletin

Bulletin Advertisers


Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship

For boys and girls ages 9-14

THIS SUNDAY Jan 16 at 2pm (check-in at 1pm)

Blessed Sacrament School Gym: 1725 Lake Street

Sponsored by Knights of Columbus: Fitzgerald Council #833 and Blessed Sacrament #11001

Please pray for the repose of the souls of Erin Hines, daughter of Nancy Russell, and for Jim Polk, husband of Pattie and father of Hannah Malan and Rachel Meyer, and for Ed Foster, longtime parishioner and father of Kara Foster Koos and Timothy Foster.

All Hands on Deck! Men’s Club will take down Christmas decorations on Sun Feb 6 at 1pm. Please plan to come help.

The Thrift Store made $3109 last weekend.

Hours for business:

Fridays 4-8 and Saturdays 9-3

Please donate during business hours.

Grand Group

We have canceled our January event. We have several members currently experiencing health problems, and with January weather so unpredictable, we decided to move this month’s planned event to March 18th. We do plan to meet in February. We hope to see you then!

Seminarian of the Week: Tyler Johnson is the son of Todd & Leah Johnson of St. John Parish in Lincoln. He is studying College 3 at St. Gregory the Great. Remember to pray for Tyler and for his formation.

Would you like to learn more about the Catholic Faith?

Classes are from 7:30-9pm on Thursdays in Kaczmarek Hall (downstairs in church).

Anyone is welcome to join—for one class or for all classes. If the topic piques your interest, come to that class!

This Week’s Topic: Walk Through the Mass

Every Sunday, Catholics gather to celebrate the Mass. But do we understand the deeper meaning of what happens there? Now we can.

School Announcements: St. Teresa School Announcements

  • No school on Mon, Jan 17.
  • Kindergarten Preview will be on Tuesday, February 15th from 7-8 p.m. at St. Teresa School. Contact the school office for more information (402-477-3358 or tael-aa@cdolinc.net).
  • Recycled Paper is Needed: The school uses recycled paper to print worksheets and other items. Please donate paper which is clear on one side and without staples or folds
  • Pre-K Thank You: The Preschool students and their teacher want to thank our anonymous donor(s) for the purchase of items from the School Christmas Wish List. The students were very excited to play with the Lots of Love Babies as well as the Playstix. Both boys and girls have enjoyed these toys! Most of all, we are overjoyed at the purchase of the Color Changing Light Table! We can’t wait to set it up and use it! God bless you for your kind and generous heart!
  • Pius X High School will host an open house at 7pm Mon, Feb 7 for 8th graders, incoming upperclassmen, and their parents and  guardians. In 2020-2021, students earned $515K in scholarships. Learn more about affording a unique, faith-filled Catholic education at PiusX.net/explore.

Attention St. Teresa Parish Couples Married 0-5 Years: You are cordially invited to attend a Young Marrieds Dinner on Sat, Mar 5, in the church basement at 6pm. The dinner will be hosted by the "Not So Young Married" couples of the parish. This is a great way to meet other young parish couples and to get connected in our parish community! At the end of the evening, any interested couple can register to continue to meet with the other Young Marrieds in         different parish homes of Older Marrieds to gain married wisdom and even more fellowship! Sign up by calling or texting Joan Tasler @ 402-310-9682 or emailing Joan at jftasler@gmail.com.

We look forward to hosting you!!!


 In-Parish Home for Sale

900 S 36th Street: 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath. Showings begin Jan 17th. Contact Andrew McNeely (realtor) at 402-540-1689.

Eucharistic Adoration | This Session Runs Jan 2—Mar 1

Parishioners: we had a fantastic response to signing up for Holy Hours; thank you! We had 13 open earlier this week. We now have only five to cover. If you don’t already have an hour, please consider taking one of the “empty” hours so that we can continue with exposition. It is important that when Our Lord is exposed in the Monstrance, he is not left alone. Therefore, we sign up for Holy Hours so that we are sure someone is  always with him. Sign up HERE.

Hours of Eucharistic Exposition

  • Sundays: 1pm-9pm
  • Monday-Friday: 9am-9pm
  • Saturdays: 9am-4pm

Currently Open Holy Hours:

Fridays 5-6 and Saturdays 3-4



Lectors: Schedules were mailed recently. Thanks for your patience!

