A word, a kindly smile, will often suffice to gladden a wounded and sorrowful heart.
~ St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Handy Links:
- Altar Server Schedule (look for the red button)
- Elementary School Enrollment
- Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up
- Parish Website
- Online Giving
- Cub Scout Pack 128
Parish Picnic
Please mark your calendars for our annual Parish Picnic on Sun, Oct 2nd from 4:00-7:00pm. Men's Club will grill hamburgers and hotdogs. Please bring a side dish and/or dessert and your own place settings. Drinks (water, lemonade & iced tea) will be provided.
St. Teresa Women’s Events Committee invites you to come learn to play Pickleball with Mary Mach on Monday evening, October 3rd. We will gather in the school parking lot. Please sign up through the Sign Up Genius at Pickleball Sign Up or email [email protected].
Religious Sisters Vocations of the Week
Pray for young women to discern a vocation to the Sisterhood of our Diocese of Lincoln Motherhouses.
Eucharistic Adoration
The following hours are still open for adoration. Please consider taking an hour. The link to the online sign-up HERE and is on our website: Home>Authentic Worship>Adoration
Open Holy Hours: 7-8pm; Fridays 2-3pm
Thrift Shop
The Thrift Shop made $5,882 last weekend with their fall/winter merchandise, being open only 10 hours!
Thank you to everyone who made this weekend such a success: volunteers,
generous donors, and shoppers.
Hours for business:
Fridays 4-8 and Saturdays 9-3
Please donate during business hours.
Refrigerator Needed
Thank you to our donors for the two refrigerators for our staff lunchroom. This will be very helpful to store so many staff lunches and other supplies!
Job Opportunities
St. Teresa School Kitchen is seeking a part-time assistant cook. Hours: Tues-Thurs 10:45 am—1:00 pm. Contact Rosie Polak at 402-477-3358 or 402-429-8465 if interested.
Bus Driver Needed for School Field Trips: If you already have your CDL (or are interested in finding out more about the process) and would be interested in occasionally driving for school field trips, we want to hear from you! Please contact the school office at 402-477-3358.
St. Michael Parish is seeking a part-time pianist for some of the Saturday and Sunday Masses. Please call/text Sharon at 253-224-8668 or send resume to [email protected].
Villa Maria School is accepting applications for a full or part-time Special Education Teacher for the 2022-23 school year. Please contact Sr. Jeanette at 402-786-3625 or [email protected].
Altar Society Prayer Line
Parish-wide prayer line
Requests can be made by e-mailing:
or by calling Mary Pat at 402-314-1296.
RCIA will begin Mon, Oct 3, 7-8:30 pm in Kaczmarek hall. It will continue most Mondays throughout the year, leading up to the Easter Vigil. RCIA involves the study of the Catholic faith and is the normal means for non-Catholics to discern entrance into the Catholic Church. RCIA is open to any adult, non-Catholic or Catholic, who wants to learn more about the Catholc faith. Please consider asking someone who might want to learn about the Catholic faith to attend RCIA along with you. To sign up, contact the rectory at 402-477-3979. Questions: contact Fr. Kipper at the rectory or email [email protected].
Titular Feast Day
All girls of the parish are invited to dress as St. Therese and process in for the 8:15 am Mass on Fri, Sept. 30th. The front pews will be reserved for our little St. Therese’s. Please contact Nikki Shasserre by Sept 26th at 402-770-9241 (text/call) or [email protected].
GodTeen will begin home meetings on Wednesday, September 21st. GodTeen Leaders:
Seniors: John and Rosie Ruhl, [email protected]
Juniors: Jake and Ellie Andreasen, [email protected]
Sophomores: Victor and Alaina Wolff, [email protected]
Freshmen: Jake and Maggie Allen, [email protected]
Questions, contact your GodTeen leader or call the Parish Office at 402-477-3979.
St. Teresa Spiritwear Store
St. Teresa School Spiritwear store is now open. Please go to: https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/nebraska/lincoln/st.-teresa-jayhawks-apparel. Use Code: GEAR to receive 20% off $60.00 or more until Oct 10, 2022.
Calling All Voices!
The 10:00 am choir is starting up for the year and welcoming new singers. Practices are Thursdays 7:30-9:00 pm in the choir loft. All voice parts are needed, especially tenor and bass singers. For questions contact Amy at 402-480-0491 or [email protected].
St. Teresa School Substitute Teachers
Substitutes are needed for our beautiful Catholic School. Would you prayerfully consider subbing? Here are the three options:
- Current teaching certificate: You are ready to sub. Call the school at 402-477-3358
- State Substitute Permit: If you have an expired teaching certificate, Apply https://www.education.ne.gov/TCERT/
- Local Substitute Permit: for those with 60 credit hours may apply.
