Dear Saint Teresa Parishioners,
Hello, September! The wonderful sounds of Fall are here: Pius’s marching band in the mornings, children playing outdoors and at recess, and Friday night football games. Now this is Nebraska, so we all know that Summer will throw at least one more temperature-tantrum (get it?) before Autumn pushes it out, but we’re almost there!
We look toward Labor Day weekend with fair weather and a football game that just has to be an epic comeback for the Huskers. On Monday, the Parish Office will be closed. The Legion of Mary celebrates their 100th anniversary this coming week with a special Mass said by not one, not two, but three bishops. Next weekend, Altar Society begins the Coffee & Rolls tradition again. Social opportunities abound.
Thanks for taking the time to look over the announcements. An updated Parish Information Sheet is attached as a pdf. And as always, printed bulletins are available at church.
May God bless you and keep you healthy!
Handy Links:
- Acolyte Sign-up
- Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up
- Summertime Hosting Sign-up (Are You Plugged In) (Goes through Sept 12)
- Parish Website
The Legion of Mary 100th Anniversary Celebration will be Sept 7 at St John XXIII starting at 5:30pm with Mass at 6pm. Bishop Conley, Bishop Bruskewitz, and Bishop Finn will concelebrate Mass. All are welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be served.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of David Jacobs, brother of Elizabeth Fitzgerald.
Boy Scouts Mtgs Resume
Troop 28 Boy Scouts will resume meetings beginning Tue, Sept 7th from 7-8:30 in Kaczmarek Hall. Contact Bob Swanson for details: 402-613-1457 or [email protected].
Cub Scouts Mtgs Resume
The first Cub Scouts meeting will take place September 14th at 6pm in Kaczmarek Hall. All boys in K through 5th grade are invited to join. New Dens will be formed for various grade levels if there is enough interest. Scouting teaches valuable lessons on faith, life values, and character development, as well as, helps build skills in all kinds of areas, all while having fun! Den meetings are usually twice per month for about one hour. One of those two meetings is a meeting/activity which is more of a Scout unity, camaraderie, and fun experience for all Dens at the same time. New Dens require one parent per Den to step forward and be the Den Leader. The Den handbook walks you through everything so it really isn’t too hard to lead a Den. Reach out to Matt Schafers at [email protected] or 402.875.1619 for information.
American Heritage Girls
Meetings begin Sept 14th at Cathedral of the Risen Christ. American Heritage Girls (AHG) has its first meeting on September 14th. AHG is a Christ-centered character and leadership development program for girls 5-18 years of age. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country. Meetings are held twice a month, every 2nd and 4th of the month, and are held in the basement of the Cathedral of the Risen Christ Church. American Heritage Girls motto is Faith, Service, Fun! It was originally started by a group of Catholic parents in 1995. Since then it has grown to 15 countries around the world and has welcomed a variety of Christian denominations. Backed by Bishop Connelly, the first Lincoln Charter Organization was created in 2017. Currently, this is the only troop charter in the Lincoln area. Members are made up of various Catholic Schools around Lincoln, as well as, many Home Schooled families. If interested please contact Theresa Schafers for more information at [email protected] or 402.540.6356.
Grand Group
Join us on Fri, Sept 17th at 1:00 at KC Hall for our next event. Gain a greater appreciation and knowledge of our beautiful state as we hear John and Taryn Vanderford from KOLN-TV tell about creating their show, “Pure Nebraska”.
Life Chain 2021
Plan to attend the annual Life Chain Sun, Oct 3 from 2:30-3:30pm we—together with other churches and parish communities—will line O Street from 33rd to 35th (south side of O Street) to pray and peacefully protest Abortion.
Bazaar | Looking Ahead
Jewelry for the Bazaar’s jewelry booth can be dropped off at the parish office (rectory). With questions, contact Laura Minchow: 402-730-7418 [email protected]
We are accepting volunteers this year in the school. If you are interested in being a school volunteer, please call the school at 402-477-3358 or email Sister Mary Agnes at [email protected]
Meals for the CK Sisters
There are nine School Sisters of Christ the King living at the St. Teresa Convent. On Mondays and Tuesdays, a St. Joseph or a St. Teresa family provides a simple meal for them. Details & sign up is HERE.
Air Purification System | School & Church
The church building and the whole school building have active air purification systems which are designed to eliminate pathogens and allergens from the air and surfaces. We are taking every precaution. Click HERE if you’d like to learn how it works.
Pitch League Subs Needed
Sign-up has ended, but we are still in need of substitute players and/or teams. Contact Joan to be added to the sub list: [email protected] or 402-310-9682.
In Honor of Mary’s birthday, which we observe on September 8th, Miraculous Medals have been donated. You are encouraged to pick up a medal at one of the church exits.
