May 26, 2022: Weekend Update

Dear St. Teresa Parishioners,

We could discuss the beautiful weather that has been lingering like a cool rainy heavenly blessing, and how if I had Mother Nature in my pocket, it’d be like this year round, but I think I’ll just dig in.

Fellow Parents of Altar Servers: many of you have said that you hadn’t received the schedule and that it’s difficult to keep track (it is). It’ll now be available on our parish website HERE (Compassionate Service>Liturgical Ministries>Altar Servers) as a pdf. Incoming Seniors Who Need Service Hours and are Altar Servers can contact me about volunteering to serve for two upcoming funerals and a handful of weddings.

Remember: Deacon Liam O’Shea-Creal is about to become FATHER Liam O’Shea-Creal and his first Mass of Thanksgiving will be here at St. Teresa this Sunday (the 29th) at Noon. Unfortunately, altar servers are not needed because of the large number of priests and seminarians who will be in attendance—there simply won’t be room this time.

I’ve left some things in red: these are what I deem to need your attention the most. 😉

Happy Solemnity!

May God bless you!




  1. Altar Server Schedule (look for the red button)
  2. Elementary School Enrollment
  3. Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up
  4. Parish Website
  5. Totus Tuus Assistance & Volunteering



May 29 Bulletin

Bulletin Advertisers

Altar Server Schedule

June Parish Calendar

O’Shea-Creal Invite




Give to Lincoln Day  | Help Saint Teresa School deepen and develop a Catholic Liberal Arts curriculum. Your gift will support teacher formation and the purchase of classical texts and resources that set hearts on fire to cultivate a sense of wonder and joy in learning. Give online HERE now through May 26th.

Ways to donate:

  • You may donate online using THIS link.
  • You may drop off a gift at Lincoln West Gate Bank branch drive-through now through May 26th.


Please join us for Fr. Liam O’Shea-Creal’s first Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday May 29th, 2022 at Noon at St. Teresa Catholic Church. Immediately following Mass in Kaczmarek Hall will be reception hosted by St. T Altar Society and First Blessings.

Charity & Stewardship Appeal

CSA is an annual appeal of the Diocese. Funds collected support diocesan ministries such as Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House, Catholic Social Services, the Tribunal, and the Family Life Office. For a complete list, visit the diocesan website HERE. Our parish’s goal is $80,460. If we meet our goal, we will receive 80% of this as a rebate. All funds in excess of our goal will be returned to us.

Donations as of May 25th are $54,000.


Grand Group: Plan to join us for a special event! We will meet in the church parking lot on Fri, June 17 at 3pm to carpool to Deer Springs Winery, located just East of Lincoln. Afterward, we will enjoy  supper together at Venue Restaurant. Reservations are needed! Call or e-mail Phyllis by Mon, June 13: or 402-488-9177

Prodigal Prayer Partners: Many of us have been praying for our loved ones: friends, relatives, or even our own children who are no longer practicing the Faith. Our prayers become more   powerful when prayed with others.

For these intentions:

  • On the first Thursday of every month (June 2), a rosary is offered before the Blessed Sacrament in the church at 7pm.
  • On the first Friday of every month  (June 3), the 6:30am Mass is offered for Fallen Away Catholics. Note: June’s Mass is reserved for the intention +Esther Hurlbut, but you may, of course, pray for Fallen Away Catholics if you attend this Mass.

UPDATED: Totus Tuus is a summer catechetical youth program.

We have 65/90 spots filled (elementary)

For Elementary Students:

9am-3pm, Mon-Fri, June 6-10

The day includes catechetical instruction, Mass, songs, games, and recess.

For high school youth, the program runs Sun-Thu, June 5-9, 8pm-10pm.

Totus Tuus combines catechesis and having fun! The youthfulness and energy of the team is contagious. Come out and join us! Registration is available through the parish office. The cost is $25 per student but no more than $75 per family.

To register, pick up a form from one of the church exits or print the form attached to this e-mail. Forms can be filled out and turned in to the parish office.


For a successful Totus Tuus program, we need:

  • A Host family for two women
  • A Host family for two men
  • Two volunteers for drop-off time
  • Two volunteers for pick-up time
  • Cookies for each day
  • Four lunches for the team each weekday
  • Supper for the team each weeknight
  • High School Helpers
  • Water Bottles (disposable)
  • Snacks for high school meetings

The Sign-up Genius link is HERE.

