October 23: Message From Fr. Hottovy

Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners,

There is much news and many attachments for this weekend. Please note the few things that are happening THIS weekend: The CK Sisters’ Outdoor Fall Work Day (Sat), the Emmaus Institute’s Fall Seminar (Sat), and the urgent need for Ushers for Masses.

One of the attachments is the Parish Information Sheet which has been updated. We plan to update and send/print the information quarterly, and you are always welcome to request it from the parish office, but it is a good idea to hang on to this copy and keep it handy.

It’s easier to find the many links if they are grouped together:

  1. Thrift Shop October Volunteer Sign-Up
  2. Eucharistic Adoration Sign-Up
  3. Parish Website
  4. Parish Facebook Page
  5. Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House Schedule


October 25th Bulletin

Bulletin Advertisers

Updated Parish Information Sheet

November Parish Calendar

(Updated) Sacred Art Spotlight

CK Sisters Outdoor Workday Info Sheet

Adult Hold Harmless Agreement (for CK Work Day)

Lastly … GO BIG RED!

May God bless you and keep you.




CK Sisters Outdoor Fall Workday –  Sat., Oct. 24, 1:30-4:30 p.m. We will be planting shrubs and trees, cleaning up our vegetable garden and cutting trees.  Helpful items to bring include shovels, gloves, pickups and chainsaws.  Please bring masks for work in proximity to others.  Children are also welcome!  Mark your calendars now and contact Sister Mary Angela at sr.mary-angela@cdolinc.net if you would like to come and help. Villa Regina Motherhouse, 4100 SW 56th St., about 2 miles west and south of Pioneers Park. (Walk-ins also welcome.) As always, we need to have a yearly liability form completed – one per adult, but children can all be listed on one form (see attached).  Either print, sign and bring with you or complete one when you come (the form is attached in pdf).


Ushers Are Greatly Needed!

Health restrictions have changed many things—including how we are seated when we come to Mass. We need two men for each weekend Mass who are able and willing to help people sit according to social distancing, and to sanitize surfaces after Masses.

Regular Ushers: please return to duty!

Men: can you make yourself available—even temporarily—to help our parish in this time of need?

Please call Will Varicak at 402-438-3616

Men’s Club & Thrift Store

On Sun, Oct 25th from 3-4pm, Men’s Club plans to move 70+ totes and Christmas Trees and décor out of storage for the Thrift Shop Boutique. Pickups and vans are needed (with their drivers), and help will be needed to load or unload vehicles at 37th & Randolph and the South St. Knights of Columbus Hall. Contact Clarence at 402-770-7665.

World Mission Collection

Be Baptized and Sent—on Mission in the World! In this Extraordinary Missionary Month, we are called to personal encounter with Jesus Christ alive in the Church, and to offer, through this Eucharistic celebration, our prayers and our generous financial support, through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, to continue the mission of Jesus.


To support this cause financially, use the envelope included in your quarterly packet or put your donation in an envelope marked “Mission”.

Thank you for your generosity!


Mario Herrera Memorial Scholarship

Thanks to generous benefactors and family friends who wished to honor the memory of Officer Mario Herrera, a new scholarship at Pius X has been established that will forever benefit students. The Mario Herrera Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a Pius X student who is the child of a police officer, first responder, or military service member. The annual distribution will be $1,205: Officer Herrera’s badge number. To donate to this scholarship, visit https://go.piusx.net/Herrera

 Our parish will continue Eucharistic Adoration with Exposition until November 25th. There is an online sign-up (check the parish e-mail for the link or call the parish office for help). If all hours are covered—if someone will be with Our Lord during Exposition—we can increase the days of Exposition and carry past our goal of Nov 25th. Please consider making yourself available for Thursdays and Fridays!

These are the current days & times for Eucharistic Adoration (with Exposition):

  • Sundays from 1-9
  • Mondays from 9-9
  • Tuesdays from 9-9
  • Wednesdays from 9-9
  • Saturdays from 9-4

Parish Council is a vital part of our parish community—a body of parishioners who advise the pastor and with whom he consults in order to make decisions. Every two years, we hold elections to fill positions on the council. Prayerfully consider giving your time and talent to serve our parish in this way. The positions up for election this year are:

  • Education: this position involves itself with all of the educational enterprises of a parish.
  • Evangelization: this position provides direction and impetus to outreach programs in the parish.
  • Spiritual Life: this position is to support and enhance the spiritual life of our parish.

Please contact the parish office to submit your name for election.


Welcome by Baptism: Rockwell McCabe Thomas, son of Devin & Molly Thomas

Joined in Marriage: Nolan & Kimberly (Vandivort) Hansen: Congratulations!

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Joe Palensky, longtime parishioner, and for Barbara Julius, aunt of Patricia Polk..


Updated: The Bishop’s Appeal for Vocations has begun! Our parish’s goal is $23,770. We have raised $17,821 so we have $5,949 to go. Please give generously to support our diocesan seminarians.

 Seminarian of the Week: Thomas Haberman is the son of Travis & Carolyn Haberman of St. Wenceslaus Parish in Wahoo, NE. He is studying College 1 at St. Gregory the Great Seminary. Please pray for Thomas and for his formation!

