October 2: Message From Fr. Hottovy

Dear Parishioners,

Thanks for taking the time to review the information included in this e-mail. Please let us know if you have questions.

May God bless you and keep you!



Join in prayer for an end to Abortion. The Life Chain is Sun, Oct 4th at 2:30pm and is a peaceful, prayerful witness to life. Our parish will line O Street from 33rd-36th.

The Bishop’s Appeal for Vocations has begun! Our parish’s goal is $23,770. Please give generously to support our diocesan seminarians and especially our own four men: Liam O’Shea-Creal, Tony Schukei, Jonah Brox, and Paul Mach. Please see the mailing for details.

Fresh Thyme SCRIP

Fresh Thyme in Lincoln will be closing October 16th. We have just refilled our SCRIP for the store and need to sell and use it so that we don’t lose money. If you shop Fresh Thyme, be sure to purchase $25 or $100 SCRIP cards when you’re stocking up on groceries!

Altar Society

There will NOT be an Altar Society meeting in October.

RCIA Classes have begun and it’s not too late to join! Everyone is welcome to attend—non-Catholics who want to learn more or are interested in converting, and Catholics who seek to expand their knowledge of the Faith. Meetings are Thursdays from 7:30-9pm in the Marian Room. Call the parish office to register. It is important that we have your information so that we may contact you if there are any changes in the schedule. Note: our RCIA program is in need of teachers and a coordinator. Please contact the parish office to volunteer.

Welcome by Baptism: Nadine Valerie Guenther, daughter of David and Amanda. Congratulations!

Please pray for the repose of the soul of for the repose of the soul of Henrietta “Henny” Davis, wife of Jerome and long-time parishioner.

Welcome Newcomers: Gene & Jeanne Schinstock and Andrew Hilger

Congratulations to those who have received the long-awaited Sacrament of Confirmation!

¨ Emily KATERI Bauman


¨ Margaret BENEDICT Klabenes

¨ Adrian JOHN PAUL II Miranda Herrera

¨ Derek PETER Nagle

¨ Jocelyn RITA Noack

¨ Andres JOSE SANCHEZ DEL RIO Rodriguez

¨ Gisella CECILIA Rutledge

¨ Maura ROSE OF LIMA Timmerman

¨ Jay SEBASTIAN Wesolowski

Penelope REBECCA Willis

¨ Bryn PIUS X Fair


 Join us for the final part of our 2020 Fatima Project in viewing a film of the 100th Anniversary STAGE production of Fatima on October 11th at 7:30pm in the St. Teresa School Parking lot—drive-in style. Please see attachment for details.

 Spiritual Adoption

It’s not too late to join your parish family in the spiritual adoption program. So far 43 families are participating and 68 babies have been adopted. Everything that you need to get started is in a basket on the table in the vestibule.

40 Days for Life began Sept 23rd. St. Teresa Parish’s assigned times are Thursdays 11am to 6pm.  Please sign up on the  board in the back of the church to pray for an hour outside the Planned Parenthood abortion facility. Please join in … and bring a friend!

Eucharistic Adoration: Updates!

Due to the wonderful response to our initial resumption of Adoration, we decided to try it every day for 7 weeks, starting Sun, Oct 4 through Weds, Nov 25. Please consider signing up for one hour a week for 7 weeks. If it goes well, we can look at the next two months. God bless you for giving of your time! The sign-up genius link is in the parish e-mail, or you may contact the Parish Office for help signing up for an hour. The sign-up genius link is HERE.

Seminarian of the Week

Santiago Izquierdo is the son of Ricardo & Melania Izquierdo from Saint Peter Church in Lincoln, Nebraska. He is studying Theology 1 at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia. Please pray for Santiago and his formation!

St. Teresa Thrift Shop

  • The Christmas Boutique will be held October 30th & 31st at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Hours are TBA.
  • Thanks for supporting your parish thrift shop.  Our customers continue to express their appreciation for us being open.  We made $2400 last weekend!  We are in dire need of weekend help.  We have 5 weekends as well as the Christmas boutique to staff in October.  Grab a friend, your spouse, or older child and volunteer with us next month!  We are also happy to pair you up with someone. A sign-up genius link will be sent next week to assist in volunteer organization.
  • Hours for business and donations are Fridays 4-8 and Saturdays 9-3
  • Guidelines:
  • Masks must be worn.
  • Children wearing masks are welcome, but please: no infants, toddlers, or strollers.
  • The number of shoppers may be limited.
  • Please donate only during store hours.
  • The Thrift Shop always needs volunteers! For more information, call Karen Restau: 402-309-9769 or Ann Reinke 402-560-4114

October Diaper Drive: Classes at St. Teresa School are competing to bring in the largest number of diapers for Catholic Social Services! Please help support mothers who choose life. Parishioners can drop off diapers at the school to help go toward a certain class’s total, or simply leave them in the back of church during the week of Oct 4th only. (Large diapers count for two because there are fewer diapers in a box.)

Many people wanted to view Mario Herrera’s funeral, which was broadcast on local television, but were unable. If you are interested, please google, “Mario Herrera, funeral, youtube” to find the YouTube video or click HERE.