Parish Potluck: Weds, June 8th at 6pm (Who is able to help make the potluck happen?


Religious Sister Vocation of the Week

Sr. Xuan Sang is a postulant with the Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters (Pinks). Remember to pray for her and her formation.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of longtime parishioner Ruth Steyer. Her rosary will be June 10th at 6:30pm at BML Funeral Home. Her funeral Mass will be June 11th at 10am here at St. Teresa.

First Friday Holy Hour

Join the Pink Sisters at 7:15pm on Friday, June 3, 2022, for a Holy Hour. Help them pray for good vocations for our diocese, our seminary, and for us. Singing will be led by Seminarians.

SCRIP Reminders

  • Remember to use SCRIP for Summer  travel: food, fuel, and even lodging. Did you know several  major hotel chains and airlines offer SCRIP rebates?  Big ticket items mean big rebates (and big tuition credits with our new plan).
  • Heads up to online Scrip users: ShopWithScrip is now RaiseRight! Next time you log in, you'll see the shiny new website. All the old options are there, but they look different. Please contact Staci if you have any questions or need help with your order, and be sure to update your saved links.
  • During Summer months, SCRIP   orders can be dropped off at the rectory and are generally available to be picked up the next business day (Mon-Thu, 9-4). Alternately, you can contact Staci directly about your SCRIP order to arrange pickup: or 402-802-8627

Remember to pray for Bryce  and Chelsey (Gassman) Weaver who were married May 20th. Congratulations!

Congratulations to our parish’s graduates!

From St. TeresaElementary School (8th grade)

Jesse Kate Andres, Tommy Arteaga, Cali Bates, Brendan Butler, Daniela Castillo Bolanos, Rachel Cisneros, Melissa Cordry, Ryan Cruz, Henry Cunningham, John Davis, Livia Duchesneau, Joseph Fitzpatrick, Guadalupe Hernandez Rodriguez, Liam Hope, Braden Johnson, Joseph Kruse, Mackenzie Nickolite, Marguerite Pepino, Isaiah Potter, Magdalen Seeman, Joseph Stratman, David Swanson, Daniel Varicak, and Zachary Voboril

From Pius X High School: Ava Aerts, Mathilda Andreasen, Luke Andres, Tyler Bates, Trenton Behne, Ellen Brox, John Paul Butler, Jeffrey Calhoun, Anne Casady, Clare Clark, Marianne Cunningham, Felicity Davis, Jacob Dostal, Alexander English, Emma Eusterwiemann, Lydia Hotovy, Will Kee, Parker Koos, Joseph Kottwitz, Ethan Langdon, Quinlan Mandery, Emily Melgar, Simon Minchow, Samuel Nickolite, Isabelle Owens, Thomas Schinstock, Joseph Seeman, Tess Timmerman, Abby Vacek, and Evan Wagner



Eucharistic Adoration Updates

Eucharistic Exposition will continue through Sat May 28th. There will not be Exposition on Sunday May 29th or Monday May 30th. On Tuesday, May 31st, Exposition resumes.

St. Teresa’s Women’s Event Committee invites all women of the parish to spend an afternoon together. Join us as we pray and walk the Stations of the Cross on the beautiful grounds of the Cloisters on the Platte. The Stations of the Cross is a 2500 foot long walking tour with audio meditations, comprised of 14 sculpture stations that represent Christ’s trial through his burial. A picnic lunch at St. Teresa precedes the event. Transportation will be provided.

  • June 5, 2022 at 1pm (bus departs after lunch)
  • $15 per person
  • Please bring a sack lunch
  • For more information or to reserve your spot, please contact Rosie Polak at 402-429-8465 or
  • Space is limited to 35 registrants.
  • Reservations are needed by June 1, 2022


SCRIP Reminders

Remember to use SCRIP for all of your Spring celebrations:

Gifts and dining out for Mother’s Day!

Graduation gifts and party supplies!

Place special orders ASAP for delivery on time. Looking further ahead, use SCRIP for Summer travel: food, fuel, and even lodging. Did you know several major hotel chains and airlines offer SCRIP rebates? Big ticket items mean big rebates (and big tuition credits with our new plan).

