An Answered Prayer – A True Story From a Parishioner in Michigan

For several years Dan and I participated in the Spiritual Adopt A Baby Program. I would name my baby each year to make it more personal and help me to remember to pray for Christopher and his mother.

This year in December Dan had a carpet job to do (he is a carpet layer by trade) at the KC hall in Schuyler just a few days before Christmas. I went along to help him because he was under a bind to get it done. While we were working, my cousin and her daughter, Robin, came in with their Christmas food for their family get-together the next day. To our surprise Robin was very much pregnant and looked like she would be due very soon. She was about sixteen years old. Our hearts went out to their family and Robin.

But the busy Christmas and the New Year family get-togethers kept us busy and we put Robin out of our minds. In January my aunt told me that Robin had her baby, and she named him Christopher. I was taken aback, and told her that I had named my Spiritual Adopt A Baby Christopher. My aunt looked shocked and said that Robin had contemplated abortion and had even driven by the abortion clinic. Then her brother talked her out of it. There was an answered prayer right in front of us.

I would never have guessed that I was praying for a relative of mine and that I would see the answered prayer in front of my eyes. When Robin heard about my prayers she invited Dan and me to Christopher’s Baptism. What an awesome experience.

Christopher is now nine years old. He is a beautiful young lad and he brings much pleasure to his mother and grandparents. I often wonder what might have happened if I didn’t pray. Would Robin have had the courage to bear Christopher or would she have had the abortion?

Our prayers are so important for the unborn. We may not see them answered as I did in this instance but we know that they are answered. We must have faith that God hears even our smallest prayer, for he loves the unborn. He created them.