Faith Sharing for Intellectually Disabled Adults will be starting up again Monday September 13th at 7:00 p.m. Meetings will be held at St. Teresa School. Please call Shannon Kohmetscher if interested in joining: 402-430-0681
Golf Tournament
St. Teresa's Men's Club is sponsoring a golf tournament. The four-man scramble will be held at Highland Golf Course on Sun, Sept 19th. Please contact Dale Theisen (402-430-0973) for more information or a Registration Form.
UPDATED: Eucharistic Adoration
- Spend an hour with the Lord!
- The link to the online sign-up is HERE. Even though sessions begin and end, the sign-up site/link stays the same. If you sign up for a session and want to continue the Holy Hour, simply leave your name on the sign-up. If you sign up for a session but are unable to commit to the next session, you may remove your name from the sign-up (if you need help changing your sign-up, e-mail Carrie Stratman at [email protected] or call the parish office)
- Ron Zimmer (402-310-9342) is happy to assist those needing help signing up or finding a sub.
- Hours of Exposition are Sun 1-9, Mon-Fri 9-9, and Sat 9-4
- Open Holy Hours:
Monday 12-1, 1-2 | Tuesday 11-12 | Friday 11-12 | all other days are full!
Updated: Participation is key in the functioning of our parish.
Are you plugged in—active and participating—or just along for the ride?
Ask yourself where your strengths lie and then consider the following roles that need to be filled:
- CCD Coordinator
Frequency: Start-up at beginning of school year, then as-needed.
A coordinator will make the calendar for the CCD school year, will make sure that we have teachers for each section, and will help plan events and services for the students. S/he will communicate with the parents and teachers.
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs)
Frequency: Once per week (Sunday Mornings) a few months per year
These men bring the Eucharist to homebound parishioners on Sunday mornings. It’s also a way to check on the well-being of our brothers and sisters in their homes and provide a short but invaluable visit to Tabitha residents.
- Godteens Coordinator
Frequency: Start-up at beginning of school year, then as-needed.
This person (or couple) would work together with the Parochial Vicar to oversee the Godteens program (Catechesis for High Schoolers), create the calendar, register students, plan group-events, and communicate with its leaders, students, and parents.
- Godteens Leaders
Frequency: Once per week during the school year: Weds 7:30-9pm
A leader-couple takes a class as freshmen and continues with them through the end of their senior year, teaching them about the Faith. They open their home to once-per-week meetings for high school students during the school year.
- Ushers
Frequency: Once per week max, but less often when more men are available
Greet people when possible and hold doors for attendants. Help people find seats in the church when it becomes full. Keep watch during Mass: look for any security issues. Pass the collection baskets and make sure there is a family to take up gifts. Guide Communicants. Tidy up church & close the doors. Contact Will Varicak: 402-416-1070
Acolyte Sign-Up: All Saint Teresa Acolytes need to sign up for duties covering the dates from August 1, 2021 through January 1, 2022. Please sign up for as many slots as you are comfortable with during these times, keeping in mind that we do need full coverage one way or another. We need everyone’s assistance in filling these spots 100%.
How to sign up:
- Use the online sign-up HERE
- Call Randy Polak: 402-429-8465 or 402-476-3961
Gift Bearer Instructions
If you’d like to take up gifts at a Mass, pick up the Gift Bearer sign from the gifts table in the back and take it with you to your seat. When you come back for the gifts, bring the sign with you and leave it at the table. If no one picks up the sign before Mass begins, the ushers will ask a person or family.
Altar Society Prayer Line
An Altar Society Prayer Line has been established to lift up our prayers to God as a parish community. Leva Orationes Deo is Latin for lift up prayers to God. Requests can be made by e-mailing [email protected] or by calling (the first caller on the list) Mary Pat McBride at 402-314-1296. All intentions will be sent by e-mail to the Altar Society e-mail list. If you want to participate in the phone prayer line, please contact Mary Pat.
Are you looking for healing and peace? Bring all of your cares and worries to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at the next Fresh Fire, on Thursday, September 23, from 7:00-8:30pm in the chapel at John XXIII. There will be praise and worship, adoration, a brief teaching and opportunities for individuals to have time with prayer teams. Come, Holy Spirit, come!
Immaculate Conception (Ulysses) Dinner & Auction will be held Sunday, September 12 from 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Mass at 10:00 a.m. Serving your choice of a savory pork or turkey sandwich dinner with our “world famous” coleslaw, baked beans, chips and drink. We will also have hot dogs and mac ‘n cheese for the kids. Enjoy your meal outdoors in the fresh air under our big tent or take advantage of our convenient drive-thru take out. All meals are free will donation. Kid’s games, chuck-a-luck and cake walk are all back this year. Country store too. Cash raffle with $500 grand prize. Live polka music from 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Live auction at 3:00 p.m. with many interesting items – crafts, tools, toys, steaks, baked goods, and much more. Ulysses is located 5 miles west of Hwy. 15 between Seward and David City. Hope to see you there!
