March 19, 2021: Weekend Report

Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners,

Please take time to look through the new announcements. The old announcements—as always—are included for your convenience.

Happy Solemnity of Saint Joseph!

God bless you!


Handy Links:

  1. Spring Cleaning Sign-Up
  2. Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up
  3. Parish Website
  4. Parish Facebook Page
  5. Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House Schedule


March 21st Bulletin

Bulletin Advertisers

Easter Lilies Flyer (repeat)

Calendar for the last two weeks of Lent and Easter

Nebraska Catholic Conference Flyer



In anticipation of Easter, we are doing a deep cleaning of the church. There will be a variety of jobs to complete such as dusting, vacuuming, shining, and mopping. Adults, teens, and children able to work alongside their parents would be appreciated. Use this sign-up genius link. Dates are Mon, March 29th from 9-11:30am and 6:30-8:30pm and again Tue March 30 from 9-11:30am and 6:30-8:30pm.

Eucharistic Adoration Holy Hour Available: Tuesdays from Noon until 1pm

A person is needed for this holy hour. It is a quiet time to sit with Our Lord in peace and prayer. Use the sign-up genius link (above) or call the parish office.

Ushers are greatly needed! Ushers have an important role in our parish. They stand watch during Mass to provide security. They are the concierges of our parish, welcoming all of us, making visitors comfortable, and helping to find what is needed. The more visible things they do are helping to seat people—especially         important now in a time of  social distancing—and helping with collection, offertory, and streamlining our exit at the end of Mass. We need more Ushers! Many of our dedicated men have retired. To volunteer, please contact Will Varicak at 402-416-1070.


Virtual Pilgrimage of the Churches of St. Joseph: Fr. Hottovy would like to take you on a tour of some of the most important churches around the world that are  dedicated to St. Joseph. The presentation will be in Kaczmarek Hall on Tue, Mar 23rd at 7pm.

  • It is not possible to live-stream this event (K.Hall has no wi-fi).
  • All people are welcome to attend regardless of whether they participated in the St. Joseph Book Study.

In honor of Saint Joseph, all are invited to a Holy Hour Tuesday, March 23rd at 1pm in the church. We will say the rosary and pray the St. Joseph Litany.

The Solemnity of St. Joseph was March 19th, but don’t worry: you haven’t missed anything because the whole month of March is dedicated to St. Joseph … and the year. In fact, on the 19th, Bishop Conley consecrated our diocese to this great saint. Look for   upcoming ways to learn about and honor Saint Joseph in this blessed year!

Let your voice he heard on this important issue! As you’ve likely seen in the news, the Nebraska Department of Education released a draft of Health Standards that includes material that promotes a false understanding of God’s design for marriage and human sexuality. The  standards also raise concerns about respect for the role of parents as the primary educator. Stay informed by joining the Nebraska Catholic Conference Network at

Please see the attachment for details and visit THIS WEBSITE (Nebraska Catholic Conference)

 Prime Matters | There Will Be Light | Click HERE to link to this online article. “Most Rev. James D. Conley, Bishop of Lincoln, joined Dr. James Link, a Catholic clinical psychologist based in Bismarck, North Dakota, via Zoom on January 30, 2021, to discuss the relationship between Catholic spirituality and psychology. In December 2019,  Bishop Conley requested time away in   order to seek assistance in dealing with anxiety and depression, an experience he shares with Dr. Link in order to encourage others to seek help when struggling with mental illness.”

MARCH 31, 2021 is the deadline to apply for the Good Shepherd Scholarship (through FACTS management).

Even families who are only eligible for the Family Tuition Cap Scholarship need to apply, and it is necessary to apply each year.

Envelopes for donations to Catholic Social Services are at the exits. These replace the past-tradition of Rice Bowls for Lenten Almsgiving.   

