July 27, 2022: Weekend Update

Dear St. Teresa parishioners,

There are a handful of new announcements this week; be sure to give it all a once-over.

Enjoy this unseasonably cool weather! Three cheers for Mother Nature!

God bless you!



Handy Links:

  1. Altar Server Schedule (look for the red button)
  2. Elementary School Enrollment
  3. Eucharistic Adoration Sign-up
  4. Parish Website



July 31 Bulletin

Bulletin Advertisers

August Parish Calendar

Parish Information Sheet

World Missions Information Sheet





Prodigal Prayer Partners: Many of us have been praying for our loved ones: friends, relatives, or even our own children who are no longer practicing the Faith. Our prayers become more   powerful when prayed with others.

For these intentions:

  • On the first Thursday of every month (August 4), a rosary is offered before the Blessed Sacrament in the church at 7pm.
  • On the first Friday of every month  (August 5), the 6:30am Mass is offered for Fallen Away Catholics.

Help Wanted

  • CCD Coordinator

Frequency: Start-up at beginning of school year, then as needed.

The CCD Coordinator will make the calendar for the CCD school year, will make sure that we have teachers for each section, and will help plan events and services for the students. S/he will communicate between parents and teachers.

  • 3rd and 4th Grade CCD Teacher

Frequency: Every Wednesday 4:00-5:15pm (during the school year)

This person would teach the curriculum to the 3rd and 4th Grade class each week during the school year. Resources, materials and curriculum are provided through the parish. The Teacher would organize and instruct the lessons for their class each week.

  • God-Teens Coordinator

Frequency: Start-up at beginning of school year, then as needed.

This person (or couple) would work together with the Parochial Vicar to oversee the God-Teens program (Catechesis for Hish Schoolers), create the calendar, register students, plan group-events, and communicate with its leaders, students, and parents.

  • God-Teens Leaders

Frequency: Every Wednesday 7:30-9:00pm (during the school year)

A leader-couple takes a class as freshman and continues with them through the end of their senior year, teaching them about the Faith. The open their home to once-per-week meetings for their high school students during the school year.


First Friday Holy Hour at Pinks

Friday, August 5, 2022 at 7:15pm

A holy hour will be held at the Pink Sisters’ Chapel (1040 S Cotner Blvd).      Singing will be led by the seminarians.

Please help us pray for good vocations for our diocese, our seminary, and for us.

Religious Sister Vocations of the Week Sr. John Marion is a School Sister of Christ the King. Sr. Guadalupe is a postulant with the Marian Sisters. Remember to pray for these Sisters and for their formation.

Welcome by Baptism

Hadley Gene, daughter of Alex & Brianna (Dostal) Heideman



Ladies: Save the Date!

Save the date for the next Women's event "A Day in the Life of a Priest". Priests who were members of St. Teresa's Parish prior to entering the seminary will be on hand to share tidbits of their lives.

Saturday August 13th.

Watch the bulletin for details.



St. Teresa Elementary School (Website HERE)

  • St. Teresa Elementary is still accepting new students for the 2022-2023 school year.
  • Check the school’s website for details.
  • Parents: remember to go through the packets that were mailed to you.
  • The Pool Party for 5th-8th graders is Wednesday, August 10, 2022 from 8-10pm at Eastridge Pool (830 Sunrise Road). Cost is $3. Concessions are available. This is sponsored by Student Council.
  • Jayhawk Jumpstart for grades K-8 will be held on August 11th from 6:00-7:30pm. You and your child can drop off supplies, see the classrooms, greet the teachers, and meet classmates and friends. This is also a good time to drop off tuition and lunch payments, physicals & immunization, and other paperwork.
  • First day of school is August 16th!

SCRIP Announcement: Starting in April, 60% of rebates earned by school families become tuition credits. Many of you should have seen those credits on the tuition statements you received earlier this month! In the inaugural two months of this new program, 29 school families earned tuition credits totaling over $960! The highest earning family received a credit over $100, for just those 2 months. Annually, that one family could reduce their tuition payment by more than $600. The Scrip program is also contributing nearly $1300 to the ThriveNOW fund. See the attachment for details, tips on how to maximize your earning, and other Scrip news! (an order form is also attached)

Would you like to bring up the gifts at Mass?

Here’s how you can participate: there is a card lying on the gifts table toward the back of the church. When you come in for Mass, pick that up and keep it with you. At the time of offertory, come to the back of church to bring up the gifts (replace the card then).

Eucharistic Adoration

This Session began May 31 and goes through August 15.

Thank you to all who answered to call to fill summertime adoration hours.  We need 3 more times filled.  Please commit to  a weekly hour over the summer.

Eucharistic Adoration (Sign up HERE)

This Session began May 31 and goes through August 15.

Thank you to all who answered to call to fill summertime adoration hours. We need 3 more times filled. Please commit to a weekly hour over this summer 

 Open Holy Hours:

  • Wednesdays 9-10am and 11am-Noon

Abortion Tuesday Rosary & Mass

Every Tuesday 9:30—10:30am

5632 S. 48th Street, Lincoln

Pray for an end to abortion with many other fellow Catholics every Tuesday.  Rosary @ 9:30am  outside Planned Parenthood followed by Mass at 10am across the street at the Right to Life Center


During Summer months, SCRIP   orders can be dropped off at the rectory and are generally available to be picked up the next business day (Mon-Thu, 9-4).