Questions: contact Dave Friesen at [email protected] or 402-473-0613
Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge
The Knights of Columbus , Fitzgerald Council #833, is sponsoring a soccer challenge on Sat, Sept 24th, 10:00 am at Irvingdale Park (19th & Harrison Ave) for all boys and girls ages 9-14 (age as of Sept 1st). No Pre-Registration is required. Questions contact: Brad Behne at 402-570-8585.
We Help Fund
Our We Help fund is dwindling. This fund helps our parishioners in need. If you feel called to help in this apostolate, please send a check to the rectory (there are envelopes with a blue cross at the exits of the church) and write “We Help” in the memo line or donate online at our website, www.stlfchurch.org by clicking on the online giving button.
Would you like to bring up the gifts at Mass?
Here’s how you can participate: there is a card lying on the gifts table toward the back of the church. When you come in for Mass, pick that up and keep it with you. At the time of offertory, come to the back of church to bring up the gifts (replace the card then).
Abortion Tuesday Rosary & Mass
Every Tuesday 9:30—10:30am
5632 S. 48th Street, Lincoln
Pray for an end to abortion with many other fellow Catholics every Tuesday. Rosary @ 9:30am outside Planned Parenthood followed by Mass at 10am across the street at the Right to Life Center
Parish Office | 402-477-3979
General Hours: 9am-4pm Mon-Thu
The parish office is closed on Fridays.
- Jeanne Kee: Financial Secretary
Mon-Thurs: 9-4 | [email protected]
- Theresa Kottwitz: Parish Secretary
Mon-Thurs: 9-2 | [email protected]
Altar Society Prayer Line
An Altar Society Prayer Line has been established to lift up our prayers to God as a parish community. Leva Orationes Deo is Latin for lift up prayers to God. Requests can be made by e-mailing [email protected] or by calling (the first caller on the list) Mary Pat McBride at 402-314-1296. All intentions will be sent by e-mail to the Altar Society e-mail list. If you want to participate in the phone prayer line, please contact Mary Pat.
50 Days for 50 States Program
LDCCW is encouraging each Catholic to offer prayers for the upcoming elections.
Week 1 (Sept 19-25): Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut
Week 2 (Sept 26-Oct 4): Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana
Week 3 (Oct2-9): Iowa, Kansas Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts
Week 4 (Oct10-16) Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada
Please be watching for future weeks.
Life Chain
will be held sun, Oct 2nd, 2:30-3:30pm. St. Teresa’s location is on the South side of 33rd—35th Streets. Please join our parish on praying for the unborn.
Magnificat’s Fall Prayer Tea
Sr. Mary Nika will be speaking at Magnificat’s Fall Prayer Tea on Sun, Sept 25th, 2:00pm at Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat house. Reservations due Tues, Sept 20th. Text/Call 402-525-6396. Mail $15 ($10 students) check payable to Magnificat and send to Tina Colgan, 521 N 56th St, Lincoln, NE 68504. Feel free to register a friend as well!
Walk to Remember
Sun, Oct 2nd, 1-2p.m. at Lincoln Memorial Park. We remember the 870,000 babies who die each year through miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, or newborn death.
Blessed Sacrament Church
Palm Trees & Tacos Please, Sat, Sept 24, 6:30pm: Beef & Chicken Taco bar, Cash Bar, Live Auction, 50/50 Raffle (9pm) Entertainment. This is an adult night, ages 21 and over. Child care ages 3 & potty trained—12 is available from 6:30-9:30pm in Kramer Hall and School Library. Must Pre-register by Sept 16.
Fest Quest “Fall Festival”, Sun, Sept 25th with Meal 11am-1pm in the school gym ($9/person; $40 family cap; $3 extra sandwich), Silent Online Auction, Live Entertainment, Sweet shoppe (11-1), Cake Walk, Kids Games, & Lottery Drawing.
Questions for either event, contact Janice Malone: 402-936-2643 or [email protected]
September Fest
Join Sacred Heart Church, 31st and S Streets, for Fun, Food & Festivities on Sat, Sept 24, 2-6:30pm on parish grounds. Silent Auction, Raffle Drawing (6:15pm-need not be present to win), Egg Rolls, Mexican Food, Brats, Cake Walk, Country Stord, Vintage jewelry, Kids Games, Entertainment & much more!
Spirit Catholic Radio Booth
during Husker Harvest Days, Sept 13-15 at 9000 W Husker Way, Wood River, NE. stop by for free Catholic materials & a chance to win prizes! Several Diocesan priests will be manning the booth. Visit spiritcatholicradio.com for more information.
