May 22, 2020
Dear St. Teresa Parishioners,
I hope and pray that you are well and entrusting all to the Lord. The Lord is with us!
Although restrictions are being lifted in Lincoln, all of the current guidelines for churches remain in place regarding 6-foot social distancing and distancing by household, daily cleaning of the pews, door handles, etc. With more people coming to Mass, an important reminder is that everyone is asked to wear a mask (except children 3 and under). Because the Sunday obligation has been dispensed, people are encouraged to take advantage of weekday Masses.
Catholics should continue to keep the Lord’s Day—Sunday—holy with intentional time for prayer, including reflection on the scriptures of the day, watching our live-streamed (or otherwise televised) Masses, and making an Act of Spiritual Communion.
As we have had almost two weeks with public Masses, there has been a gradual increase in attendance with an overall average of 35 people per Mass. Parishioners continue to be prudently cautious regarding whether they and their household should be attending these newly opened Masses to the public. We continue do everything that we can to make sure that all surfaces, pews, door handles, hand railings, etc. are cleaned and sanitized regularly.
All other parish and school activities remain restricted, including after-Mass gatherings such as coffee and rolls, funeral luncheons, wedding receptions, etc. In-person meetings of parish groups continue to be indefinitely suspended.
Our current public Mass Schedule:
Those who cannot or wish not to attend Sunday Mass in person are invited to join us via our parish website or Facebook page. We will continue to live stream the Saturday 4pm and Sunday 10am Masses for the foreseeable future.
Guidelines and Safety Measures for Parishioners During Reopening Please use your judgment and the following guidelines in determining your attendance at Mass. The dispensation from the Sunday Mass obligation remains in place so that parishioners feel no pressure to come to church and so that parishioners may come to Mass any day of the week, rather than everyone attempting to come on Sundays.
Those Who are Encouraged to Stay Home:
Your priests’ daily Masses and prayers are being offered for you and your loved ones. Please know of our sincere appreciation for all of your expressions of support, prayers, and offers of help, food and bakery that many of you have provided. We are very grateful. Be assured of our daily prayers for you.
Be well in Our Ascended Lord,
Fr. Hottovy
Parish Announcements, Reminders, & Notes:
May God bless you and keep you!
Dear St. Teresa Parishioners,
I hope and pray that you are well and entrusting all to the Lord. The Lord is with us!
Although restrictions are being lifted in Lincoln, all of the current guidelines for churches remain in place regarding 6-foot social distancing and distancing by household, daily cleaning of the pews, door handles, etc. With more people coming to Mass, an important reminder is that everyone is asked to wear a mask (except children 3 and under). Because the Sunday obligation has been dispensed, people are encouraged to take advantage of weekday Masses.
Catholics should continue to keep the Lord’s Day—Sunday—holy with intentional time for prayer, including reflection on the scriptures of the day, watching our live-streamed (or otherwise televised) Masses, and making an Act of Spiritual Communion.
As we have had almost two weeks with public Masses, there has been a gradual increase in attendance with an overall average of 35 people per Mass. Parishioners continue to be prudently cautious regarding whether they and their household should be attending these newly opened Masses to the public. We continue do everything that we can to make sure that all surfaces, pews, door handles, hand railings, etc. are cleaned and sanitized regularly.
All other parish and school activities remain restricted, including after-Mass gatherings such as coffee and rolls, funeral luncheons, wedding receptions, etc. In-person meetings of parish groups continue to be indefinitely suspended.
Our current public Mass Schedule:
- Monday – Friday: 8:15am and 5:30pm
- Saturday: 8:15am and 4pm Vigil Mass (the 4pm will also be streamed)
- Sunday: 8am, 10am (the 10am will also be streamed), and Noon Masses
Those who cannot or wish not to attend Sunday Mass in person are invited to join us via our parish website or Facebook page. We will continue to live stream the Saturday 4pm and Sunday 10am Masses for the foreseeable future.