:: REPEAT PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS (for your convenience) ::

 Mass Schedule Notes:

  • There will no longer be a 5:30pm Mass on Fridays.
  • Saturday, October 24th—the day of the Emmaus Institute Seminar—there WILL be an 8:15am Mass. (The seminar will be in Kaczmarek Hall)


RCIA Classes have begun and it’s not too late to join! Everyone is welcome to attend—non-Catholics who want to learn more or are interested in converting, and Catholics who seek to expand their knowledge of the Faith. Meetings are Thursdays from 7:30-9pm in the Marian Room. Call the parish office to register. It is important that we have your information so that we may contact you if there are any changes in the schedule. Note: our RCIA program is in need of teachers and a coordinator. Please contact the parish office to volunteer.

Parish Giving & Income: In September 2020, we gave/collected $72,815.24. Our budget requires $88,400 which means we came up $15,584.76 short. Please remember to be generous in your giving. If you do not yet attend Mass in person, you may mail in your envelope, leave it in the dropbox at the Parish Office, or donate online.

St. Teresa Thrift Shop

  • The Christmas Boutique will be held October 30th & 31st at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Hours 9-5 both days.
  • Thanks for supporting your parish thrift shop.  Our customers continue to express their appreciation for us being open. We are in dire need of weekend help.  We have 5 weekends as well as the Christmas boutique to staff in October.  Grab a friend, your spouse, or older child and volunteer with us next month!  We are also happy to pair you up with someone. THIS is the link to the sign-up genius for volunteers.
  • Hours for business and donations are Fridays 4-8 and Saturdays 9-3
  • Guidelines:
  • Masks must be worn.
  • Children wearing masks are welcome, but please: no infants, toddlers, or strollers.
  • The number of shoppers may be limited.
  • Please donate only during store hours.
  • The Thrift Shop always needs volunteers! For more information, call Karen Restau: 402-309-9769 or Ann Reinke 402-560-4114

Spiritual Adoption: It’s not too late to join your parish family in the spiritual adoption program. So far 43 families are participating and 68 babies have been adopted. Everything that you need to get started is in a basket on the table in the vestibule.

40 Days for Life began Sept 23rd. St. Teresa Parish’s assigned times are Thursdays 11am to 6pm.  Please sign up on the  board in the back of the church to pray for an hour outside the Planned Parenthood abortion facility. Please join in … and bring a friend!

Altar Society

There will NOT be an Altar Society meeting in October.

Confession Schedule

Confessions will be heard before daily Masses on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays beginning 30 minutes before Mass and stopping 10 minutes before Mass. Confessions are also heard from 3-4pm on Saturdays and again after the Vigil Mass from 4:45-5:15 (or until the last confession is heard).

In-parish Job Opening: St. Teresa School is seeking an Extended Learning Center director. The position is about 15 hours per week with the program running from 3:15-5:30 p.m. each school day and from 12:30-5:30 on early dismissal days. Must have a degree in education or child/youth development, have 6 credit hours in the area of education, OR have 3000 clock hours of verifiable experience in organized group activities for school-age children. Please contact Sister Mary Ruth if you have questions or are interested (sr.mary-ruth@cdolinc.net; 402-477-3358).

We are NOT planning a parish bazaar for 2020 (due to health concerns and restrictions).


Aflame is Friday, November 6th  from 7-9:00 pm at North American Martyrs Church.  Praise & worship music, and adoration. Come for the whole time, or just a few minutes. You can also watch it online on our North American Martyrs Facebook page. 


The Emmaus Institute for Biblical Studies is presenting, "Are You Saved? The Fullness of Salvation in Catholic Teaching", on October 24 from 8:30am-12pm at St Teresa Catholic Church in Lincoln. Cost is $30 and includes refreshments for both body and soul. Registration is required at www.emmausinstitute.net. As of today (Friday, October 23rd, there is still room!)


Calvary Cemetery has a new Burial Space Hold Policy.  If you believe you placed space(s) on hold prior to the new policy which was started in 2019, please contact the cemetery at 402-476-8787 to complete the proper paperwork or to purchase the space(s).  If you do not contact the office and complete the new form or purchase the space(s) by December 15th, 2020, your hold will be removed from the record so the space(s) can be released back into inventory for other individuals or families to purchase. Call 402-476-8787 for questions or more information. Thank You!

Do you have someone who isn't practicing their Faith?

The Marian Mantle Silent Strength Prayer Group, praying for the return of our prodigal children, will meet Tuesday, October 27th in Benedictine Hall at The Cathedral of the Risen Christ at 4:00 P M.   This schedule is for the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month.  For more information call Kathy 402-423-3810 or email kneugeba@gmail.com.

On Monday November 2, 2020 Pius X will be hosting an all school Mass for the Deceased Alumni of Pius X. Families of the deceased alumni are invited to join us for the 9:30 a.m. Mass. RSVP is required by October 26th, 2020 to Kristin Heath at 402-488-0931 ext. 56132, kristin.heath@piusx.net or online at https://www.piusx.net/alumni/all-souls-mass-rspv/with the names of all family members planning to attend. Masks are required to attend in person, but will also be live-streamed at facebook.com/lincolnpiusxalumni. Any updates or cancelations will be made by October 30th and found on piusx.net.

 Menopause Information Session. Michele Chambers, CFCP, will be speaking about the health, hormonal, and charting implications of menopause on October 26th at 7 pm at the John XXIII Diocesan Center. The event will also be held virtually. Event is free, pre-registration requested at https://lincolndiocese.regfox.com/menopause Questions, please call the NFP Office at 402-473-0630 or email naturalfamilyplanning@cdolinc.net