Heads up to online Scrip users: ShopWithScrip is now RaiseRight! Next time you log in, you'll see the shiny new website. All the old options are there, but they look different. Please contact Staci if you have any questions or need help with your order, and be sure to update your saved links.

 Contact Staci with questions: | 402-802-8627


Parish Office | 402-477-3979

General Hours: 9am-4pm Mon-Thu

The parish office is closed on Fridays.

  • Jeanne Kee: Financial Secretary

Mon-Thu, 9-4 |

  • Aubrey Potter: Parish Secretary

Mon-Thu, 9-2 |

Deadline for Bulletin Announcements (send to Aubrey) is Wednesday at 10am.

Altar Society Prayer Line

An Altar Society Prayer Line has been established to lift up our prayers to God as a parish community. Leva Orationes Deo is Latin for lift up prayers to God.  Requests can be made by e-mailing or by calling (the first caller on the list) Mary Pat McBride at 402-314-1296. All intentions will be sent by e-mail to the Altar Society e-mail list. If you want to participate in the phone prayer line, please contact Mary Pat.





Calvary Cemetery & Mausoleum

2022 Outdoor Memorial Day Mass

At the cemetery, in the roundabout

Monday May 30th at 10am

Celebrant: Bishop James Conley

(Rain Location: Cristo Rey Church)

After Mass, Chick-fil-A will offer lunch for $10 : chicken sandwich or nuggets, chips, and cookie. Veterans: 10% off.

Bishop Conley has asked us to pray for rain to end wildfires and to provide moisture for farms  and ranches, on which Nebraska depends as a large part of its livelihood. In spite of the recent rains, Nebraska is still in drought.

  “I have an urgent plea for all: please pray for rain, especially in areas affected by the wildfires and areas of severe drought. Meteorologists have forecasted that many parts of Nebraska will remain in a very substantial drought. This drought will cause serious problems for crops and livestock as we move into the summer if we do not receive increased moisture … Farmers and ranchers put in much hard work to produce food for the whole world, and we are grateful for that. They take great risks,  relying on the providence of God, to provide for our sustenance. Through the intercession of St. Isidore the Farmer, we pray for all farmers and ranchers. We pray in particular for those affected by the wildfires in central and western Nebraska. May the good Lord, the Lord of life, watch over them and keep them safe.” (This is an excerpt from THIS ARTICLE which includes a Litany for Rain (prayer) which is in last week’s printed bulletin.)

The Chancery has an immediate opening for a Director of Communications. The Director of Communications strategically plans and coordinates the communication of events, news, and initiatives among the people of the Diocese of Lincoln. This position coordinates the external and internal communications of the Diocese through print, digital and social media, podcasts, web, press, and TV/radio. Salary commensurate with experience. To apply please send resume, cover letter and two writing examples (concise press release and full length story) to Marsha Bartek at or to Chancery, 3400 Sheridan Blvd., Lincoln, NE 68506. Link:


Mother-Daughter Program

“Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” for girls age 9-13 and their mothers will be held Sat, June 4, 2022 from 9am-Noon at John XXIII Diocesan Center and virtually. This program is designed to educate girls on growing up and becoming a woman. Pre-registration is required. Cost is $25 per mother-daughter or $35 per  family for in-person, or $10 for virtual.

To register, visit

Questions? Contact Jennifer Davis:

402-261-6375 or

Join a 12-day Pilgrimage to Ireland and Our Lady of Knock June 15-26, 2022 with Fr. Gary Coulter, Fr. Ronald Homes, Fr. Bernard Lorenz and Fr. Matthew Zimmer, daily Mass, and a Catholic guide. Round trip from Omaha: $4,225. More info: or contact Fr. Gary Coulter, / 402-786-2705.

Camp Kateri: Summer Camp Registration: Registration is now open for SKY Camp (current grades 4-8th), Catholic Adventure Camp (grades 3rd-5th) and the Tekakwitha Games (grades 4-8th).  For more information, or to register for camp, go to

 Camp Kateri: Summer Camp Counselor Volunteers Needed

Camp Kateri is now accepting applications for volunteer high school counselors (grades 9-12th) for SKY, Catholic Adventure Camp and the Tekakwitha Games.  For more information, or to download an application, please go to