Good news!
A third Eucharistic Procession is planned for Saturday, May 9th. It’ll begin at 40th & L at 11:00 am (note the difference in time!) and will end near 51st & Randolph. It will be preceded by Prayers Against Pandemics at 10:45am in the church, which will be streamed on Facebook. Please click the link below for a map of the route and guidelines for the Procession.
May 9th Eucharistic Procession Map
Other reminders:
A third Eucharistic Procession is planned for Saturday, May 9th. It’ll begin at 40th & L at 11:00 am (note the difference in time!) and will end near 51st & Randolph. It will be preceded by Prayers Against Pandemics at 10:45am in the church, which will be streamed on Facebook. Please click the link below for a map of the route and guidelines for the Procession.
May 9th Eucharistic Procession Map
Other reminders:
- Thursday, May 7th, A Eucharistic Holy Hour with rosary and Praise & Worship music will be streamed at 5:00 pm.
- Friday, May 8th, flowers may be dropped off at school for May Crowning during specific times (see the school’s e-mail for details)
- Saturday, May 9th, The aforementioned Eucharistic Procession will begin at 11am. Confessions will be heard from 1:30-3pm in church, and Mass will be streamed at 4pm.
- Sunday, May 10th, (Mother’s Day!) Mass will be streamed at 10am.