February’s Lectors: Sat 4pm: Seib, Sun 8am: Kopetzky, Sun 10am: Shasserre, Sun Noon: Kuzma


Epiphany Home Blessing

Blessed chalk and Prayer Booklets are available at the Southwest Exit (toward the parking lot) of the church. Take the time to carry on this tradition of blessing our homes at the New Year! For more information, see the article printed in the upper right hand corner of this bulletin.

Parish Office | 402-477-3979

General Hours: 9am-4pm Mon-Fri

  • Jeanne Kee: Financial Secretary

Mon-Thu, 9-4 | jeanne-kee@cdolinc.net

  • Aubrey Potter: Parish Secretary

Mon-Fri, 9-1 | aubrey-potter@cdolinc.net

Deadline for Bulletin Announcements (send to Aubrey) is Wednesday at Noon.


Online Giving Has Changed!

St. Teresa Parish has a new online giving platform. If you had recurring gifts set up, your account with those gifts has been transferred to the new system. As a recurring giver, you may enter the system using the same e-mail address. However, you will need to set up a new password using the new password link. If you gave online without the recurring gift option, you will need to set up a new account in the new system.

  • You can visit the new site HERE (the same as clicking the Online Giving heart in the most-upper-right-hand corner of our parish website).
  • The system is now readily accessible using your mobile phone. You may text GIVE to 402-925-9925 to receive a link to our online giving site or use the QR code printed in the bulletin.

Altar Society Prayer Line

An Altar Society Prayer Line has been established to lift up our prayers to God as a parish community. Leva Orationes Deo is Latin for lift up prayers to God.  Requests can be made by e-mailing  levaorationesdeo@yahoo.com or by calling (the first caller on the list) Mary Pat McBride at 402-314-1296. All intentions will be sent by e-mail to the Altar Society e-mail list. If you want to participate in the phone prayer line, please contact Mary Pat.




Day-Long Retreat for Moms of Young People

February 12th, 2022, the   Retreat for Moms of Young People will be happening at the Good Counsel Retreat house. Fr. Ben Holdren and Bekah Knobeloch will be   giving a series of talks for moms of younger children. This is a day-long retreat; babies are   welcome. Go to the diocesan website or see the parish  e-mail for sign-up link.

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters

This Program is for dads of daughters ages 12-18 and is based on the book of the same name by Dr. Meg Meeker (who has endorsed the program). Classes meet weekly for 12 weeks, from 6:30-7:45am, beginning Jan 20. This will be held at    St. Joseph Church in Resurrection Hall. Dads from all Lincoln parishes are       welcome! Facilitators are Dan Krick, MA and Katie (Krick) Bardsley, MA, LPCC, PLMHP. Deadline for sign-up is Jan 18th. Contact Dan: 402-304-6500

or dankrick@kusudigroup.com


Divorced? Come find comfort, counsel, hope and healing consistent with Catholic Church teachings.

The twelve-week video series & facilitator led Surviving Divorce program begins on February 7, 2022- 7-9pm, at John XXIII Diocesan Center, 3700 Sheridan Blvd. A suggested donation of $50 covers the cost of the program and includes the Surviving Divorce personal guide and all materials. Classes are kept small and may be registered for by contacting the Family Life Office at 402-473-0620 or familylifeoffice@cdolinc.net

Faith, Hope and Love . . . Are these present in your marriage.  Have you given up hope that they can be?
In 1 Corinthians 13:13 Jesus tells us the greatest of these is Love.  Living in a marriage that is missing love can be difficult.  If you have given up hope that your marriage can and will get better, ask your spouse to consider attending a Retrouvaille program.  Retrouvaille is an international Christian-based ministry that offers a three-stage program to help couples improve their marriages.  First, a weekend program is attended, followed by post-weekend meetings.  Finally, an on-going monthly small group of couples gathers for support and growth.  If improving your marriage is important to you, reach out today.  For more information about a Retrouvaille Weekend program. February 11-13 2022 to register call 1-800-470-2230 0r www.helpourmarriage.org, www.retrouvaille.org last day to sign up January 30th 2022


