March 25, 2022: Weekend Update

Dear St. Teresa Parishioners,

There are two announcements below which are in red. That is because they are for Friday March 25th—please read them both closely. In the printed bulletin (or the pdf, if you prefer), there is a server schedule for the week. If your son is an Altar Server, take the time to look over the schedule. There are a few new announcements, and if you read far enough, you’ll find out the date and time of Deacon Liam O’Shea-Creal’s first Mass which will be here at St. Teresa.

May God bless you!



Handy Links:

  1. Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up
  2. Parish Website
  3. Parish Facebook Page
  4. Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House



March 27 Bulletin

Bulletin Advertisers


The Annunciation | Friday, Mar 25

This is a solemnity but not a holy day of obligation. Masses are at 6:30 and 8:15.

From The Pillar: “Abstinence from meat is required in the U.S. during the Fridays of Lent, unless, as canon 1251 explains, ‘a solemnity should fall on a Friday.’ A solemnity is a feast of the highest order in the Church. The Annunciation is a  solemnity, which celebrates the archangel Gabriel announcing to Mary that she would become the Mother of God. Therefore, you can eat meat on Friday, March 25, the Solemnity of the Annunciation.”

Bishop James Conley will join Pope Francis and the bishops of the world in consecrating Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25, 2022: Solemnity of the Annunciation. Bishop Conley will pray the act of consecration during two separate Masses on Friday:

  • 8:15am at Cathedral of the Risen Christ
  • 7:00pm at St. Joseph Church with the Right Reverend Archimandrite Ivan Kortec, pastor of St. George Church—our Byzantine-Ukranian Rite parish—who will concelebrate and will speak during the Mass. (Note: this is the Legion of Mary’s Acies Mass)

Rosary Leaders: The Legion of Mary would like to have someone lead the rosary  before each of the four weekend Masses. We are still looking for Rosary leaders to share the 4pm and 10am Masses. We also welcome people to volunteer for a substitute list. Please call Ann Suyker at 402-853-3255.


Peace Beyond All Understanding: Morning of Recollection: April 2nd

Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 2nd. The Women’s Events Committee is hosting a one-time Morning of Recollection from 10am til Noon followed by a potluck salad luncheon (bring your favorite salad to share).

A peace that guards your heart

How can that be? That can’t mean for our time, in this culture.

Have you turned on the news lately? How is that even possible?

It’s not just possible; it’s promised.

Join us for a morning of talks and prayer, led by the women of the parish. Whether you want to go deeper, begin again, or learn how to pray, this gathering is for all women, no matter age or stage in life. Register one of two ways:

  1. Use THIS LINK to get to the sign-up genius
  2. Call Mary Pat McBride at 402-314-1296


Holy Hour Friday, April 1, 2022 at 7:15 pm will be held at the Pink Sisters' Chapel, 1040 South Cotner Blvd. Singing will be led by the Immaculate Heart of Mary Youth Choir (Thien Chu). Please help us pray for good vocations for our Diocese, our Seminary, and for us.

Prodigal Prayer Partners

Many of us have been praying for our loved ones: friends, relatives, or even our own children who are no longer practicing the Faith. Our prayers become more   powerful when prayed with others.

For these intentions:

  • On the first Thursday of every month (April 7th), a rosary is offered before the Blessed Sacrament in the church at 7pm.
  • On the first Friday of every month (April 1st), the 6:30am Mass is offered for Fallen Away Catholics.

Deacon Liam O’Shea-Creal will be ordained to the priesthood on May 28, 2022. He will celebrate his first Mass at St. Teresa Parish at Noon on May 29th. Further details will be announced in the coming months.


St. Teresa Parish only. For more Lenten opportunities, scroll down to Diocese-Wide-stuff.

Almsgiving: Catholic Social Services

Money collected during Lent, which used to go to the Rice Bowl, will go to Catholic Social Services again this year. Envelopes are at the exits of the church (for CSS). At the end of Lent, you may turn your collections into the rectory or you may mail them directly to Catholic Social Services.