Guidelines and Safety Measures for Parishioners During Reopening Please use your judgment and the following guidelines in determining your attendance at Mass. The dispensation from the Sunday Mass obligation remains in place so that parishioners feel no pressure to come to church and so that parishioners may come to Mass any day of the week, rather than everyone attempting to come on Sundays.
Those Who are Encouraged to Stay Home:
- The sick
- The elderly
- People with underlying medical conditions
- Family members who live with elderly people or those who are at risk
- People who have access to those at risk in nursing institutions
- People who have upper respiratory or flu like symptoms
- People who live with someone with upper respiratory or flu like symptoms
- People with COVID-19 or live with someone with COVID-19
- People who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19
- We ask all people who attend Mass (who are over 3 years of age) to wear a mask.
- Alternate pews will be demarcated so that families can sit with the appropriate 6 feet social distancing.
- Hymnals and missalettes have been removed from the pews. Feel free to take one from the back but do not return it. Take it home with you and bring it for personal use at future Masses.
- There will not be any singing at Mass by choirs or by the congregation in order to limit the spread of sickness via water droplets.
- Collection baskets will be at the exits for you to leave your offerings.
- Please receive Holy Communion in the hand.
- The communion rail will not be used. In queueing to receive Holy Communion and returning to your pews, observe the appropriate distance between households.
- There will be two Communion stations, each with a plexi-glass divider. The priest will stand in the center aisle and will distribute to the people who are seated in the front half for the church. Communion will also be distributed from the back for those who are seated in the back half of the church.
- When coming up for Communion, please keep your mask on and place your hands beneath the plexi-glass shield to receive in the hand, then move to the side, remove one side of your mask, and consume the Host.
- After Mass, maintain a 6-foot social distance when exiting the church as well as outside on parish grounds.
Your priests’ daily Masses and prayers are being offered for you and your loved ones. Please know of our sincere appreciation for all of your expressions of support, prayers, and offers of help, food and bakery that many of you have provided. We are very grateful. Be assured of our daily prayers for you.
Be well in Our Ascended Lord,
Fr. Hottovy
Parish Announcements, Reminders, & Notes:
- Our parish’s website is HERE and our Facebook page is HERE.
- Remember that Saturday’s Eucharistic Procession begins at 10am, following Prayers Against Pandemics, which will be said in church (and streamed) at 9:45am. This procession will take place in the Eastridge Neighborhood.
- Totus Tuus will not take place at our parish this summer. Please pray for the success of the program and look forward to sending your children in future years.
- May’s Shower of Roses Mass: on the intention slips, the Mass’s date was listed as, May 31st at 8am. This intention has been moved to the 10am Mass on May 31st (so that those participating in a streamed Mass at home may also pray toward these intentions).
- Father Goodwin will be on retreat (unavailable) the week of May 24-30.
- Thank Yous! Many thanks to the Altar Servers and others who have been helping with the Eucharistic Processions. Thank you to the Acolytes and Ushers who have been serving and helping at Masses. Thanks always to the tech people who continue to make sure our Masses are streamed so that those who stay home may still participate. Many people have also been helping with grounds keeping—thank you for your hard work!
- Congratulations to our St. Teresa Elementary 2020 8th grade graduates: George Frederick Aerts, Evan James Akins, Abel Agustin Alas, Treyson Joshua Anderson, Samuel Terence Andres, Caden David Barkemeyer, Affoue M. Boko, Anna Maria Thérèse Butler, Karl Vinton Butler, Angel I. Castillo, Eberardo Castillo, Sophia Katherine Davis, William Ryan Eusterwiemann, Sergio Garcia Aguirre, Cora Halverson, Maeve Gianna Harper, Samuel James Kluck, Kanni Komi, Charles J. Kotopka, Steven Joseph Krueger, Dillon Patrick Kruse, Grace Elizabeth Langdon, Anthony Marcial Bravo, Owen James Minchow, Sergio Miranda Herrera, Louise Josephine Marie Pepino, Elizabeth Susan Schinstock, Gabrielle Marie Seeman, Norah Elise Stewart, John Stratman, Thomas Andrew Subiabre, Elizabeth Swanson, Elizabeth Marie Timmerman, Kathryn Elizabeth Vacek, and Michael Silas Wixson.