 Ladies, you're invited to our WINTER MAGNIFICAT PRAYER MEAL—Saturday February 5, 9:30 a.m. at Hillcrest Country Club, 9401 East O Street, Lincoln, with guest speaker Father Allan Phan.  Father Phan was ordained a Diocesan Priest in 2018 after an amazing Holy Spirit lead journey as he was not raised in a Christian family. Father’s heart is moved by how far Love (God) is willing to go for him and he desires to help others encounter Love to receive the same peace he has.  He loves to "rest in the Presence of the Lord" and hear His Lord call him "little flock", which causes all anxieties in his heart to melt away!   His favorite scripture is Luke 12:32 "Do not be afraid little flock, for it is Your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom". Come hear Father Phan’s inspiring testimony, and invite other women to join us in Christianship fellowship.  Register by mailing your $25 check payable to Magnificat c/o Tina Colgan, 521 N 56 ST, Lincoln, NE 68504. (students $15) Deadline is January 29.  For more information text Rhonda Litt at 402.525.6396 or call and leave a message 402.489.3819.


Nebraska Walk for Life January 29

Join thousands of pro-life Nebraskans for the 48th Annual Nebraska Walk for Life held on Sat, Jan 29, beginning at 10:00am on the north steps of the State Capitol. Keynote speaker, Ashley Bratcher, the actress that played Abby Johnson in the movie "Unplanned," will share her own pro-life story at the Nebraska Student Union. Pro-life information tables, food and drink will be available. Bake Sale donations are needed; volunteers will be available curbside to collect baked goods from 8-9 a.m. in front of the Student Union the morning of the walk, or call 402-438-4802 to make arrangements. 

Mass is at St. Mary's Catholic Church, 14th & K Street at 9:00am

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat

God forgave you but you can't forgive yourself? Attend a confidential Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat for post-abortion healing Mar 4-6.

Scholarships are available. Contact helpingrachel@yahoo.com or call Heather 402-671-3749.

Spirit Catholic Radio’s Celebration Dinner

Sat, Feb 12: Spirit Catholic Radio invites you to our 17th annual Spirit Celebration Dinner, where we will enjoy a meal together and honor keynote speaker and Spirit Award Recipient, Steve Ray.       Steve has hosted many pilgrimages for Spirit Catholic Radio and is a frequent guest on Spirit Mornings and EWTN   Radio. Social hour begins at 6pm with the dinner and program beginning at 7 p.m. Only $50 per seat. Please make your reservation by Feb 5th at spiritcatholicradio.com/dinner

The Diocese of Lincoln requires that its employees and volunteers report any allegations of abuse or neglect of a minor or elder connected with church related activity to law enforcement, consistent with the requirements of Nebraska law. If anyone has information that a minor or elder is  being or has been subjected to abuse or neglect please report it immediately to local law enforcement or to the Nebraska Dept. of Health and Human Services toll-free number 1-800-652-1999, and also to any Parish Pastor, School Administrator, Teacher, or to any Diocesan official at the Catholic Chancery 402-488-0921, so that immediate steps may be taken for the protection of the minor or elder.

Let the Word of God illuminate your new year with an online or in-person class from the Emmaus Institute for Biblical Studies. January “Short Courses” include: Introduction to the Bible I: What It Is and How We Got It (January 10-14); Reading Scripture with the Fathers of the Church (January 17-21 – online and in-person); and Introduction to the Bible II: What It Says and How to Read It (January 24-28). Classes are in Lincoln and run Monday-Friday from 9:30-11:30am. Learn more and register at www.EmmausInstitute.net.

Holy Land Pilgrimage: It looks like the pilgrimage to the Holy Land on May 9-19, 2022, will be able to travel, as long as we have enough interest in the trip! Because tourism is down, and crowds will be less, this will be a great time to visit the Holy Land! Currently, vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals are welcome to Israel and Palestine but both persons will be subject to a COVID test before flying and after arrival in Israel. Protocols differ slightly depending on vaccination status. The requirements have been changing every 1-2 months so there's hope they will continue to loosen. Cost is about $4000 per person. See itinerary and details at stmarysdavidcity.org or tektonministries.com. Contact Fr. Jay Buhman (402-367-3579) with ANY questions.

Pius X Thunderettes Dance Camp is January 29th, 2022 from 9:30am until 2pm at Pius X High School. You can sign up HERE.

Creighton Model FertilityCare System  Creighton Model is a women's health science that allows users to learn more about their fertility and in conjunction with NaProTECHNOLOGY treat many reproductive disorders.  Introductory sessions are available in person or online.  For more information or to register, visit, https://lincolndiocese.regfox.com/creighton-introductory-session