Parish Office Information

General Office Hours are

Mon-Fri from 9am until 4pm.

Parish Secretary: Aubrey Potter

[email protected]

Financial Secretary: Jeanne Kee

[email protected]


Parish Website


Parish Facebook Page


St. Teresa Elementary

(The parish website connects to the school website, or….)



:: REPEAT PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS (for your convenience) ::


Confession Schedule

Confessions will be heard before daily Masses on Thursdays & Fridays beginning 30 minutes before Mass and stopping 10 minutes before Mass.

Confessions are also heard from 3-4pm on Saturdays and again after the Vigil Mass from 5-5:15 (or until the last confession is heard).

CCD: K–8th

  • Sign-up forms are located at exits. Please leave forms and fees in the parish office dropbox, Attn: Terry.
  • Meet in the church at 4:15 on Sept 23rd: Mass then parent meeting. Social distancing & masks required.
  • Volunteers and Teachers are needed.
  • Questions: Call Terry at 402-730-3518

40 Days for Life begins Wednesday, September 23rd,  St. Teresa’s assigned times are Thursdays 11am to 6pm.  Please sign up on the board in the back of the church to pray for an hour outside Planned Parenthood.  Weekly commitments are greatly needed.  Please join in and bring a friend.

In-parish Job Opening: St. Teresa School is seeking an Extended Learning Center director. The position is about 15 hours per week with the program running from 3:15-5:30 p.m. each school day and from 12:30-5:30 on early dismissal days. Must have a degree in education or child/youth development, have 6 credit hours in the area of education, OR have 3000 clock hours of verifiable experience in organized group activities for school-age children. Please contact Sister Mary Ruth if you have questions or are interested ([email protected]; 402-477-3358).

Those who are unable to attend Mass or Confessions in person may contact the parish office to schedule a home-visit from a priest for confession and/or communion.

We will NOT be having a parish picnic this year (normally celebrated around our Titular Feast Day of Oct 1st) again—due to health concerns. We are also NOT planning a parish bazaar for 2020.

Many people wanted to view Mario Herrera’s funeral, which was broadcast on local television, but were unable. If you are interested, please google, “Mario Herrera, funeral, youtube” to find the YouTube video or click HERE.


The Emmaus Institute for Biblical Studies is presenting, "Are You Saved? The Fullness of Salvation in Catholic Teaching", on October 24 from 8:30am-12pm at St Teresa Catholic Church in Lincoln. Cost is $30 and includes refreshments for both body and soul. Registration is required at www.emmausinstitute.net.

 Newman Institute for Catholic Thought and Culture

Join us for our next “Reborn In Wonder” lecture by Patrick Madrid entitled: Is Everything Up for Grabs?: A Critique of Moral Relativism. Wed, Oct 14th at 7pm at the Newman Center recorded to be posted. Visit newmaninstitute.com for more information.


FATHER/SON PROGRAM “In His Image” for boys age 10-14 and their fathers will be held Sunday, October 4th, 2020 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. at John XXIII Diocesan Center and virtually.  This program is designed to educate boys on growing up and becoming a man. Pre-registration is required. Cost is $25 per father/son or $35 per family in person and $10 virtually.  To register, visit https://lincolndiocese.regfox.com/fatherson  Questions, please call the NFP Offices 402-473-0630 or email [email protected]

MOTHER/DAUGHTER PROGRAM “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” for girls age 9-13 and their mothers will be held Saturday, October 3rd, 2020 from 9 a.m. to noon at John XXIII Diocesan Center and virtually.  This program is designed to educate girls on growing up and becoming a woman. Pre-registration is required. Cost is $25 per mother/daughter or $35 per family in person and $10 virtually.  To register, visit https://lincolndiocese.regfox.com/motherdaughter Questions, please call Jen Davis at 402-261-6375 or email [email protected]

Divorced? Come find comfort, counsel, hope and healing consistent with Catholic Church teachings.

The twelve-week video series & facilitator led Surviving Divorce program begins on October 5th,

7-9pm, at John XXIII Diocesan Center, 3700 Sheridan Blvd. A suggested donation of $50 covers the cost of the program and includes the Surviving Divorce personal guide and all materials. Classes are kept small and may be registered for by contacting the Family Life Office at 402-473-0620 or [email protected] Social distancing measures & precautions will be in place.  Attendees are asked to wear a mask for entrance into the building.

Menopause Information Session. Michele Chambers, CFCP, will be speaking about the health, hormonal, and charting implications of menopause on October 26th at 7 pm at the John XXIII Diocesan Center. The event will also be held virtually. Event is free, pre-registration requested at https://lincolndiocese.regfox.com/menopause Questions, please call the NFP Office at 402-473-0630 or email [email protected]

Men’s Conference: October 17 from 9 am – 3 pm at St. Peter Church in Lincoln. Men on Fire: Take Back What Belongs To You. Online participation option now available! Register online at www.jpiihealingcenter.org

Scholarships available - contact Annette Wemhoff at [email protected] for more information. This event is sponsored by Spirit Catholic Radio 102.7 FM.
