Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners,
Thanks for your prayers for Father Hottovy as he deals with, and begins recovering from, COVID-19. He will be unavailable for at least a week. Anything urgent may be brought to the parish office to Jeanne or me (Aubrey). We will be happy to help you. Many of you have asked: Father Beardslee and Father Kipper are healthy and doing well.
Remember to come to the Bazaar this weekend!
God bless you!
Handy Links:
- Bazaar Volunteer Sign-Up
- Acolyte Sign-up
- Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up
- Parish Website
- Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House
Would you like to learn more about the Catholic Faith?
Classes are from 7:30-9pm on Thursdays in the Marian Room.
Anyone is welcome to join—for one class or for all classes. If the topic piques your interest, come to that class!
This Week’s Topic: The Holy Spirit and the Life of Grace
God’s Divine Life Within Us
One of the most profound aspects of the Catholic faith is that Christ sent his Spirit to dwell in the hearts of the baptized. Christ’s Spirit within us conforms us ever more to Christ, so that we can say with St. Paul, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.”
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Germaine “Gerry” Cummins, mother of Lee Hotovy and grandmother of Sada Wondercheck and Hannah Rutledge.
The Thrift Store brought in $2641 last weekend.
Hours for business: Fridays 4-8 and Saturdays 9-3
Please donate during business hours.
Seminarian of the Week: Caleb Hansen is the son of Corey & Monica Hansen of St. Joseph in Lincoln. He is studying College 3 at St. Gregory the Great. Remember to pray for Caleb and for his formation.
Speaking of Seminarians, the Bishop’s Appeal for Vocations is well underway! Our parish’s goal is $25,840. We have collected $24,103.70 so far. Please give generously to support our diocesan seminarians!
Parish Office | 402-477-3979
General Hours: 9am-4pm Mon-Fri
- Jeanne Kee: Financial Secretary
Mon-Thu, 9-4 |
- Aubrey Potter: Parish Secretary
Mon-Fri, 9-1 |
Deadline for Bulletin Announcements (send to Aubrey) is Wednesday at Noon.
Walk the Little Way: Congratulations, and many thanks to our sponsors and volunteers. We exceeded our goal of $45,000. Our total (so far) is $66,607!
Parish Giving/Collections: through Oct 31, 2021, we have collected $344,431.59. Our budget calls for $397,800. This yields a deficit of $53,368.41. Please be generous in your tithing.
Grand Group: This month’s event is an informational tour of the Woman’s Care Center, located right across the street from Planned Parenthood’s abortion facility! Our tour is scheduled for Friday, November 19th. We will meet in the church parking lot at 1:30 to carpool to the Center and our tour will start at 2:00. Afterwards we’ll enjoy pie, coffee and conversation at Stauffer’s. Because the Care Center would like to know the number attending, please RSVP to Phyllis (402-488-9177) by Wednesday November 17th.
Trivia Night Returns!
Sat, Jan 15, 2022 at 7pm at Pius X High School.
Mark your calendars!
Registration will begin in late December.
November is the Month of All Souls
- Intentions for All Souls have been placed on the altar and will be remembered at Masses during November. If you wish to add intentions, please write them down and turn them into the office; they will be added to the intentions on the altar.
- You may also write the names of the beloved dead in the parish Book of the Names of the Dead found on a podium near the baptismal font.
- Plenary Indulgence Guidelines for November 2021: In order to avoid crowds coming together and to allow participation for those staying at home, changes have been made to how one might receive a Plenary Indulgence in November 2021.
- These three conditions are the same: one must make a confession, receive communion, and pray for the Holy Father’s Intentions.
- Throughout the month of Nov (the days are not limited this year), one should visit a cemetery and pray for the dead OR visit a church and recite an Our Father and the Creed there. Again, these things may be done at any time during November.
- Lastly, the elderly, the sick, and all those who, for serious reasons, cannot leave their homes, will be able to obtain the Plenary Indulgence as they join spiritually with the Faithful, completely detached from sin and with the intention of complying as soon as possible with the three usual conditions (confession, communion, and praying for the Holy Father’s intentions) before an image of Jesus or Mary, recite prayers for the deceased (a rosary or chaplet, for example), or perform a work of mercy by offering to God the sorrows and hardships of their own lives.
St. Teresa Parish Bazaar
- Sunday, Nov 14, 2021 | 11:30am until 3:30pm
Come enjoy an afternoon of faith, fun, and fellowship!
- We are still looking for volunteers to help with set-up, tear-down, and run BINGO. Please contact Rosie Ruhl or Nicole Linton to sign up or CLICK HERE. Set-up will start at 4pm on Friday, Nov 12th.
- Raffle Tickets: Ticket stubs and payments can be put into the collection baskets or dropped off at the rectory. Cash Prizes: $1000, $750, $500, $200, and $100The Raffle Drawing is at 3:15pm, but you don’t need to be present to win.
- Booths: Jewelry, Handmade Crafts, and Desserts
Donated items can be brought to the rectory. Altar Society workers received sign-up links via e-mail from their circle leaders.
- Silent Auction: Event Tickets, Gift Baskets, Gift Cards, & More!
- Games: BINGO, Cake Walk, Pop Ring Toss, & more
- Children’s Games will be in the Cafeteria.
Worker-sign-ups for children’s games were e-mailed to school parents.
Adult-workers received e-mails from their Altar Society Circle Leaders.
- Chicken & Pork Loin Dinner
Includes Vegetable, Salad Bar, Roll, Dessert, & Drink
11am-2pm in Kaczmarek Hall | Takeout is available
Adults: $15 each | Kids 5-12: $8 each | (Kids 4 & under are free.)
Altar Society Prayer Line
An Altar Society Prayer Line has been established to lift up our prayers to God as a parish community. Leva Orationes Deo is Latin for lift up prayers to God. Requests can be made by e-mailing or by calling (the first caller on the list) Mary Pat McBride at 402-314-1296. All intentions will be sent by e-mail to the Altar Society e-mail list. If you want to participate in the phone prayer line, please contact Mary Pat.
Catholic Social Services of southern Nebraska has two full-time openings: Senior Case Manager & Match Grant Employment Specialist and Housing Coordinator/Support Specialist. Job descriptions and instructions for application are available at
The Chancery Offices are seeking a full-time Maintenance Associate. The role requires general maintenance duties and custodial functions for multiple commercial and residential properties. Must have prior maintenance experience and be available for on-call rotation.
Please contact Marsha Bartek to obtain an application., 402-904-8052, 3400 Sheridan Boulevard, Lincoln, NE 68506.
November 19, 2021, Trivia Night - returns to Blessed Sacrament on Fri., Nov. 19th. We will follow all mask mandates in place at that time. In addition, we will limit the number of tables sold to 20, with 8 players per table. Tables are $160. Get your reservation now by contacting
MOTHER/DAUGHTER PROGRAM “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” for girls age 9-13 and their mothers will be held Sunday, November 21st, 2021 from 1:00-4:00 pm at John XXIII Diocesan Center and virtually. This program is designed to educate girls on growing up and becoming a woman. Pre-registration is required. Cost is $25 per mother/daughter or $35 per family in person and $10 virtually. To register, visit Questions, please call Jen Davis at 402-261-6375 or email
Creighton Model FertilityCare System Creighton Model is a women's health science that allows users to learn more about their fertility and in conjunction with NaProTECHNOLOGY treat many reproductive disorders. Introductory sessions are available in person or online. For more information or to register, visit,