LORD, TEACH ME TO PRAY Part 2 of Ignatian prayer series “Lord, Teach Me to Pray” will begin Monday, September 20, 6:30 p.m. at St. Joseph Parish in Lincoln. If you have completed Part 1 and are interested in Part 2, please contact Sue Kirkpatrick. 402/440-7175 or [email protected].
Sacred Heart Church Septemberfest
Saturday, September 25th
2:00-6:30 pm
31st and S Streets
On the Parish Grounds
St. Michael School in Lincoln, 9101 S. 78th Street, has an URGENT need for a loving professional to provide after-school care for preschool students, ages 3-5. The hours are approximately 3PM till 5PM on school days. Background check and Safe Environment training are required. Please contact [email protected].
Ready to take your pro-life passion to the next level? Consider attending the Bishops’ Banquet and Conference on Sept. 17th and 18th! You’ll network with pro-lifers from across the state, find opportunities for volunteerism and involvement, learn state-of-the-art strategies, and more. Let us lift you up with prayer, arm you with information on breaking pro-life issues, and joyfully celebrate the Gospel of Life with you! Free banquet childcare provided. Visit to register and learn more!
Blue Mass at Cathedral
This year’s Blue Mass will be held at the Cathedral of the Risen Christ on Saturday, September 11 at 10am. Bishop Conley will be celebrating the Mass in remembrance of deceased emergency responders and those that perished in the twin towers in New York on 9/11. All are invited to attend.
Calling all Catholic men! The 2021 Men's Rosary March takes place October 2, at 9:00 AM, meeting at the Newman Center, 320 N. 16th Street, beforehand. Bring your sons, brothers, fathers, and friends to publicly pray for our Nation and Church as we walk from the Newman Center to the State Capitol where lay and religious speakers will provide further testimony and prayer. Bring your rosary and any other holy items you wish. For more information and to RSVP, search for "2021 Men's Rosary March" on Facebook.
LINCOLN MOTHERS ON A MISSION (MOMs) will be meeting Saturday, September 4th @ 8:30 am for a presentation by Lincoln's Sidewalk Advocates for Life team. The meeting will take place at the pro-life center, 5632 S 48th St, Lincoln, NE. Lincoln MOMs is a group of Catholic mothers searching for fellowship, hope, & joy in our ever-changing vocation. Monthly meetings are held every first Saturday, 8:30-10:30 am. Contact us at [email protected] or
Marriage Encounter Experience
Enhancing our heart-to-heart communication
Sept. 17-19 Lincoln
Call us right-away
Contact Pat & Janelle Benson
Pat 308-940-0670
Janelle 308-940-1105
You are invited to the 2021 Bishops’ Pro-Life Banquet and Conference on September 17th and 18th. The Banquet will be Sept. 17th, featuring a cocktail hour from 5:30 – 6:30 PM, and from 6:30 – 8:30 PM, dinner, awards, and the keynote address from the Chairman of USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities, Archbishop Naumann of Kansas City, KS. The Conference will begin at 8:30 AM on Saturday, Sept. 18th, with a rosary, followed by talks from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. These hard-hitting topics include renewal through Christ, messaging strategies, abortion dialogue, attracting young talent, and more. See our banquet and conference registration page to view the full line-up of speakers and topics. Free, onsite childcare to banquet attendees on Friday, September 17th from 5:00 – 9:00 PM. Kids 5-12 years old will have their own evening of pro-life fun, including food and themed activities. To register, go to .
MASS with Prayers for HEALING
September 19, 2021. Cathedral of the Risen Christ, 35th & Sheridan Blvd., Lincoln, NE. Please join together to pray for healing for yourself, your family, friends, for our Church and our Nation and for an end to the pandemic.
Salt, water, oil and religious articles will be blessed by Fr. before the Mass begins . These may be left in your car.
+Sacrament of Reconciliation, beginning 1:15.
+Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 1:30 pm.
+Praise and Worship 1:40 pm.
+Blessing of salt/water/religious articles
immediately before Mass begins at 2:00 pm.
+Anointing of the Sick after the homily.
+Eucharistic Exposition and Healing Prayer after the Mass.
Creighton Model FertilityCare System Creighton Model is a women's health science that allows users to learn more about their fertility and in conjunction with NaProTECHNOLOGY treat many reproductive disorders. Introductory sessions are available in person or online. For more information or to register, visit,
The Legion of Mary is celebrating 100 years in 2021. The celebration will take place on the anniversary date, Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at John XXIII Center, in Lincoln. It will begin with Tessera prayers and Rosary at 5:30PM, followed by Mass, light refreshments, speakers, and socializing. Mark your calendars! Please join us for this joyous occasion! All are Welcome!