Thanks for taking time to read through these announcements. Please take a minute to look at the e-mail that was sent a few minutes earlier than this, if you haven’t yet had the chance. Remember to pray for all of the adorable second graders who are making their First Holy Communion on Saturday! Here’s hoping you have a beautiful restful weekend.
God bless you!
Handy Links:
- Summertime Hosting Sign-up (Are You Plugged In)
- Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up : New series began on April 5th (through May 23rd)
- Parish Website
- Parish Facebook Page
- Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House Schedule
We ask you to join our efforts to build and strengthen community at St. Teresa parish.
"Are You Plugged In?" Let's help one another!
MAY 2nd Food Truck Kick-Off: Bean Box Coffee Trailer The food truck will be at St. T's from 8:45-11:45 with coffee and pastries will be available for purchase.
Let's reconnect as a parish family!
To sign up to host future events:
(This is a shortened version of a longer announcement. For full details, please see the separate e-mail which was sent a few minutes before this one.)
In-Parish Homes for Sale:
- 869 S 37th Street | 3 Bed, 2 Bath | Contact Andrew McNeely: 402-540-1689
- 857 So 34th will be on the market on May 4. It has 3 bedrooms.
Eucharistic Adoration
The current session began April 5th and will go through May 23rd. There are three open slots:
- Sundays from 3-4pm
- Tuesdays from 1-2pm
- Wednesdays from 7-8pm
Use the online sign-up; the link is in the parish e-mail. You may call the parish office for help or with questions.
Totus Tuus is a vibrant, energetic catechetical summer program for youth. It will be held at St. Teresa June 13-18. Students entering grades 1-8 meet M-F from 9-3. Students entering grades 9-12 meet from 8-10pm Sun-Thu evening in K.Hall. Starting next week, you may e-mail ([email protected]) or call the rectory office to reserve a spot for your child(ren). The cost is $20 per child but no more than $60 per family, to be collected in late-May.
Welcome our new parishioners
- Ashton & Emilie Jones
- Joshua & Anna Allen
April 24-25 & May 1-2 & May 8-9: Early Bird Sundays for CSA. Volunteers will be in K.Hall ready to help with pledge cards. Please make your pledge after Masses on those weekends.
May 9: Volunteers are needed to make personal visits to those whose pledges have not yet been made. It is a low-pressure opportunity to participate in this important event. To Volunteer, contact Dave Meiergerd at 402-450-2996.
Note: All members of the diocese received a letter from Bishop Conley encouraging the donation of unneeded Stimulus Funds. The Charity & Stewardship Appeal (not mentioned in the letter) would also be an excellent beneficiary of these funds.
Visit this website for more information about CSA
A Thank-You from the Pink Sisters
Dear Volunteers,
To all those who helped to thoroughly clean our chapel and beautify our garden and grounds on April 17th in preparation for the reopening on April 23rd, we offer our heartfelt thanks. It was inspiring and deeply touching for us to experience the support of so many of our friends, fired up with the love of God and neighbor, a true testimony of koinonia! As the psalmist says…“What return shall I make to the Lord for all the good he has done for me… I will call upon the name the Lord.” (Ps. 116) The best thanks we can offer is our grateful remembrance of you before the Real Presence of our Lord in the Eucharist. May our Risen Lord fill your hearts and homes with Easter joy, peace and love! We warmly welcome back our lay Eucharistic adorers and visitors! May the Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament be praised, loved and adored everywhere!
The Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters (Pink Sisters)
Note: Beginning April 23rd, he Pink Sisters’ Chapel will open for adoration
from 9-5 each day. Masses and Night Prayer are not yet open to the public.
:: REPEAT PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS (for your convenience) ::
Mary’s Garden
Tue, May 11th at 6:30pm | $20 Please see the yellow insert for details. A look into the Christian Religious sense to Gardening: Shannon Kohmetscher will talk about the spirituality of gardening, the history of Mary’s Gardens, and other basic gardening tips.
Health Standards Update
The Nebraska Department of Education recently issued draft Health Standards. Education standards are often used as building blocks for developing classroom learning. The draft Health Standards advance problematic, ideologically driven content about human sexuality. Your input on these standards is requested. To learn more about them and how to provide feedback to the NDE, visit See Bishop Conley’s column in this week’s Southern Nebraska Register.
Help Needed
We need a person who is willing to care for the Altar Servers’ vestments (washing, ironing and mending). Call the parish office if you are willing and able!
Let the Children Come!
When bringing children to church for prayer or during adoration, please make sure that they don’t go beyond the communion rails and into the sanctuary, and do not allow them to play with candles, equipment, plants & flowers, or linens. It’s important for all of us to be respectful of Our Lord in adoration and to be mindful of others who are praying … and to offer their own prayers, for as we know, the prayers of children are priceless.
Reception of Communion at Mass (Reminder)
People who want to receive communion on the tongue should come forward to the Communion Rail.
People who prefer to receive standing and in-the-hand please come to the back of the church for communion.
It is time to train the next generation of Altar Servers!
Head Acolyte Tony Schafers has planned these sessions:
- Fri, May 7th from 9:30am-10:30am: 5th Grade Boys
- Friday, May 21st from 2-3pm: ALL Altar Boys (including 4th & 5th graders) for Review.
Boys who attend St. Teresa Elementary will be automatically included in training.
Boys who do not attend St. T school are welcome. A parent should call the parish office to let us know the name of the boy who will be attending. If your son wants to become an Altar Server but is unable to attend these sessions, please contact the parish office for an alternative.