- We are in need of Ushers to help at daily masses at 8:30 am and 5:30 pm. to assist parishioners with sitting accommodations due to COVID-19. Please let Will Varicak know if you can help: | 402-416-1070. New Ushers are welcome!
- Lectors and Altar Servers will not be needed for Masses (indefinitely).
- Charity and Stewardship Appeal: there is an update on the bulletin page. Remember to call the parish office if you need help with your pledge. If you made your pledge online, it is not necessary to mail the card.
- Since Masses are now public, our priests’ homilies will no longer be included in these messages. (Masses will still be streamed at 4pm Saturday and again Sunday at 10am.)
- Give online now through 11:59 p.m. on May 28. The website is HERE.
- Call in a gift through the Lincoln Community Foundation at 402-474-2345.
- Mail a gift to the Lincoln Community Foundation at 215 Centennial Mall S., Ste. 100, Lincoln, NE 687508 by May 23rd. Checks must be written to “Lincoln Community Foundation” with “St. Teresa School” in the memo line.
- Drop off a gift at any Lincoln West Gate Bank branch via drive through now through May 28.
- Give through a Donor Advised Fund or through your IRA.
- Ordinations and Chrism Mass are both closed to the public, due to COVID-19 restrictions. Both Masses will be streamed for the public.
- The Mass with Prayers for Healing which was scheduled for June 7 at Blessed John XXIII Chapel is postponed until a future date not yet determined. Please pray for the sick.
- Due to concerns about COVID-19, all Camp Kateri summer camps have been canceled. This includes SKY, Catholic Adventure, Leadership Camp, Marian Camp, and Virtus Veritas. Starting on May 1st, we will begin issuing full refunds to registered camp families. This process will be completed by May 31th. “Outdoor Ministry is an important part of a child’s spiritual nourishment. It provides a memorable setting to connect with God, make positive friendships, and learn more about the Catholic faith. We look forward to the day when children can explore their faith, and the outdoors, at Camp Kateri again.”
- The Emmaus Institute for Biblical Studies is now accepting registrations for online summer classes. Course topics include the Gospels, the Eucharist, Mary, and the Creed. Learn more at
- Calvary Cemetery has decided to cancel our 2020 Annual Memorial Day Mass due to the Coronavirus situation. Monsignor Timothy J. Thorburn will offer a private Mass for all the Veterans and all the deceased loved ones at Calvary Cemetery. The cemetery will be open for friends and family to visit and decorate graves on the Memorial Day Weekend.
- Villa Marie School is accepting applications for a full-time para-professional and a part-time para-professional for the 2020-2021 school year, to work with special needs children. The school is also seeking to hire an after-school helper from 3:15 – 8:15 p.m. on Monday through Thursday evenings. Must be a high school graduate willing to work with and supervise special needs children. Please contact Sr. Jeanette at 402-786-3625 or for more information or to apply for these positions.
- Prayer to St. John Paul II | As we celebrate the 100th birthday of Saint John Paul II (May 18)
Oh, St. John Paul, from the window of heaven, grant us your blessing! Bless the church that you loved and served and guided, courageously leading it along the paths of the world in order to bring Jesus to everyone and everyone to Jesus. Bless the young, who were your great passion. Help them dream again, help them look up high again to find the light that illuminates the paths of life here on earth.
May you bless families, bless each family! You warned of Satan's assault against this precious and indispensable divine spark that God lit on earth. St. John Paul, with your prayer, may you protect the family and every life that blossoms from the family.
Pray for the whole world, which is still marked by tensions, wars and injustice. You tackled war by invoking dialogue and planting the seeds of love: pray for us so that we may be tireless sowers of peace.
Oh St. John Paul, from heaven's window, where we see you next to Mary, send God's blessing down upon us all. Amen. - The Novena to the Holy Spirit begins on the Friday after Ascension Thursday (today) and goes through Saturday, the Vigil of Pentecost. The link to view this prayer via EWTN is HERE.
May God bless you and keep you!