Last month, Catholic Social Services (CSS) helped two grandparents who are caring for their three grandchildren—10 year old twins and an 8 year old—while their parents are in prison. The grandparents moved from Columbus so that their grandchildren could remain in school here in Lincoln. Thanks to our donors, CSS was able to assist them with hotel expenses in February and helped them arrange to stay temporarily at People's City Mission until their application for an apartment was approved. We also worked with the grandfather to create a resume so that he would be better prepared to apply for jobs once the family is settled in.

Seminarian of the Week: Caleb Hansen is the son of Corey & Monica Hansen of St. Joseph Parish in Lincoln. He is studying College 1 at St. Gregory the Great. Remember to pray for Caleb and for his formation.

Please Pray for the repose of the soul of longtime parishioner Ann Foral.

United in Marriage: Quentin and Samantha (Jablonski) Vrbka March 6, 2021. Congratulations!

:: REPEAT PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS (for your convenience) ::

It is time to (informally) reintroduce Altar Servers to our Masses. We have not yet drawn up a schedule nor have we trained last year’s boys and we don’t yet have plans for training this year’s boys. But if you have boys or young men who are altar servers, please encourage them to volunteer at whichever Mass you attend. We will keep you posted on this. 🙂

Lenten Confession Times

  • Times for Confessions have been adjusted. More times are available so that everyone has the opportunity to make a good confession during Lent.
  • Confessions are still being heard in the sacristies rather than in the small transept-confessionals. The priest has his back to the entry for the privacy of the penitent, who may choose face-to-face confession if s/he prefers.
  • Confessions will be heard at these times:
  • Before all 6:30am and 8:15am Masses and before Saturday’s 8:15am Mass.
  • Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 7pm, Fr. Raminedi will hear confessions in the back  confessional.
  • Saturday afternoons from 3-3:50 and again after Mass from 5-5:30


  • Mon-Tue-Wed of Holy Week (Mar 29-30-31)

6am-6:20am and 7:45am-8:05am and 9-9:30am (this 9-9:30 time wasn’t listed before but I promise you it’s accurate)

  • Holy Thursday: after 7pm Mass
  • Good Friday: after Noon-Stations of the Cross and after the 7pm Service
  • Holy Saturday: 11am-Noon

Remember to visit the Eucharistic Miracles exhibit, which will be on display in the nave of  St. Teresa Church through Wednesday, March 24th.

The 39 panels feature both graphic and written depictions of the miracles. Take time to visit each panel and learn  about Eucharistic Miracles with which God has blessed us. Further details are in last week’s flyer (bulletin insert). The panels are in chronological order. Begin in the back SE corner of church with the first panel Eucharistic Miracles and continue forward and then in a clockwise path.

Knights of Columbus #833 Annual Friday Lenten Fish Fry

Carry Out Only

Serving from 4:30-7pm

Cost is $10 per meal

Featuring fried Pollock & fries with a side of coleslaw and bread

KC Hall: 6044 South Street

40 Days for Life began Feb 17th. St. Teresa’s assigned times are Thursdays from 11am-6pm. Sign up on the board in the vestibule to pray for an hour outside Planned Parenthood. Weekly commitments are greatly needed. Please join in and bring a friend.


Altar Society Prayer Line

An Altar Society Prayer Line has been established to lift up our prayers to God as a parish community. Leva Orationes Deo is Latin for lift up prayers to God.  Requests can be made by e-mailing or by calling (the first caller on the list) Mary Pat McBride at 402-314-1296. All intentions will be sent by e-mail to the Altar Society e-mail list. If you want to participate in the phone prayer line, please contact Mary Pat.




The Marian Sisters invite you to their annual Holy Week Retreat.  The retreat will provide an opportunity for single young women (19-32 yrs. of age) to enter more deeply into the Passion and Death of our Lord.  The silent retreat will be held at Good Counsel Retreat House in Waverly, NE, on April 1-3, 2021.  The cost is $30 for students and $40 for non-students.  For more information or to register, please visit their website at or contact Sr. Amy Marie at or by phone (402)786-2750.