Holy Face Devotion on Wednesdays

In keeping with the spirit of our beloved St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, for Lent we are offering a holy half hour from 6:30-7 on Wednesday  evenings in the church in devotion to our Lord's Holy Face. We will pray the chaplet of the Holy Face, as well as some other prayers focused on this devotion, with the special intention of the defeat of the evil that is spreading across the world. All are encouraged to attend! To learn more about this devotion, visit:

Lenten Series | Fr. Beardslee

Join Fr. Beardslee as he explores the  spiritual depths of the Eucharistic prayers used in every Mass. These beautiful   prayers are the central focus and high point of the Mass and are packed with meaning. Meetings will be on Lenten Mondays at 7pm. Meetings are in the school cafeteria. NOTE: There will NOT be a meeting on April 11th, as that is the date of the Chrism Mass (which Fr. B will attend).


40 Days for Life: There has been a great response this season for prayer at Planned Parenthood. Many hours still only have one participant and our goal is 2 per hour.  Please sign up online:

Knights of Columbus Council 833: Fish Frys

  • KC Hall: 6044 South Street | Dine In & Carry Out
  • 4:30-7pm every FRYday of Lent (except Good Friday)
  • Menu: Pollock, Fries or Baked Potato, Coleslaw, and Bread


Golf League

St. Teresa Men’s Club is sponsoring a Golf League for all men of the parish. We play at Holmes Golf Course on Mon evenings. For more info or a registration form, contact Dale Theisen at 402-430-0973. The deadline to register is April 1st.


The Thrift Store made $827 last weekend.

Upcoming Sales:

  • March 25-26: Closed
  • April 1-2: Open with new merchandise

Hours for business:

Fridays 4-8 and Saturdays 9-3

Please donate during business hours.


Parish Office | 402-477-3979

General Hours: 9am-4pm Mon-Fri

  • Jeanne Kee: Financial Secretary

Mon-Thu, 9-4 |

  • Aubrey Potter: Parish Secretary

Mon-Thu, 9-2 |

Deadline for Bulletin Announcements (send to Aubrey) is Wednesday at Noon.

Altar Society Prayer Line

An Altar Society Prayer Line has been established to lift up our prayers to God as a parish community. Leva Orationes Deo is Latin for lift up prayers to God.  Requests can be made by e-mailing or by calling (the first caller on the list) Mary Pat McBride at 402-314-1296. All intentions will be sent by e-mail to the Altar Society e-mail list. If you want to participate in the phone prayer line, please contact Mary Pat.



UNL Newman Center: High School Night

Ever wondered what Catholic community would look like in college? Join us on April 20th from 6-8pm for a night of tours from UNL students, involvement information, yard games, and free food. 320 N 16thStreet, Lincoln.


Join us at RISEN!

Cathedral of the Risen Christ would like you to join us at RISEN on Friday, April 22 beginning at 6:30pm at the Pla Mor Ballroom. The evening will include: ballroom dancing lessons, LIVE MUSIC by The Bobby Layne Orchestra and The Reflections Big Band, and a heavy hor d'oeuvres buffet and cocktails. To purchase tickets go to or stop by the Cathedral parish office.

Cathedral of the Risen Christ is seeking a full-time Facilities & Grounds Manager. Will be responsible for inspecting, maintaining, repairing & renovating parish and school buildings and grounds. Send cover letter, resume and references to


Cathedral School has the following open teaching positions available: full time Technology Teacher, full time PE Teacher, and full time Paraeducator. Interested applicants should send a cover letter, resume, and references to

Pro-Life Education Series | Sponsored by KC Council 13576

Each day, family friends, and others move away from Christian beliefs. Some believe science deals with facts while faith is just emotions and feelings based primarily in fear. This isn’t true but especially young people fall for it. Influences of parents and grandparents may still govern young adults’ behavior in ways consistent with the Gospel even as these adults don’t view Christianity as relevant to their lives. Join us for a one-hour presentation and discussion by Bob Sullivan April 3rd at 7pm at St. Patrick, Lincoln.