Alternately, you can contact Staci directly about your SCRIP order to arrange pickup.

 Contact Staci with questions: [email protected] | 402-802-8627

Parish Office | 402-477-3979

General Hours: 9am-4pm Mon-Thu

The parish office is closed on Fridays.

  • Jeanne Kee: Financial Secretary

Mon-Thu, 9-4 | [email protected]

Altar Society Prayer Line

An Altar Society Prayer Line has been established to lift up our prayers to God as a parish community. Leva Orationes Deo is Latin for lift up prayers to God.  Requests can be made by e-mailing  [email protected] or by calling (the first caller on the list) Mary Pat McBride at 402-314-1296. All intentions will be sent by e-mail to the Altar Society e-mail list. If you want to participate in the phone prayer line, please contact Mary Pat.



Frassati Young Adults Event (Sunday, July 31)

The Lincoln Diocese Frassati Young Adults group is hosting their annual Day at the Lake event this Sunday afternoon at Branched Oak Lake’s South Shore Area 1. The event starts at 3:00 and continues until sunset, feel free to join for the whole time or just a quick hello. If you are a young adult searching for community and fellowship, please consider stopping by for a fun and sun-filled day! For more information please go to the Frassati   Fellowship Lincoln Facebook page.

ThunderBOLT Fun Run 2022

August 6, 2022

Holmes Lake Park is the setting for your choice of a one-mile Fun Run/Walk or a 5K. This family friendly event is for all ages and skill levels. Funds will support the ThunderBOLT Fun Run Endowment which provides grants to special projects of an academic department or school-sponsored club or activity. Register by July 20 to be guaranteed a T-shirt (included in the price of registration). Prizes will be awarded and a light breakfast will be offered. Details: PiusX.net/alumni/thunderbolt-fun-run or contact Kristin Heath: [email protected] | 402-488-0931

Catholic Social Services: Walk to End Hunger

Please join Bishop Conley, Lt. Governor Mike Foley, and Catholic Social Services Executive Director Katie Patrick for our 2nd Annual  Food Drive & Walk to End Hunger at the Pius X Track & Football Stadium on Sunday, August 7th from 5-8pm by the Knights of Columbus  Council 13576 and BetterLife. There will be a food collection drive thru to drop off donated food and monetary donations. You can also walk around the track to raise awareness for the poor and hungry. Refreshments will be provided for free to those who donate, walk or   volunteer. Bring the whole family, as there will be activities for kids as well. All food and monetary donations will go   directly to the Catholic Social Services Food Market. If you have questions, contact Mike Hosek: 402-570-9294 or if you would like to donate online, please visit:  bit.ly/walk5426-13576




Knock and the door will be opened to you.

Discover the amazing plan God has for you and your marriage on the next

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Experience

September 23-25

Ramada Inn, Kearney NE

With questions contact:

Brenda & Gary Granger: 303-604-6202

or visit www.wwme.org.

Space is limited; reserve your spot early!



  1. The next Unbound Retreat is August weekend 26-28 at Waverly.  Please consider inviting someone and share the retreat info and registration with any who may be interested: https://goodcounselretreat.org/product/unbound-freedom-in-christ-fall-2022/
  2. We're looking to schedule a Basic Ministry Training.  If you have been to an unbound retreat or conference or have received Unbound prayer, and you are interested in going deeper in the 5-keys or possibly becoming an intercessor of prayer leader, please indicate your preferred starting date here: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/dRgnlpKe or reply to this email with questions. The Basic Training involves a 10-week video series and costs $20, starting the week of either Aug. 10 or 14 going to the first or second week of October.  Possible days are Wednesdays, Thursdays, or Sundays at 6:30pm.
  3. Unbound is holding a nationwide prayer meeting at 6pm (CST) Thursday July 14, the zoom invitation is below.

Spirit Catholic Radio invites you to hear  Catholic Answers Senior Apologist, Tim Staples, speak on “The Eucharist in the Fathers of the Church” at Pius X High School (Gymnasium) on Thursday, July 28, at 7pm. Tim Staples will take you through some of the key heresies of the Patristic period that would ultimately serve to clarify the truth of the Eucharist as well as give the Church a foundation for the great Eucharistic disputes of the Middle Ages. And all of this led to the  remarkable clarity we have today in     Expressing the truth concerning this   august sacrament that truly is “the source and summit of the Christian life” (CCC 1324). Tickets are $5, or bring your friends and reserve 5 tickets for $20. Tickets can be purchased at


World Youth Day 2023

The dates for the next World Youth Day in Portugal have been announced, and our diocesan trip is ready to start taking registrations!  Our trip will be from July 24 through August 9, 2023, and includes a side trip to Fatima.  For more information or to register, please visit


Hunger does not take a summer vacation!  Please consider helping Catholic Social Services Food Market and Meal Services stock their food pantry. To see the list of most needed items or to make a monetary donation, visit csshope.org. Thank you for helping CSS feed the hungry this summer!

Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreats

The schedule of retreats for Fall 2022 has been released and is available on the Retreat center’s website HERE.

Remember that for St. Teresa parishioners, Men’s Club or Altar Society will pay for half of a standard retreat per year!