Magnificat Retreat
Magnificat of Lincoln is sponsoring a retreat for women, “Honey from the Rock: Finding God in All Thinks!” at Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House, Sept 23-25. Retreat leaders: sr. Marguerite Marie & Sr. Mary Nika from the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. They are a Franciscan Charismatic Religious Community of Diocesan Rite, called to witness the Godpel and seeking to draw all people into a personal relationship with Jesus through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. See www.dijc.org under Sisters Profiles for more information about the retreat leaders. To register go to: www.goodcounselretreat.com. Information: call/text Rhonda Litt at 402-525-6396.
Pray at Planned Parenthood Rosary & Mass
Every Tuesday 9:30—10:30am, 5632 S. 48th Street, Lincoln
Pray for an end to abortion with fellow Catholics every Tuesday.
Rosary: 9:30am outside Planned Parenthood
Mass: 10am at the Right to Life Center
40 Days for Life Fall 2022 Campaign
runs from Sept 28-Nov 6. Prayer Vigil location: Planned Parenthood, 5631 S 48th St, daily: 6am-7pm. For more info, contact Turner at 402-202-1614. Learn more, get involved, & sign up for prayer times with 40daysforlife.com/Lincoln.
Marquette Model of Natural Family Planning
Brings 21st century technology to NFP for added objectivity & confidence. Group & private sessions available. A self-paced online course option lets you learn on your own schedule. For more details, check out faminineGeniusMinsitries.com
Mass with Prayers for Healing September 18th at John XXIII Diocesan Center. Please join together to pray for healing for yourself, your family, your friends, for our Church, our nation, and our world. Salt and water will be blessed before mass begins and will be offered to all as your leave. You may bring your own and other items to be blessed at that time.
1:15: Sacrament of Reconciliation
1:30 Chaplet of Divine Mercy
1:40 Praise and Worship
2:00 Blessing of salt/water/religious
articles immediately before Mass
2:00 Mass
Anointing of the sick after the homily Eucharistic Exposition and Healing prayer after the Mass.
Programs for Those Affected by Divorce or Separation
Children of Divorced/Separated Parents: Life-Giving Wounds, a Catholic apostolate dedicated to supporting adults from broken homes, is running an online retreat from Sept 29-Nov 10. Cost: Adults: $185 early-bird, $225 after Sept 18, College students/consecrated: $95 early-bird $125 after Sept 18. For more information or to register:
Divorced: A twelve-week video series & facilitator-led Surviving Divorce program begins Oct 3, 7-8:30 pm, at John XXIII Diocesan Center. Suggested donation of $50 covers the cost of the programs and includes the Surviving Divorce personal guide and materials. Classes kept small. To register: contact Family Life Office at 402-473-0620 or [email protected]
Join the three Bishops, the NCC, and hundreds of pro-life Nebraskans on Sept. 23rd & 24th in Lincoln for the annual Bishops' Pro-Life Banquet and Conference that uplifts and invests in the culture of life. Inspired by John 1:14, The Word Became Flesh, we want to equip every Catholic to meet the needs of our neighbors and the Post-Roe culture by being the hands and feet of Christ. You'll find your role in the pro-life movement, network with leaders, find opportunities for involvement, and learn how to message effectively. Free childcare provided at banquet. Learn more and register at NECatholic.org or click on the link HERE.
Knock and the door will be opened to you.
Discover the amazing plan God has for you and your marriage on the next
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Experience
September 23-25
Ramada Inn, Kearney NE
With questions contact:
Brenda & Gary Granger: 303-604-6202
or visit www.wwme.org.
Space is limited; reserve your spot early!
World Youth Day 2023
The dates for the next World Youth Day in Portugal have been announced, and our diocesan trip is ready to start taking registrations! Our trip will be from July 24 through August 9, 2023, and includes a side trip to Fatima. For more information or to register, please visit https://www.lincolndiocese.org/pilgrimages/world-youth-day
Hunger does not take a summer vacation! Please consider helping Catholic Social Services Food Market and Meal Services stock their food pantry. To see the list of most needed items or to make a monetary donation, visit csshope.org. Thank you for helping CSS feed the hungry this summer!
Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreats The schedule of retreats for Fall 2022 has been released and is available on the Retreat center’s website HERE. Remember that for St. Teresa parishioners, Men’s Club or Altar Society will pay for half of a standard retreat per year!
Healing Hearts
for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one are being offered to assist Catholics in the grief process. Sessions will be held for 6 weekly on Tuesdays, 7-9 beginning Sept 20th at John XXIII Diocesan Center, 37th & Sheridan. Suggested donation: $25 for materials. To register call 402-473-0620