You are invited to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday at St. Peter Catholic Church, 4500 Duxhall Drive, Lincoln, NE beginning at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday April 24. Pray the Mercy Chaplet, venerate  the Divine Mercy Image, Benediction.  Confessions will be available. Keynote homilist is Father Tony Bedient. All are welcome.

St. Patrick and Blessed Sacrament Catholic Schools in Lincoln are seeking a K-8 elementary music teacher for the 2022-23 school year. This full-time music position is shared between the two Lincoln Schools. Applicants must have or be able to obtain a current Nebraska teaching certificate.  To apply, please send an email with resume and references to both and

Catholic Women’s golf league

  • Calling all experienced & Beginner golfers! Join us for golf & fun every Wednesday this summer.
  • Teams of 2-6 forming now (2 players from each team play each week)
  • Variation of play each week between regular golf (play your own ball) and scramble golf.
  • Shot gun start at 5:15 pm. Season starts May 4th and ends August 10th . There will be a mid-season & end of season fun golf/social event.
  • You can form your own team, or we can place you on a new team.
  • This league is formed behind fellowship, core values and surrounding yourself with amazing (and fun!) women.
  • We are hosting a Meet & Greet social at Stacy Gutschenritter’s house on April 12th. Please reach out to us if you would like to attend!
  • Please sign up before April 18th
  • If interested, or if you have any questions, contact:
  • Rochelle Essay 402-429-9956 -or[1]Stacy Gutschenritter 402-617-7745

Save the Dates:

April 12 - 4th Annual Eucharistic Procession at Planned Parenthood from 2 pm to 3 pm.

April 15 - Stations of the Cross in front of Planned Parenthood from noon to 1 pm.




Administrative Assistant Position: St. Mary Church in Denton, NE is seeking a part-time Administrative Assistant.  Duties include office tasks and bookkeeping.  More information available on the parish website (

St. Joseph School—Multiple Positions

St. Joseph School, is seeking faith-filled, dynamic teachers for full-time teaching positions in:

  • Jr. High English – Requires the ability to empower students with excellent writing and grammar skills.
  • Jr. High Social Studies – Requires a desire to assist students in viewing all aspects of human history through the light of Christ and the truth of His Church.
  • PE – Requires proficiency in educating ages PreK-8 in lifelong fitness and activity skills. Some coaching opportunities available and potential AD duties.

Candidates need a passion for the formation of young people, along with strong leadership and team-building skills. The positions involve furthering the mission of St. Joseph Catholic School by contributing to a positive learning environment. Please send resume and references to

Part-Time Cook

This position involves cooking in a school cafeteria 3-4 days a week. Hours will be 6:00 or 7:00 am-2:00 pm. Contact Dorothy Urbanovsky at 402-560-3192 or

Join a 12-day Pilgrimage to Ireland and Our Lady of Knock June 15-26, 2022 with Fr. Gary Coulter, Fr. Ronald Homes, Fr. Bernard Lorenz and Fr. Matthew Zimmer, daily Mass, and a Catholic guide. Round trip from Omaha: $4,225. More info: or contact Fr. Gary Coulter, / 402-786-2705.

Camp Kateri: Summer Camp Registration: Registration is now open for SKY Camp (current grades 4-8th), Catholic Adventure Camp (grades 3rd-5th) and the Tekakwitha Games (grades 4-8th).  For more information, or to register for camp, go to

 Camp Kateri: Summer Camp Counselor Volunteers Needed

Camp Kateri is now accepting applications for volunteer high school counselors (grades 9-12th) for SKY, Catholic Adventure Camp and the Tekakwitha Games.  For more information, or to download an application, please go to