Summer-themed Catholic Math Booklets:
Visit for information on Catholic Summer Math Booklets that include 10 summer-themed activities designed to do just once a week. In addition to the 10 themes, the Thumb-ertime Flashcard page motivates daily flashcard use. Check out the website to view the themes, activities, and concepts.
Fight summer brain-drain, but let summer be summer. See the SNRegister’s feature on them HERE.
The school needs recycled paper to make one-sided worksheets. The paper should be clean, flat, and blank on one side.
CK Sisters Outdoor Spring Workday: Saturday May 1st from 1:30-4:30pm
We will be mulching, planting our vegetable garden, and cutting trees. Helpful items to bring include wheelbarrows, shovels, gloves, pruning/lopping shears, hoes, pickups, and chainsaws. Children are welcome! Please bring masks for working in proximity to others.
Mark your calendars now and if you would like to help, contact Sr. Mary Angela: [email protected].
Villa Regina Motherhouse: 4100 SW 56th St., about 2 miles west and south of Pioneers Park.
(Walk-ins are also welcome.)
Make an Easter Pilgrimage with Saint Joseph! It is tradition to make a pilgrimage on Easter Monday, but we’re not limited to that day! Guide-pamphlets are available at the exits.
Altar Society Prayer Line
An Altar Society Prayer Line has been established to lift up our prayers to God as a parish community. Leva Orationes Deo is Latin for lift up prayers to God. Requests can be made by e-mailing [email protected] or by calling (the first caller on the list) Mary Pat McBride at 402-314-1296. All intentions will be sent by e-mail to the Altar Society e-mail list. If you want to participate in the phone prayer line, please contact Mary Pat.
We need your help: we have 112 schools in the three dioceses (200+ total nonpublic schools) and we have a total of 24 teacher emails. We desperately need educator voices in the ears of Senators. The opposition certainly is getting their voices heard. Please advocate for LB364:
Now offered in-person AND virtually via livestream! Discover how the great mystery of Christ's love can restore passion, purpose and intimacy in your marriage. In Unveiled, a retreat led by the John Paul II Healing Center, you’ll engage topics grounded in Church teaching such as: “Discovering True Love,” “A Whole New Look at Your Wedding Day,” “Cultivating Intimacy and Unity in Your Marriage,” “Understanding Your Marital Conflict,” “Healing and Reconciliation in Your Marriage,” and “Restoring Sexual Passion and Intimacy in Your Marriage.” This retreat is open to singles discerning marriage, dating and engaged couples, and couples who have been married for many years! The Newman Center – St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church is hosting this Unveiled retreat July 15-17, 2021. Learn more and register for this amazing experience at: Scholarships available. Email Stephanie & Jude Werner at [email protected] for more information. This event is sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Lincoln Office of Family Life.
St. Joseph Lincoln Church and School Maintenance
St. Joseph Church and School is seeking an Assistant Maintenance Technician. Responsibilities and duties include: repair and maintenance of lighting, plumbing, HVAC systems, and electrical fixtures; repair of furniture and other church and school property; snow removal, lawn mowing, and grounds maintenance; and daily cleaning to the buildings. Candidate should have experience or skill in the departments of mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and carpentry. Must be able to work from lifts and ladders as well as lift heavy items on occasion. The ability to work unsupervised is essential. Applications are available at the School Office or Parish Office. Please direct any questions to St. Joseph School at 402-489-0341 or email [email protected].
Catholic Social Services of southern Nebraska seeks a positive, energetic, creative, and mission motivated leader for the position of Volunteer & Food Market Coordinator. This person will oversee the Food Market at CSS and recruit volunteers for the agency. Job descriptions and instructions for application are available at
There will be a Day Long Retreat for couples or individual spouses experiencing primary or secondary infertility held on May 1st, 2021 from 9 a.m.-4:00 p.m., led by Fr. Tim Danek with other guest speakers at John XXIII Diocesan Center in Lincoln or virtually. Cost is $15/35/60 for virtual/individual/couple and in person includes Mass and brunch. Sign up/more information at
STAGE Auditions for It’s Elementary My Dear: Use THIS LINK to go to the sign-up genius for instructions.
CK Sisters Outdoor Spring Workday – Sat., May 1, 1:30-4:30 p.m. We will be mulching, planting our vegetable garden and cutting trees. Helpful items to bring include wheelbarrows, shovels, gloves, pruning/lopping shears, hoes, pickups and chainsaws. Please bring masks for work in proximity to others. Children are also welcome! Mark your calendars now and contact Sister Mary Angela at [email protected] if you would like to come and help. Villa Regina Motherhouse, 4100 SW 56th St., about 2 miles west and south of Pioneers Park. (Walk-ins also welcome.)
Catholic Women’s Golf League
Looking to join a fun, social women’s golf league on Wednesday’s evenings. Shot Gun staring at 5:00 p.m at NuMark Golf Course. Beginning May 5th– August 11th. With two fun social events! Teams of 2-4 players are encouraged. Subs are welcome. Please contact Linda Storz at 402-432-7381 or via email at [email protected] by April 13th if you are interested in joining a team!
‘Come Alive’ Seminar Coming to Cathedral of the Risen Christ
This seven week seminar will provide profound encounters with the Holy Spirit. The seminar will take place on Monday evenings from April 12 through May 24, from 6:30-8:30PM. Each night will consist of praise and worship, talks from guest speakers, small group discussions, and intercessory prayer. Registration for Come Alive, and more information regarding the seminar, can be found online at or by visiting the Cathedral parish office. The seven week seminar will cost $50.